Surgery Shorts

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( So I couldn't come up with one single story so I made a few short stories. Hope you enjoy.)


I was working on one of my own videos after a long day of work. I felt kinda tired as of late. I've been a little stressed out because of Adam's upcoming jaw surgery. I know he needs it, badly, it's just been a little worrying. I'm kinda sad to see him go. I do enjoy his company on a daily basis. I'm gonna miss him a lot.

"Hey Y/N." he said walking into the room.

"Hey Adam." I said trying to fake a smile. I couldn't let him know how scared I was. I wanted to be brave for him.

He awkwardly smiled and sat next to me. He leaned close to me and placed his lips on my own. The kiss only lasted about five seconds as he quickly moved back and groaned in pain. "Sorry..." he said looking upset. I nodded and kissed his cheek. "It's ok, it's not your fault."

"But it'll all be over soon. I'll be in the hospital for like a month or so and I'll be good as new! No more pain, no more embarrassment." he said happily. I tried to smile but I just felt sadder knowing he would be gone for so long.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, I'm just....r-really gonna miss you..." I said as heat rose up to my face.

"I know, I'm a very likeable person." he joked. "But in all seriousness, I'll miss you too. Promise you'll come and visit me at the hospital?" he asked. I nodded and we hugged each other. It was bittersweet to spend one last night in his arms.


I finally got a call that I could visit Adam! Excitedly, I drove over to the hospital and walked to his room. I took a peak and saw his swelling cheeks. He looked so dopy, more than usual anyway. I knocked on his door and smiled. "Hey Adam..."

His face suddenly lit up as he saw me. He waved as I walked in and sat next to him. I noticed him grab a pen and paper to try and talk to me. He wrote a simple "hello" and showed it to me.

"So how ya feeling Adam?"

"Like shit." he wrote which caused me to laugh. "The nurses are nice and all but my face hurts every second and they never bring me my chocy milk. "

"Well maybe you're not supposed to have chocolate milk. But at least it's nice getting waited on hand and foot. Plus, you don't have to move much."

"Yeah I guess. But this place is missing something."

"A few video games?"

"No you." he wrote, "I miss you, Y/N :("

I sighed and smiled. "I miss you too. It's so quiet at home. Every second of the day is boring without you yelling something. The nights are really lonely and nobody is there to talk to me."

"I'll be home soon. Stay strong like I know you always are. I love you Strawberry.<3" Even though his cheeks were swollen, I could still see the blush on Adam's face. "I love you too Adam." I replied kissing his forehead.

We spent a while longer but than I was told to leave because visiting hours were over. It was sad to say goodbye but he would be home soon.


Finally, Adam was coming home! Y/N was super excited to see him again. She's been visiting him as much as she could but it never felt the same. She drove to the hospital and picked up Adam.

Once Adam got in he looked really tired and upset. When he first saw Y/N and hugged her his arms felt weak. The car ride was really quiet and he had a huge disappointed look on his face. "Hey, Adam are you ok?" she asked. He just looked up at her and just looked back down. "I can't eat food for the next 2 months." he mumbled.

Y/N stopped the car at a red light. "Really?!" she asked. Adam nodded. One look at Adam and you could tell that he was devastated. He just looked so done with life at that point. Adam was always strong for Y/N, so it was time for her to be strong for him. Y/N leaned over and pulled him into a hug. "I know it hurts right now but we'll get through this together." she said. Adam hugged back tighter this time, almost clinging onto her. They stayed that way until the we're being honked at by other cars.


One day Y/N was once again, working on a video. Adam suddenly walked into the room. "Hey Adam, what's-" she was cut off by Adam passionately kissing her. She excepted happily and looked at Adam speechlessly.

"Been waiting a while for that. I'm finally aloud to start eating food again! I'm feeling so much better now! I can smile, I can eat, I can say words, I can kiss you, everything feels amazing!" he said with a smile on his face. "And I couldn't have done it without your love and support."

Y/N smiled and hugged him. "You've always been there for me so it was only fair. Plus, I didn't do that much. You - my good sir - did amazing on your own. I'm so proud of you." she said brushing his hair slightly.

"So to celebrate, I'm taking us out on a date!"

"Really, where are we going?"

"Well I'm only aloud to eat pasta so Olive Garden." Adam said. Y/N laughed as he got up. "And make sure to wear something fancy tonight. It's our first date in months."

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