Frenemies Pt 2 - (Male Reader)

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I opened up my locker on another new school day. As I was getting my books, my locker slammed shut again by my so called 'friend' Adam.

"Look, I know you like James." he said. My face warmed up by him just saying his name. "I'm here to tell you that it's a bad idea to ask him out. James isn't into guys. James is straight."

"Why should I believe you? You're just a huge jerk who picks on me for no reason! You're not my friend. You could just be playing a prank on me!" I yelled.

"Y/N I'm not joking around."

"Sure Adam, I'm going to confess to James today and you can't stop me." I finished grabbed my book and slammed my own locker. I wasn't falling for his bullshit again.


During recess I walked up to James outside I'm the yard. Adam was no where in sight. This was my chance! "Hey James, can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure dude, what is it?"

I shyly look at him and blush. "I was thinking that maybe we could catch a movie sometime. We've been friends for a few years now and I wanted to know if you'd like to go out with me?" I said proudly.

"Oh? Oh...." James said. I felt my heart sink a little. He didn't look happy at all. "Look, Y/N you're great and stuff but, I don't like you that way. I'm straight. Sorry..."

I was too ashamed to look at him in the eye. "Y-yeah. It's alright. I'm just gonna go." I ran off into the building holding back tears. I ran sat near my locker and started to cry. "Stupid, why would he like you anyway? I'm short, weak, a nerd. No one will ever like me." I thought.

I heard footsteps coming close to me. I looked up and saw Adam sit next to me. "He said no, didn't he?" Adam asked.

"Go ahead, say that you told me so. Tell me how stupid I am for thinking anyone would go on a date with me."

"Do you really think I hate you that much?"

"Well yeah! You never say anything thing nice to me. You call me short, a nerd, stupid, and a bunch of other stuff. You always pick on me and play mean pranks on me."

Adam seemed actually upset. He looked down for a little probably thinking of something to say. "You're right, and I'm sorry. I never really know how to act around new people. When James introduced me to you, I didn't know how to act. I was used to how a bunch of friends from my neighborhood treated me. I guess was too hard on you. I'll work on that. Just know that I don't hate you. You're way smarter than I am, you're super cute, and some guy other there is gonna love to be with you." Adam said.

I looked at Adam with awe. Did he really mean that? "Wow, thanks Adam." I chirped.

"Haha yeah. You know you're not the only guy to like James." he told me. I hummed and gave him a confused look. "I had a crush on James a while back. You better not tell anyone or else I'll kill you." he said. I laughed at his treat but I know he could best me up if he wanted to. "It's alright though, I like someone else now."

"Who is he?"

"Cute guy in our grade. You might know him." he winked. "I should ask him out soon."

"Oh. Well I hope he says yes. You're pretty cool when you're not treating me." I joked. He chuckled, "Yeah me too." He formed a fist and tried to lunch my shoulder. I pulled away out of fear. Suddenly, I felt his arm wrap around me. I looked up at Adam, who I swear was blushing. I smiled and leaned on his shoulder.

"A-anyway, you wanna get something to eat after school? Like a burger or something?" he asked. "Maybe some ice cream or a movie?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"W-well I....." Adam shyly started to pull away.

"Sure, we can go out." I said. The bell rang as students started to rush into the school. We both got up and looked at each other. "Saturday afternoon at 3?"

"Can't wait!"

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