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Adam's POV

Senior year of high school, the ride is almost over. This was the last year I'll have to step into the building. Honestly, I couldn't be more excited. None of those assholes talk to me anymore, any good friends have stopped talking to me, or lost connection with me, possibly on purpose.

I don't blame them, I was an dick. A huge one. I treated people at school like trash because I wanted to fit in. I got into so much trouble just because I was a jerk in high school. So when people pass by me in the halls, I get glares, whispers, and insults. And I take it all in, because I did this to myself. I'm done talking to people at school, I'm done making friends, I'm alone. I'll be the loner kid that the freshmen as about, I'll be the one who sits alone at lunch staring at the "food". I'll be the forgotten kid in the background that you'll never notice because they bled in to the color of the walls.

I spent the last month acting this way and I was right, forgotten. As I sat at the lunch table eating my peanut butter and jelly sandwich I noticed a girl walk towards me, and man she was beautiful. Long (h/c) hair, sparkling (e/c) eyes, a smile that made my heart skip a beat, and a voice that was so warm and welcoming I leaned forward as heat creeped on to my cheeks.

"H-hi can I sit here?" she asked.

"Oh yeah, sure. It's not like I'm waiting for anyone." I mumble.

She sits in front of me as we sit in awkward silence. I take a few seconds to glance at her face then look away so that she wouldn't notice the peak. After five minutes of doing this, she speaks, "So, what's your name?"



"Nice name."

"Thanks, I'll thank my Mom for you."

I let out a small chuckle, she giggled along with me. The conversation continues with small talk.

"So what do you do Adam?"

"Nothing much. Just hang around by myself. Draw in my notebooks and stuff."

"Oh cool, I'm taking music lessons."

I perk up at the mention of the word, "Music?"

"Yeah, I love music! I play piano, flute, and ukulele."

"Woah that's great! I play guitar and drums, but in really interested in getting some more!"

And the conversation went on like that. We discussed our favorite instruments and bands as he cracked up jokes. I loved it when I made Y/N laugh, she has the most adorable giggle. We laughed until the bell rang, letting us know that our next classes were about to start.

"I gotta get going," Y/N said sadly, "Maybe I'll see ya around Adam."

"Hopefully. Till then Y/N."

As soon as she left I told myself many thing, that I would never see her again, that I would never notice her in the halls, that we would never be more than two people who met. I promised I wouldn't get attached.

But on Friday of that week, I was proven wrong. As I was walking out of school, this girl was in front of me. As she turned around, it was easy to recognize it was her. "Hey Adam! Happy Friday!" she said.

As I felt myself fall for her, I remembered what I promised myself. "Hey! I'm sorry I can't talk. I have to get home as soon as possible. Family emergency! See ya!" I ran off as fast as I could as I heard a faint goodbye, I never turned back to wave. Once I was around the corner, I took a breathe and went home. That's how it's been for the last few weeks. Everyday a new excuse or lie I tell her. "My dad needs help cooking at home. My brother is sick. My mom broke her arm. (That one got me out for two weeks.)

As I was making my way to the front door I saw her again. Y/N walked over to me and smiled. I quickly tried to pull together an excuse. "Sorry Y/N, can't stay, my sister is receiving a reward."

"Wow really? What is it for?", she asked.

"For of the class."

"What class?," she asked raising her eyebrow.

" mom has been teaching her these past two weeks."

"How could she teach her if her arm is broken?"

Shit! I tried to put together some let minute answer until she snapped at me. "I knew it! I knew you were just trying to get away from me! You never even liked me did you Adam?" I tried to combat her accusations but she was too fast for me to even process. "Wow, I thought I had a real friend but, I guess not. I just have another fake friend like everyone else in this dumb school." Y/N said, storming out of the school.

I left out a long sigh as I looked down. Maybe this is for the best, so I don't bother her. But at the same time, can't help but feel bad. She was so nice to me, so patient, yet I pushed her away. She thinks I never liked her but I did, always did. Now she's probably somewhere alone, being angry and crying her eyes out. I haven't changed much since last hear haven't I?

I started my walk home, letting thoughts of regret run through my head. As I walked by a park, I saw Y/N on a swing by herself. She looked pretty upset as she just sat there by herself. I told myself I wouldn't get attached but...I can't help it. I've only spent one afternoon with her and I got attached.

I walked over to the swings and sat next to the one as was in. She huffed and turned away. I looked down and let out a sigh, as I hoped he would still listen to me.

"I'm sorry about lying to you like that Y/N. You've been nothing but nice to me but, I've been a jackass. The truth is, I never really wanted to make friends because these last three years I've been friends with some fucking shitty people. I thought if I stopped talking to people I wouldn't get involved, that I wouldn't hurt anybody ...that nobody would hurt me."

We sat in silence again, until I felt a hand slide around mine. I turned over to her and looked into her dazzling eyes, feeling my heart skip a beat. "I get it Adam, I haven't hung out with nicest people either. I've spent the last three years with people who only pretended to like me," Y/N explained. I nodded as a sign to show I was paying attention.

"But, just because you had a bad experience with some people doesn't mean it's okay to just give up on new ones. You never know who the best person will be, you just gotta try. The best person I met was you and...well...your kinda cute so...worked out well," she mumbled.

I watched as her cheeks became a soft pink as my own started to feel a little warm. I let go of one of them ropes holding the swing to hold her hand. "Never thought of it that way, thanks." She nodded as we watched the clouds go by.

"How about I make it up to you? I'll buy us some ice cream, how does that sound?" I asked.

"Sounds great Adam."

And I said I wouldn't get attached. As I licked my ice cream cone, holding Y/N hand with my free one I smirked.

I'm attached.

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