Coming Out (Male Reader)

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Adam's POV

"Why am I like this?" I asked myself out loud. No matter what I tried I couldn't stop thinking of him. Y/N, never left my mind. His voice, his smile, his head leaning of my shoulder. It started last night when he was super tired and leaned on my head while watching TV. His little damn snore, it's like a cat purring on my arm. He's so cute! Ugh! Why do I like him this way?!

"Adam, you ok?" James asked. "You've been in the bathroom for a while." He was knocking on the bathroom door. I opened the door and looked at him. "No Jameson I'm not ok."

We walked down to his couch as I sat down and groaned. "James, I can't stop thinking about, um, this guy."

"What do you mean?"

"Well I keep thinking about his smile, his soft hair, his beautiful eyes, his warm breath on my neck. I'm starting to think there's something wrong with me."

"Adam, I think your might like this guy. Do you think your gay?"

"No! Yes? Maybe. Hell, I don't know."

"Have you ever liked a guy before?" James asked. To be honest I did. I remember a while back I used to have a crush on James. It didn't go anywhere though and I never told him. I also like girls too. "Maybe I'm bisexual...I had liked guys in the past."

"Don't worry buddy, I accept you and I'm sure this guy will too. Who is he anyway?"

"I-It's....Y/N." James gasped and smiled at me when I told him that. "Oh my gosh! That's the cutest thing! Adam having a crush on Y/N! I can totally see it, you guys would be super cute together!"

My felt myself get a little warmer as he walked about it. I would love it if he liked me. It would be amazing. I let out a sigh and smiled at the though as James rambled on.


About a month later I was hanging out with a couple of friends before Vidcon. We were singing songs and cracking jokes and just enjoying each other's company. At Disneyland we all were walking around and I looked to see James and Y/N talking. Y/N looked a little embarrassed while talking to James. All I could do is wonder what they were talking about.

"Hey, Adam can you hold something for me?" Y/N asked as he walked up to me.

"Sure." I said holding my hand out. Once I did Y/N held my hand. Most of our friends were ethier saying "Aww!" or "I ship it!". I looked up at Y/N and he was pretty flustered. I looked at James as he winked at me. He must of planned this. My face flushed up and I looked down so no one could see me.

After Disney, we all went to eat out. Maaz was telling us a story but I just started at Y/N. This dude is super hot, I felt Jaiden bump my arm to bring me back to Earth. "Hey Adam, you've been pretty quiet all day and you normally have something to say. Anything new?" she asked. All eyes were on my now, even Y/N's beautiful eyes. I started to panic and looked around. "I...u-um. I like a guy!" I yelled out than covered my mouth.

"Aww that's great Adam!" Jaiden said.

"I had a bit of feeling." Illy added.

"We're really happy for you." Maaz said.

All around I got everyone's joy. It felt great. As we got into James' house I felt Y/N tap my back and pull me to the side. "You know, I should probably say that I like guys too. I'm actually (gay/bi/pan/queer/ whatever sexuality you are)

"Oh really. That's really cool did you tell the others?"

"No, only you know. I've been kinda scared to say. You were really brave though. Hopefully, I'll be as brave as you when I get out." Y/N said. My heart started to melt as he told me that. He held my hand and held it firmly.

"You're really cute." I mumbled.

"You're cuter." Y/N told me.

I slid my arms around Y/N neck and he out his hands around my waist. "So who's that guy you like?" he asked. "Well he has h/c, his eyes are e/c, he loves the color f/c, and he's the most handsome guy I know." I said. He leaned over to me and gave me a soft kiss and squeezed my waist. I leaned closer to him tightened my grasp. We pulled away and I looked down, a little nervous to look him in the eyes and he lifted my chin. "You wanna come over to my place? My hotel is already payed and it's private over there."

"We have the same hotel Adam, just different rooms." he told me. We both laughed as we walked away from the house while holding my hand.

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