Stand Up Devil

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It was a cool night out and I was spending it with some close friends. All of us were heading to a comedy club nearby my house, to support our friend Adam. It's always been his dream to preform on a stage and this was his first night, it was bud big night.

We sat in front of the crowd in the first table. I sit nervously, praying that everything goes well for him on his first night. He was always a little nervous in front of crowds, especially big ones. It's why he didn't talk too much at Vidcon stages. A bit of stage fright you could say. Honestly it's surprising since he loves to talk to people, but I get where he's coming from. Even I get a little spooked talking in front of so many people.

Illy seemed to of noticed my fear and tapped my shoulder, "You wanna go backstage to check on him?" I nodded because I was way too  antsy. Adam had given all of us backstage passes so we could see him after the show. It wasn't too bad if I came back stage to check on him.

I started to search backstage for him until eventually stumble across a room with his name on it. I knock on the door gently to see if he was there. He cracked the door open to peak but then threw it open once he saw my face. "Y/N! You made it!" Adam squealed, hugging me tightly. A light blush covered my cheeks as I leaned into his warm embrace.

He held the door open for me to walk in as I admired his room. He a clean dressing table that had his notebook and some combs and brushes. Right behind him was an empty closet  with some boxes in it. Then in the middle it was him, on a chair patting the chair next to him for me to sit down.

"Isn't this amazing? The room, the mirror, the set up!? It really is all just one big dream coming true. My big dream coming true!" he said.

I stared up at him admiring his joy. He never looked so happy before. It was like a kid getting a toy on Christmas Day. His cute grin that covered his entire face and his eyes that sparkled in the lights. I couldn't help but feel my heart race as I admired him. It felt amazing to watch all of his hard work start to come true.

"That's great Adam! Were all so excited to see you preform, but it's still your opening night, you nervous?" he asked.

"What? Nah, don't worry Y/N, I'm not scared at all." Adam said. Even though he's trying to hide what's he feels, I could easily tell he was nervous from the now weak smile on his face and the way his eyes darted around.

I slide my hand into his and look up at him, "Adam please."

He sighed and took my hand in his. The conversation died for a minute as time itself began to slow. Finally after a few minutes, he gave my hand a gentle squeeze to get my attention. I hummed in confusion as I have Adam my attention.

"I'm only a little nervous, but I'm scared when I get out there I'll freeze up. Then... I'll fail and I don't want to do that, especially in front of you," he said sadly.

"Well, take a deep breath. Yeah there's gonna be a couple of people out there and that's scary but, we'll all be there to support you. It'll be like your talking to us. Just keep your eyes on us and you'll get through it. We know you'll do amazing, I know you'll do amazing."

Adam's usual happy grin returned as he gave me a warm hug, "Thanks Y/N." I leaned into his warm touch, hugging him back happily.


Back at our table, we all waited for Adam's turn. It's been an hour but we were all still hopeful for his performance. Finally, I saw a red sweater and messy hair and I knew who I was expecting. Adam stood in front of the audience and we all cheered him on. His nerves seemed to of melted away because he started off as if no one was watching.

It was a story of when he was younger and how many things he got away with. The audience was chuckling and laughing at each joke he told. I gave him a small thumbs up from our table. He winked at me as he kept telling the story. Once this time was up, the crowd was roaring, on their feet screaming his name. He looked amazed, as his eyes sparkled in the stage light. I blew Adam kiss and he held it to his heart, both of us blushing madly as we stared at each other.

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