A Stroll Through the Park

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Warning - This chapter is graphic. Blood and violence :')

Him and I
I and him
Stroll through the park
It's beautiful enchanting
On this night we embark
With him I'll walk forever
For being with him was so fun
Especially when I shocked him
when I pulled out my gun

"Give me your wallet"
I said and he was mute
"Give me your wallet," I repeated.
"Or else I will shoot"
Adam panicked and gave me his things
And then I began to swing
my mallet
Into his jaw.

I kicked him in the nuts
And took his phone.
I used it to call myself
A taxi ride home.
Heart broken he whispered why
And before he started to cry I said
"You have a goofy looking nose.
And you're fucking ugly."

The truth was
I really did think we was cute
But my life's goal was money
My soul and only pursuit
I dragged him into a bush
Then shot him 47 times in the chest
My American rights are the best.

(...Happy New Year? -Unipie)

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