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Adam was scrolling through his phone, bored out of his mind. He didn't really have anything to work on yet and he was feeling kinda lonely in his house. He opened his messages and tried to get Y/N's attention.

Adam : Hey Cinnamon Roll!

15 minutes passed and he didn't get a response.

Adam : How's your day bby?

Another 15 minutes pass.

Adam : Wanna hang out?

Yet another 15 minutes pass. At this point, Adam was a little worried about Y/N. He decided to give her a call. He expected to hear her voice but it just went to voicemail. Adam got up and went to his car. "How about a surprise visit?" he thought. The male demon didn't want to admit that he was worried about her but deep down, he knew he was.

Once Adam reached Y/N's house he knocked on the door. Still, no response. "What if she's with another person? Is she cheating? No, Y/N isn't like....her. She's better than that. Did I upset her? Did I do something wrong? Was bby too much?" Thoughts raced through Adam's mind as he heard the door lock click.

"What are you doing here Adam?" Y/N asked. Her voice was rough and scratchy and her hair was ruffled. She seemed tired as she stared at Adam.

"Oh hey! I just came to check on you. Make sure your not working too hard or anything."

"Oh, well I've been in bed most of the day. Not really doing much. Come in." she said. She grabbed Adam's hand with her cod dry ones and walked him to the couch. "Can I get you anything?"

"No I'm good. I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today or anything?"

"Sure, just give me a sec." she said. Y/N walled upstairs leaving Adam on the couch.

His eyes began to wonder around as he observed Y/N's home. It had a aerie atmosphere which was much difference to the warm and welcoming one he was used to. Adam got off of the couch and walked into the kitchen. Everything looked normal, clean dishes, fresh food and trash can only half filled.

He walked upstairs and looked into her office. His tail brushed against Y/N's drawing tablet. It was cold. Actually, the room that normally was the most messy was clean and untouched. Everything was just collecting dust.

Finally, it was Y/N's room. Adam knew that he wasn't supposed to go around a girl's room without permission, as Y/N told him when they were younger, but he didn't really care. Adam grabbed Y/N phone and looked at it. "What would her pass code be?" he asked himself.

He typed in her birthday.


Typed in his birthday.

Also denied.

Typed in the day they met.

Once again denied.

Typed in the date of there first kiss.


"What do you know? That's mine too..." Adam thought. He felt his cheeks grow warmer as he thought of that day. How soft Y/N's lips were against his. How nice it felt to finally be with the girl he admired for so long. He let out a loving sigh and put her phone down.

He was about to leave until something caught his eye. A little orange pull bottle that was nearby. He picked it up with his tail and read it to himself. "Anti-depressants. What?" Y/N never mentioned to him once that she was depressed. Now he just felt worse for going through her stuff. He put the bottle down, walked downstairs, and called Y/N's best friend : Jaiden.

"Hello?" Jaiden asked.

"Hey Jaiden! It's Adam."

"Oh hi Adam! What's up?"

"Nothing much. I just need to ask a question about Y/N."

"Ooo~ What do you need that for~" she teased.

Adam rolled his eyes. "Look, I'm in her house and I saw anti depressants in her room. Do you know why she has them?"

"Wait. First, tell me why you were in her room? We're you guys working on something or on a 'break'?"

"What the fu- No Jaiden!" Adam snapped in embarrassment. "She's my girlfriend and I'm worried about her."

"Wait what?"

Adam suddenly remembered that for the first few months, Y/N and him never told any of their friends they were in a relationship. "Shit." he mumbled.

"I have so many questions!"

"Jaiden I don't have time for that. You can ask Y/N them later. Why does she have anti depressants?"

"Uh, because she has depression of course. Did she never tell you?"


"Oh... She's really sensitive about it. She only really told me about it. She's been having an episode for two weeks now."

"Poor Y/N... Thanks for telling me. I promise we'll explain the whole relationship to you and the others another time. I wanna make sure she's ok."

"Alright. You know, even though you went through her room without permission, you're a good fit for her Adam. Glad you two are together." Jaiden chirped.

"Thanks Jai. See ya soon." Adam hung up and sat down on the couch and waited for Y/N, soaking up all the information just given to him.


"Sorry, I was just brushing up. Hope I didn't take too long." Y/N said sitting next to Adam.

"It's ok. I just... Can I ask you something?"

"Sure Adam."

"Do you have depression? Is that why you did respond to me? Is that why you were all messed up earlier?" Adam asked.

Y/N sat silently in shock. "H-How did you find out?"

"Don't be mad, but I looked through your room a little. I just wanted to make sure you were ok and I saw the anti depressants. I asked Jaiden about it and she knows that were dating and stuff now too. I know what I didn't was wrong but you looked so upset and I just wanted to know why. Please don't be mad..." Adam admitted.

"I-It's ok. You deserve the truth. I was depressed for a while now. I don't like talking about it too much. I just try and hide it most of the time. I just didn't want to you to see me at my worst. I'm just so disappointed in myself when I'm at my worst. I'm nothing at my worst..."

Adam flicked his tail and used it to push Y/N's chin up. He brushed some hair away from her face to get a good look at her. "You are not nothing Y/N. I appreciate you as a whole, even for your worst. You don't need to hide from me."

Y/N smiled and hugged Adam tightly. "Thanks Adam..." she sighed. Adam pulled her closed and nuzzled her hair. "Anytime Cinnamon Roll."

SomethingElseYT x Reader [One-Shots]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα