Just Like Me

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(Y/N's POV)

I woke up early in the morning feeling like a reck. Which is to be expected now because of what's been going on in my life. My dad walked out on us a few months ago around Christmas time of all times. That was fun. I haven't gotten a good night's sleep ever since. My younger brother is still waiting for him to come back ( a bit of me is waiting for him too).

I took a shower, brushed my teeth, out on my (favorite color) sweather and walked to school. I hate that place. I don't really have any friends there no matter how hard I tried. Most likely because I'm an outcast. I'm part demon, so that means I have a tail, horns, and fangs. No one wants to be friends with me of all people.

I walk to my locker and took out any books I would need for the few periods. I felt someone grab me from the back. Derick, one of the biggest bullies in the school and one of the highest jack asses on Earth.

"What do you want dude? I'm tired enough today."

"I need a few extra dollars demon, and I think you have them. So save yourself the black eye and give it to me."

I did have a 20 dollar bill in my pocket but that was to buy me food for the week. My mom rarely gives me another one if I lose it. "I don't have any money." I told him. He stuck his hand into my pocket and held me with the other one. He pulled out the 20 dollar bill. "Wrong answer demon girl. Now, your going down." he said forming a fist with his hand. I closed my eyes preparing for my fate as I heard a voice. "Let her go Derick!" he said.

"This is none of your business pipsqueak! Now go the hell away. This kid needs a punishment." I felt myself being raised from the ground. I opened my eyes to see a boy. He seems to be a sophomore like me, about two years younger though. He was wearing a red sweater and his hazelnut eyes glared at Derick. But the most noticeable part was that he was a demon, like me.

"I said, let her go!" he said again and bit Derick's arm. I fell to the ground and looked up at him as he yelled. "Fine, you aren't getting your money back. I'll deal with you demons later." he said and stormed off.

"Hey, you alright?" he asked holding out his hand. He helped me up and dusted me off.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok." I said a shyly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Adam." he said proudly.

"Y/N, I didn't know there was another demon in this school." I said observing him.

"Me neither, I'm just glad I could help you before Derick killed you. Sorry about the money though."

"It's ok, I can go without lunch for a week."

"No, that's not right. You could sit with me and my other friends at lunch. I'll pay for you." he offered.

"Really? Wow, thanks Adam!" I said as the bell rang.

"Well gotta get to class. See you at lunch or maybe in a class." he said waving at me. I waved back and walked to my first class.


As he promised, Adam bought me my lunch as we sat at a table. "Y/N, this is Jaiden, Tim, and James." he said. I wasn't really used to meeting new people so I waved a little. They all broke into conversation as I sat and listened.

"So Y/N, what are you interested in?" James asked. "I like drawing a little and music, oh and I love playing video games!"

"Well your gonna fit right in because we love all that stuff too! You play Pokemon?" Jaiden asked.

"Which one? I have a ton of the games." I said.

"Can we please keep her?" Jaiden asked.

We all talked about our interest for a little longer and went back to classes. I've never felt wanted so much in my life. They all really liked me and cared about me. Something that I never really felt before. I'm so happy I met them.

Adam walked me home from school. "Glad we could just talk the two of us today. How do you feel around the others?"

"There amazing! I never really had friends at the school before. The last time I had friends was in 6th grade. They all kinda became mean and turned on me because....I was different." I said as my tail slowly went down.

"Oh, yeah I get it. Being a demon isn't easy. I didn't have many friends before ethier. Everyone looking at you weird."

"Calling you names."

"Making fun of you."

"Running away."

"It just feels like,"

"Nobody wants you." we both said at the same time. Adam looked at me and grinned. I smiled and shyly looked away. "I'm glad I found you, someone to talk to about demon stuff." Adam said. "I'm glad too." I replied as we walked the rest of the way to my house.

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