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(So these next few chapters take place about 5 years after highschool. You're still close friends with Adam, James, Tim, and Jaiden. You all started YouTube at this point.)

Adam's POV

"Come on Adam, you gotta stop stalling." James told me.

I sighed. For years James' knew about my crush on Y/N. Everytime we collab on a video with her, I can't help but stare. Heck, it didn't even have to be a video. I just like having her around. I would of had her move in with me but I moved out way too late for my age and where I did move was not fit for two people. Wasn't even fit for one. Luckily she got a place but I wish I was with me.

James and Tim were practically begging me to ask her out already. To be honest, I don't know why I haven't. Back then she kissed me twice on the cheek, she likes to snuggle into my sweater, she holds my hand, and my tail. Maybe I just missed my chances. Maybe she moved on by now.

"Oh come on Adam, she's not seeing anyone. We're animators, we stay inside all day and draw pictures." Tim added.

"It's not about if she's seeing anyone. It's about if she's wants to go. I might of missed my chance to ask her. I don't even know what I wanna do with a girl like her."

"Maybe you should make another video with her? Yeah! Play Mario Maker or something." James suggested.

"Yeah, and when you're finished you can ask her out." Tim replied.

"Ugh fine. I'll call her up and ask if she want to make a video in a week or so. But no distractions from ethier of you!" I said. The two agreed as I called up Y/N to schedule a video.


A week later, I heard a knock at my door. She was here an hour early. I quickly rushed downstairs, pulled my shirt on and answered the door. "Who is it?" I hummed. "It's me, Adam."

"That's weird, last time I checked I was Adam."

"No it's me!"

"I don't know any me's." I said while unlocking the door. We both started laughing as we hugged. "Heya, Cinnamon Roll." I called her.

"Is that a new nickname or are you just hungry?"

"Can't it be both?"

We both sat on the couch as I had Mario Maker ready for playing. I had the camera set up, mics were on, and Thurnis was laying on the couch. Everything was per- wait a second. "Thurnis! Down!" I said. He got off the couch and looked up at me. "Dogs aren't supposed to be on couches." He barked in response. "I know that's a compelling argument but I have a friend over so I need to behave!"

Y/N laughed in the background at me trying to calm down Thurnis. "You guys are adorable." she said "No he's adorable. I'm the strong one." I said. She blushed and looked away from me. I did the same. "Does she really think I'm adorable?" I thought. I shook off the idea and started the video.

"Hey guys, it's me SomethingElseYT and I'm here with Y/N from (YouTube Channel Name)." "Hello!" Y/N chirped. "And I'm also here with my dog Thurnis." He barked as soon as I said his name. "And we're gonna be playing Mario Maker!"

The video went along smoothly. Well, as smoothly as two noobs playing Mario Maker goes. We kept screaming and getting super stressed as we got closer to the end of the level. Thurnis left because we probably scared him off. (My poor puppy :'( ) I was also easily distracted by Y/N just being next to me. She leaned on me a lot which made me freeze up sometimes. She didn't get mad though. We had a lot of fun and it was a great afternoon.

"Guess we should go get Thurnis. Sorry for scaring him off with my stupid screaming."

"It's alright I was screaming too. Actually, I wanted to ask you something." I started. She looked into my eyes which made me a lot more nervous than I thought I was. "Y/N, do you wanna go-"

Suddenly my phone started ringing. We both jumped in fear. "It's James?" I said in confusion. "Well I should probably take this." I got up and answered the phone.

"Hey Adam, so I know your probably really scared about asking Y/N out so I'm here to help you out." James said proudly.

"Jameson, what day is it today?"

"Uh Friday why?"

"James...today is Saturday. As in, I was going to ask Y/N out and you interrupted me!" I said almost yelling at him. I took a deep breath band tried to calm down.

"I'm really sorry dude! I forgot and messed up the dates and-"

"It's alright James. It happens to the best of us. But, I think it would be best if I just asked her out when I'm ready."

"When will that be Adam?"

"I don't know." I admitted, "but it's better for everyone."

"Adam, I just want you to be happy. You liked her for so long and I'm worried that you're still hung up on Cheerio. She's not gonna leave you like she did." James told me.

"I know. Thank you Jameson but I'll take it from here." I said my goodbyes to James and hung up.

"Hey so, that thing you were gonna ask me?" Y/N asked as she pet Thurnis.

"I'll tell you in a week or two. It's not important right now."

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