A Small Date

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It's been a while since Adam saw Y/N. Ever since that night, Adam stopped visiting her. He didn't answer any of her calls and never looked at texts from her, too scared at what she would say. Jaiden and James tried to get him to talk to her again but it never worked. One day, late in the morning, Adam got a call from Jaiden.

"Hey Adam! James and I are going to hang out with Y/N."

"Wait, when did you guys hang out with her?"

"Well, she was pretty lonely since you never hang out with her anymore so, James and I started to get to know her better. You know, it wasn't really cool of you to ignore her like that. She really misses you Adam. Do you know how hurt she was when you stopped talking to her?"

Adam started to realize what he had been doing. He was pushing her away again. Why does he always push people away? He loved her! "You know what, I will come over. It sounds like fun."


"Hey guys!" Y/N said welcoming her friends to her house. Once James and Jaiden walked in she saw Adam who stood nervously infront of her. "Adam?"

"Hey, Y/N...Nice to see you again." he said. She pulled Adam into a hug, a little overwhelmed by her friend's appearance. Adam hugged back enjoying being in her presents.

"Aww! They look so happy together." Jaiden whispered to James.

"Maybe we should try to push Adam in the right direction." James suggested.

"Didn't know you were a match maker James."

"There's a lot you don't know about me."

As they all sat on the couch they all started a conversation. James was telling a story as Y/N started to set up a game. "Ok so what are the teams?" she asked. Everyone looked at each other. "James and I vs. you and Adam." Jaiden suggested. Everyone agreed and they started a game of Smash Bros.

James went as Bowser, Jaiden went as Kirby, Adam went as Mario, and Y/N went as ( Favorite Smash Character ). Adam and Y/N won most of the time. "Wow you guys are a really great team." James complimented as the two looked at each other and blushed.

"How about a more calm game? Like UNO or something." Adam suggested.

"Uno isn't calm Adam, it's where all friendships go to die!" Jaiden said.

"How about we play Truth or Dare?"

"Really James, that game is fo-"

"Adam, truth or dare!" James said not letting Y/N finish.

"Ugh, Truth.."

"Is it truth you have a crush?" James said. Adam's face heated up as he looked at everyone else. "I change my mind dare."

"I dare you to kiss your crush!"

"Saw that coming." Y/N and Adam said at the same time. The two one again looked at each other and looked away.

"Come on James that's not funny. I'm sure we can find a good game here. Let's play Mario Maker 2." Jaiden said as all attention went back to the game.

After an hour, Y/N tried to get Adam's attention. "Hey Adam, can we talk?" she asked. The two went into the kitchen where Y/N confronted him.

"Adam I-"

"I know I'm sorry about them, there really weird today."

"Yeah and I think we both know why."

"Look I didn't wanna come here because I didn't wanna talk about the other night."

"Well let's talk about the other night! You told them didn't you?" Y/N asked.

"Yes, they knew before your did. I'm sorry about that. I'm sorry for everything. I just word vomited without thinking. Then, I was too scared to say anything so I ignored you completely. I pushed you away and I'm so sorry Y/N."

"Adam, what you said that night, was it true? Do you love me?"

Adam was silent for a bit and than spoke. "Of course I love you. I love everything about you! Y/N, you mean so much to me, you don't even know. Your so beautiful, kind and sweet."

"I love you too, Adam." Y/N said pulling Adam into a hug and kissing his cheek. "Wanna go to the café again? We could get muffins or whatever. Kinda like a small date." She nodded as the two set out.

"Should we leave?" Jaiden asked.

"Yeah, we can hang out at my house. We can play with Floof and watch Netflix." James said as the two walked out as well.


As the two walked out of the café, Y/N started to enjoy her muffin while Adam was drinking his chocy milk. "Man, this place is the best." Y/N said finishing her muffin. Adam nodded in agreement.

A cold wind blew past them as Y/N started to shiver. Adam was quick to notice the small weather change and gave Y/N his sweater. "Adam, you don't have to I'm fine." Y/N said. "I know, but your cold and your gonna get sick if you don't put it on. I'll be ok, I'm kinda hot anyway." Y/N put on Adam's sweather as the two quickly made it back to Y/N's place.

"Looks like Jaiden and James went home. You wanna hang here for a while?" Y/N asked.

"Sure. Hey, you still looking for an editing job?" Adam asked. Y/N nodded. "You could edit for me if you want."

"Really? Oh my gosh, that would be great! Thanks Adam!" Y/N said. She than noticed she was still wearing Adam's sweather. "Oh uh, I should probably give this back."

"Nah it's fine, it looks better on you anyway." Adam said his face tinted with blush. Y/N looked down and blushed at the compliment. Adam picked up her chin and leaned close to her. Y/N leaned too as they kissed.

"You....uh wanna watch a movie?" Adam asked.

Y/N nodded, too shy to say anything.

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