The Longest Distance

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I laid back on my bed and watched all of the Instagram posts on my feed. Most of them were animators who didn't most often because they're too busy for a small app, others where just things I wanted to follow because I'm like that. As I was scrolling I saw a notification at the top of the screen.

"New message from 💖My Demon💖"

It was him! Whenever I get a message or call from Adam I'm always excited, mainly because we never get to see each other. We live in two different parts for the world and it would take a fortune for us to get to each other, so we've been doing long distance date nights for two years now. We were both a little nervous at first but, we clicked well no matter where we were. It was as if we were meant to be.

Adam: Hey cutie~

Me: Hey dork master

Adam: What? No "hey handsome" or "hello my strong demon prince"?

Me: Hey Ads~

Adam: Close enough.
Anyway I need you give me
ur address. I'm gonna be shipping
something extra special for your birthday.

Me: Aww. You don't know to get me
anything. I'm fine with just a video
call with you.

Adam: You say that all the time
but I want this year to be special.
Please let me do this for you!

I debate on letting him do this for me, but I knew that he wasn't gonna let this go unless I agree to giving him my info. I sighed and just gave in. He's too cute to say not to, plus I wanted to see what he had in store. It's sweet he's thinking of me.


Adam's POV

I grabbed my suitcases full of clothes, work supplies, my guitar, and any other travel needs. I would be gone for two months. My plan is to fulfill Y/N's dream of coming to America. I have a plane ticket to come here and another one to come home. James would be watching over the dogs and the house for the time being.

It was a lot of saving but it was worth it. We've been together for two years and I'm tried of wishing she was in my arms at night. I want Y/N close to me as much as possible. The plane ride would be 14 hours and I wouldn't be able to get service to talk to her but it would all be worth it when I'm next to her.

"You really love her don't you? Traveling so far just to meet her is a big deal," James teased.

"Well yeah," I chuckled. "She's the kindest girl I've ever met. Not just that...she's beautiful and lovely...I just have to meet her in person!" I said excitedly.

"Well...I wish you good luck on your quest Adam. See you in two months Adam," James said as he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back as my taxi had just arrived. I go.


Back to Y/N

I haven't received a text from Adam in a while now. We don't text much but we do tend to say good morning and goodnight during the day. Maybe he just forgot or got busy with work? I hope that's it. I couldn't imagine if something bad happen to him, I'd be heartbroken. Even the idea is giving me a lump in my throat that won't come out.

I decided to start my day without him. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, stared at my messy hair but just didn't give a shit, an prepared some eggs for breakfast. As I got my eggs out, I heard a knock at the door, Adam's gift? I walked over to the door and opened it expecting a package...but I got something more.

"Hey Y/N," said a tired, messy haired boyfriend.

I gasped and covered my mouth as my eyes felt watery. I slowly reached for his hand to see if this was a dream or reality. I felt his strong hand brush against mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him close as I snuggled my face into his shoulder, letting out a few small sobs.

"Y-you're here...? You're really hear with me?" I asked, still unsure if I was awake or not.

"Yup...two whole months, just for you. I love you Y/N."

I looked up at him as I felt his fingers brush my messy hair away. I smile as I lean closer. "Oh get in here you dork~" I grab his sweater collar and pull him into a loving kiss. I felt Adam perk up but he slowly squeezed my waist a little as he pressed his lips against mine. It was our first kiss, the kiss we've been dreaming about since we started to fall for the other. It's all worth it dreams have finally coming true.

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