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It was a stormy, rainy night. The wind hit beside my window as I looked outside. Adam was over (again) and we were just about wrapping up for the night. "Uh, I don't think you should go outside Adam. It's pretty bad out there." I said noticing the tree branches flying in the wind.

"Don't worry Y/N, can't be that bad." he said while looking outside.

"I just don't think it's a good idea. I want you to be safe. Just stay with me tonight ok?" I asked him. We both took one last look outside as the wind and rain only got worse. Adam nodded and got cozy in the couch.

"Good. I'm gonna get you some warm blankets and pillows for tonight. You stay here and not sneak into my room ok?"

"Alright, be safe." he said while relaxing on my couch.

Once I got back it was 9:42 at night. I gave Adam blankets and pillows for the night. "We should head to bed it's getting late." I said.

"But I wanna watch TV." Adam whined.

"Adam! Lights out you overgrown child!" I yelled while walking upstairs.

"Your not my mom!" Adam yelled at me. I came back downstairs and gave him a death glare. He fearfully laid down and tucked himself in. "Goodnight." he said. I went upstairs, turned off my light, and fell asleep in bed.

Voices. All I could here were voices. They were male voices. Before I knew it I was small, like 8 or something. there was a present in front of me. "I'll always be there for you. Your my girl." The voices got louder. "Make a wish, open it up!" I heard being yelled so loud my ears were ringing. When I opened it I heard a loud gun shot. Silence, beautiful, peaceful silence. Not for long as the room suddenly filled with loud, horrifying screams of sadness. All the voices were crying. Crying, screaming! Why are they screaming? Silence them! There not quiet! They get louder! Bells, loud bells! Falling! Failing into the loud screaming. Only darkness and bells. Why doesn't the screaming ever stop? Please stop! Please!

I woke up in a cold sweat as I screamed. What the hell was that? Suddenly, someone kicked down my door and yelled. It was Adam with a frying pan in his hand. "Adam what the hell are you doing?!"

"Well I heard you screaming it scared the crap out of me. So I fell off the couch nearly pissing myself, grabbed a weapon and came up here to save you." he said. I had to admit it was really sweet how Adam wanted to protect me.

"Sorry, it was just a nightmare. I'm not in danger." Adam sighed in relief and out down the frying pan. "Good, I though a good looking guy came up and tried to attack you, than again I am the only good looking guy you know." Adam said. I didn't wanna tell Adam but he was pretty handsome with his messy hair.

"Well I'll just let you get some sleep." he said about to walk out.

"Wait! Adam!" he stopped and looked at me. "C-Can you stay and sleep w-ith me?" I asked.

"Wait you want me to sleep in bed with you? For real?" Adam chuckled. "You need protection from the monster under your bed?"

I felt my heart sink a bit as I though about it. "Your right, I don't need you. Sorry, you can go back downstairs." I told him. Adam silently walked downstairs as I got back in bed and closed my eyes. To be honest, I was scared and wanted someone close by.

I heard footsteps get closer to me as I felt someone get in bed with me. It was Adam. I turned over to him as he got in. "Adam I-" he put his finger over my lips. "I'm sorry about making fun of you, but I will always protect you." he said.

My face got really warm as my heart started to swore. I put my head on Adam's chest and cuddled close to him. I felt Adam play with him hair and kiss my forehead as I slowly fell asleep. I love him so much.

In the morning, I woke up right where I was last night. Adam was actually really cozy. I smiled and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Thanks for protecting me, you are the best looking guy I've ever met and the kindest." I said while cuddling with him a little longer because damn did it feel good.

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