Broken Bones

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Adam's POV

I was sitting at my desk drawing. It was a long day of work, as usual. As I was working, I heard my phone ring. It was Jameson. I picked up the phone to the answer of a worried James. "Hey Jameson, what's up?"

"Adam I'm driving to your house to pick you up!"

"What why? What's wrong James?"

"Y/N broke her ankle at Jaiden's house. She's at the hospital right now." My heart dropped for a second. Time stood still. It was as if I wasn't alive for a second. "I'll be ready in 5. Be here by then." I quickly got up, ended the call, and changed my clothes.


Once James and I got to the hospital, we waited for the doctor to let us in. Jaiden sat with us in the waiting room. My mind was rasing. I couldn't sit still. My leg was bouncing as I shook in fear.

"Adam, calm down. She only broke her ankle, she wasn't in a car crash. She'll be fine just chill dude." Jaiden said.

"I know. I just...I'm really worried about her." I admitted.

"We all are but she's gonna be ok bud." James said holding on shoulder.

I tried to smile for them but it ended up being forced. Jaiden and James both pulled me into a group hug. It did make me feel a little better. I'm glad they're my friends.

"You guys are Y/N's friends right? You can see Y/N now." the nurses said.

I quickly jumped up excitedly. We all walked into her room. I saw Y/N sitting on a bed. "Adam!" she cheered, her face lighting up as I saw her. "Y/N you're ok!" I cheered. I hugged her tightly.

"I was so worried about you! What happened? Why didn't you call or text me? Are you gonna be alright? Do you need anything?" I was constantly rambling and asking questions.

"First, I fell the stairs. Second, I'm sorry I didn't say anything, Jaiden had my phone. Third, I'll be fine. Forth, I'm probably gonna need some help getting around my house but after that nothing much." she explained

"Sorry about Adam. He was pretty freaked out when he found out you were here." James explained. I lightly punch his arm and roll my eyes.

Another nurse came in and handed YN some crutches. He had smooth dark hair and was definitely starring at her. "Alright, that's all you need. Want any help walking out?"

"It's ok. We got it from here." I said butting in the conversation.

"I mean by a professional." he said.



Wasn't enjoying the awkward tension between Adam and Bryon the nurse. They were glaring at each other. "Actually Adam, I think Nurse Bryon would be the best to help walk me out."

Adam growled at the nurse and stepped back. I felt Bryon wrap his arm around me and helped me walk out. I heard Adam mutter something under his breath. "Is he jealous?"

I signed out and walked outside the hospital. "Thanks for the help Nurse Bryon." I chirped. James and Jaiden both said goodbye and walked to the car. Adam just huffed and looked away.

James and Jaiden sat in the front of the car as Adam and I sat in the back. For the first few minutes if the car ride it was quiet and awkward. Adam was looking out the car window angrily. "Hey Adam, you good?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Adam asked. He was forcing a smile which wasn't working on me.

"You're obviously jealous of that nurse."

"What? Pfft- Why would I be jealous of him? Do you guys think-"


"Of course."

James and Jaiden answered from the front. Adam sunk in his seat and flicked his tail. I held his hand and leaned on him. "Well, you have nothing to worry about. He's just a nurse. I hardly know him." He gently squeezed my hand. He seemed to find some kind of comfort in my words.

James dropped us off at my house. Adam and I opened my door and entered my house. "Ugh, all I want to do is lie down." I groaned. I looked at the clock and saw it was getting pretty late. Might as well head to bed.

"Need some help up the stairs?" Adam asked me. I nodded as I looked up the now daunting staircase. Suddenly, I was raised up in the air. Adam was carrying in his arms upstairs. I looked up at Adam embarrassedly, as he carried me upstairs to my room.

"T-thanks. You didn't need to carry me like I was your bride or something though."

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it, Cinnamon Roll." Adam winked. I rolled my eyes and looked down. Just because I enjoyed it doesn't mean it was right.

"So you need help with anything else? Like, getting in the bathtub or changing clothes?"

"What the fu- What the hell?"

"You didn't answer my question."

"No you weirdo. I can manage without you helping me for every little thing." I said. I grabbed my stuff and hopped over to the bathroom, leaving Adam behind. At least that's what I thought.

"Not even a little help?" Adam asked, following me out of my bedroom and into the hall.

"I'll kick your ass if you ask me again~" I sang.

"I just wanna be helpful."

"I know, and thank you. It's very sweet of you." I softly peck his cheek. In the corner of my eye I see Adam hold his cheek. I giggle as I enter the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

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