Just My Luck

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Adam flew through the air and burst through the school doors. He has overslept this morning and was late for school. That wasn't even the worst of his morning. The demon had fell down the stairs, hot soap in is eyes and nose, spilt hot choccy milk on his pants and flew into a tree.

Adam normally had bad luck but now it's just been really bad lately. He finally made it to class."I'm here!" He said tiredly.

"Late again Mr. Ortiz. That's detention today after school. Now get into your seat. You have a project to do with Y/N."

Adam let out a loud groan. He hated detention. He looked over at the person he was assigned to. It a was a beautiful angel. He felt his heart flutter once he met her eyes. He waved over at her. That was lucky, probably because angels were good luck. Man, she looks really damn pretty so I much be damn lucky.


Adam and Y/N were walking through the streets. Adam has his demon wing around Y/N as they held hands happily. They've been dating for a while and they were pretty happy together.

The thing was, Adam was having another extremely unlucky day. As they were walking a flock of birds flew by. One happened to take a dump on Adam's sweater. "Ugh, gross. This is my favorite sweater!" Adam said. The same bris flew by Y/N. It sat on her shoulders and nuzzled her. "Aww he's cute super soft." Y/N said happily.

As they kept walking Y/N ducked down. Adam however got hit in the face with a ball. "Fuck! My eye!" Adam yelled.

"A 20 dollar bill!" Y/N announced. She then looked at her boyfriend who wave in pain.

"Oh no. Let me buy you an ice pack. Maybe an ice cream too." Y/N offered.

They flew over to an ice cream truck and Y/N payed for an ice pack and two ice creams. The two happily started eating they're ice cream. As they flew around, a stronger gust of wind blew Adam's ice cream off the cone.

"Of course." He mumbled.

"We can still share mind if you want Adam." Y/N said. "Thanks Y/N. I'm just mad. I've always had bad luck for my whole life. Why does it have to be so shit?" Adam said while taking a sad lick of Y/N's ice cream cone. "I wish I was lucky like you."

Y/N felt her heart ache. She hated seeing Adam sad. She's noticed the constant bad luck he's been having ever since they've met. "Maybe...you could have good luck." Adam hummed confusedly. "You see, there's a theory that some angel's feathers hold luck in them. If I pluck a few wings maybe you'll have good luck." Y/N said.

"But you're pretty wings." Adam worries.

"They'll grow back." Y/N said. She plucked out a handful of features and gave them to Adam. He smiles and puts the in his pocket. "Thanks Cinnamon Roll. Hope it works."



I woke up the next day and got out of bed. I looked in the small mirror in my room. My hair was everywhere. This wasn't a problem because the crazy head of hair I had is easily tameable, at least it normally is. I brushed through my hair and it was tangeled as hell. The brush couldn't break through the tough knot. I tried washing my hair over and putting a lot of conditioner but for some reason it just got worse.

As I walked to the kitchen, I looked forward to my french toast and eggs I was going to have. I took out the eggs from the fridge. As I walked to the counter I tripped and fell on my face. The eggs I was carrying were scattered across the floor. It was a mess.

I quickly cleaned up the egg mess and looked for the left over french toast. Turns out, I didn't have any left over and I would have to make some. I didn't have the ingredients for it. I would just have to go outside and get my own. I put on a hat and flew outside to the grocery store. I hope Adam is having a better day than me.


Adam's POV

I woke up feeling better than most days. Actually, I felt relaxed. I got up and walked downstairs. I made myself breakfast, took a shower, and got ready to go outside. I needed to go grocery shopping today.

I flew outside my door and enjoyed the view. The air was warm and fresh and the hot sun perfectly blended with the cool breeze. I landed on the ground and walked through the streets. As I walked I saw a $20 dollar bill. I looked around to see if it belonged to anyone. Since no one claimed it, I kept it. Maybe I could do something nice with it later.

I got to the grocery store and started shopping. They had sales on almost everything I needed. Bananas, bagels, chocolate milk, oat milk, you name it. So far it was a great day. I wondered why my luck was so good.

As I was on the line to check out I stuck my hand in my pocket looking for my wallet. Instead of that I found some feathers, Y/N's feathers. I held them close to my heart as I thought about her. I hope she's having a good day.

As I walked outside the grocery store I saw someone struggling with they're bags of groceries. I looked as if one of the bags broke. "Hey you dropped some stuff." I said handing they're flour and sugar.

"Oh thank- Adam!?" she asked.

It was Y/N. Funny that we ended up seeing each other today. It's just my luck. "Y/N! I've had such a great day! I've never been this lucky in my life! I could never repay you for sharing your luck."

"I'm glad you've been having a good day. I've having a pretty unlucky one. I'm so tired and hungry," she said.

She told me about her day in better detail as I helped her carry her stuff. I feel aweful for her. "How about we got to my house and get you something to eat? I'll make it for you." I offered.

She agreed as we walked by a flower shop. I quicky stopped and walked in. "Stay here for a sec!" I yelled out to her.



I waited for Adam tiredly. What would he need flowers for? I was so tried of this horrible day. I just wanted to go home and lie down. It even looked like it was gonna rain and I did not need rain today.

Finally, Adam walked out with a bouquet of flowers. He then presented it infront of me. "What's this for?" I asked.

"You gave up your feathers to make sure I was lucky for a while. You're suck a good girlfriend. I'm so lucky I have you. So, I'm gonna make sure today is a little easier if you," Adam said. He took one of the roses and places them in my hair.

"Aww Adam!" I said as my face flushed.

Suddenly I felt a raindrop. As I predicted, it started to rain. Adam took off his sweater and gave it to me. "I don't want you getting sick. You've had a hard enough day."

I quickly took his sweater and put it on. We both flew off to Adam house do I could finally get some substance in my stomach! My luck will come back, but until then I'm glad I had Adam with me.

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