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Adam and Y/N were finishing up on a round of Mario Kart. Adam was in the lead while Y/N was right behind him. It was the last round and they were coming close to the end. The two were neck and neck. Adam dropped his last banana peel to no avail. Y/N however, has a shiny blue shell that she dropped right behind Adam.

"Yes! I win!" Y/N cheered. She got up and wagged her tail in celebration. "You only won because you had a blue shell. I would of totally beat you otherwise." Adam said.

"I would rematch you but it's getting late. I'm gonna go." Y/N got up and walked to the door. Once she opened the door she was hit with a freezing cold breeze. She quickly shut the door and looked back at Adam.

"You sure you should drive home? It doesn't look safe." Adam said.

"It'll be fine Adam. Unlike you, I'm a good driver."

"Very funny...But it looks really bad out there. You shouldn't be comfortable sending yourself out there." Adam said. Y/N raised an eyebrow. Adam sighed, "I'm not comfortable sending you out there. I don't want you to crash or get hurt."

"Aww, you care about me." Y/N teased. Adam rolled his eyes at her. "Of course I do. Why don't you stay here? You can sleep in my bed and I'll stay down here." Adam suggested.

"You sure, you can't sleep well on a couch. Maybe you should just take you're bed."

"I'll be fine and you're my guest. I can sleep anytime."

"Look, were both fully grown adults. You like me, I like you. Let's just share the bed tonight."

"Sounds good. Let's do it."


Y/N was already in bed. She was on her phone listening to music. She felt the bed vibrate a little and she jumped. "Relax it's just me." Adam assured her. Y/N breathed and tried to relax but she still felt her nerves crawling up her back.

"You ok, you're looking a little pale?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, it's just...this is my first time sleeping with someone." Y/N said shyly.

"It is? Aww! Don't worry, it'll all be ok Cinnamon Roll!" Adam cooed.

"Thanks. Goodnight Adam."

"Goodnight Y/N." Adam turned off the lamp and lied down. Y/N put her phone down and closed her eyes.

Her eyes popped right open and anxiety filled her mind. She couldn't sleep. Adam wasn't having a great time ethier. His mind was racing as he looked over at Y/N. He felt his tail brush against Y/N's. Y/N flinched and sat up. "What was that?" she asked in fear. "Just my tail, sorry!" Adam replied.

"It's ok. I just can't sleep. I'm really nervous." Y/N nervously giggled. Adam turned his lamp back on and looked over at her. "It's ok, I can always leave you alone if you want." Adam said about to get up.

"No! I don't want you to leave. Let's try something else. Let's just talk until we get tired. Tell me a story or something." Y/N suggested.

"Ok. I was gonna make this into a video but I got robbed by this old lady while I was sick. It's a crazy awesome story so get comfy." Y/N laid her head on Adam's chest as he began to tell the story. After a while they both began sharing stories with each other for about an hour.

Y/N yawned and snuggled close to Adam. There legs intertwined and there tails wrapped around each other. "Thanks for the stories Adam, I think I'm ready for bed now." Adam ran his fingers through her hair. "Alright, goodnight you Cinnamon Roll."

Y/N closed her eyes and fell asleep. Adam kissed her forehead and pulled her closed.

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