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After my birthday party, my mom actually said I could have them over more often. Finally, I could do something I always wanted to do : have a sleepover! I put on my pajamas and set up the living room and my bedroom. I had my TV on to Netflix and snacks were on the table. Tonight was gonna be awesome.

Once everyone got here, they all started talking. I tried to get there attention. "Lady and gentlemen, humans and demon, today we will have the most amazing sleepover in the history of sleepovers!" They all clapped for me as I sat next to Adam and Jaiden.

We started off with a simple scary movie. James seemed to enjoy the scary movie, unlike Tim who was nervous and shaking. Jaiden was also a little spooked I felt Adam wrap his tail around mine. He looked really nervous at the moment. I leaned on his shoulder and strengthen my grip on his tail with my own. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Aww, Adam and Y/N are cuddling." Tim teased.

"Says the guy who's cuddling into James. Adam was just a little scared so I'm trying to comfort him." I said. Tim blushed and looked away.

After that there was a huge jump scare in the movie. We all screamed. Adam and I were clinging on to each other. James was holding both Tim and Jaiden tightly. "Maybe, we should do something else." Tim said.

"Truth or dare, that's a sleepover classic!" Jaiden said.

"Fine. Jaiden, Truth or Dare?" Tim asked.


"Is it true your parents won't let you get a bird till you move out?"

"Yeah, and it's so unfair. I wish I could just get one! Anyway, James."


"Is it true you have a crush on Tim?"

"Jaiden, you know I'm straight." Tim said. "Ugh, no I don't like Tim that way. He's a really good friend though." James said and the two shared a high five.

"Adam, truth or dare?"


"Do you like anyone, anyone that isn't an asshole?"

"First of all, I know Cheerio is a terrible person. I'm kinda upset she stopped coming to school though."

"Maybe she's just mad at herself for what she gave up." I said, nudging Adam's arm. He smiled and looked away from me with a red face. "That or she's dead "

"S-second of all, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know if you like someone?" Tim asked.

"I mean I have someone in mind. It's a girl and she's really beautiful and smart and funny and sweet and-" Everyone just starred at Adam in silence. "N-nevermind." I wonder who he was talking about.

"Y/N, Truth or dare?" James' asked.


"I dare you to take off that necklace Adam gave you. You've been wearing it ever since you go it."

"No way! I love this thing!"

"Will you admit you have a crush on someone?"

"No- Just give me a new dare!"

"Fine go get me some popcorn. Jaiden and I can set up the game cube for some Pokemon." James said.

I got up and went to pop some popcorn. When getting a bowl I accidentally dropped a glass bowl and it shattered. I tried to pick it up but I just ended cutting my arm. It was a deep cut and blood fell on to the broken glass and the floor. My mom came into the room and started yelling. "Ugh! Look what you did! You're so clumsy! Why can't you do anything with? All you demons do is cause trouble! There's nothing good about you! You're such a disappoinment! You're just like your father, maybe you should of left with him too. Now pick this up right now!" she said and threw some of the glass at me.

When she walked off I started crying. "Y/N?" I heard someone ask. Adam ran over to me and bent down. "Oh jeez you're bleeding and she almost hit you with that glass!"

"No, it's my fault. If I wasn't so stupid I wouldn't be bleeding. I would be safe."

"Y/N, you're not your father. You aren't a disappoinment. You are not stupid. Your mom is just a huge bitch who needs to back the hell off. Now come on, I'll ask the others to help clean this up and I'll take care of you."

Adam grabbed a First Aid Kit. He cleaned my cut and wrapped a bandage around my arm. "You know I have a little brother at home too. His name is Caleb. He gets cuts all the time so I always help him out. I also get my own cuts. One time, I tried to do a kick flip on my skateboard. I fell flat on my face. I looked like a pancake." I started to laugh at his story.

"Thanks Adam. I wish my mom was as caring as you are." I said with tears in my eyes. Adam dried my tears and smiled. "Anytime Y/N." he said and kissed my arm. I blushed and looked away. Adam leaned over to me. I leaned in too. We closed our eyes as I held his hand.

"Hey sis!" Tyler said. I quickly pushed Adam away and looked over at him. "Can you tuck me in, pwease?" he asked. "O-Ok I'll be there in a second." I told him.

"Sorry about that."

"It's ok, older sibling duty calls." Adam said. "If you don't want him to see your bandage you can wear my sweater."

"Thanks Adam." I put on his sweater and went to Tyler's room. "Hey buddy, it's bed time!"

"Y/N, what were you doing with Adam?" he asked. I blushed and tried to think of something and decided to come clean. "You have to keep a secret Tee. It's like, how Batman has to keep a secret identity." I explained. He looked excited to hear what I had to say. "I like Adam, really like Adam ."

"Like how Mom likes Dad."


"Eww! That's gross!" he said. I laughed and smiled. "You'll understand one day. You see we were about to, kiss before you came in."

"Good thing I showed up." To be honest, I really wished he didn't but I didn't want to tell him that. "But you said he's not your boyfriend."

"He's not, but I hope one day he is." I said. I kissed Tyler's forhead. "Now it's time for you to go to sleep."



"I hope he's your boyfriend one day too. When you were in your room at your birthday party, he played with me. He's super fun. He makes me happy and I want you happy too." Tyler said. I smiled and giggled. "Goodnight little bro." "Goodnight big sis."


Finally, it was time for bed. Jaiden, Tim, and James were all sleeping. It was just me and Adam. "The sleepover was great Y/N."

"I know. Also, Tyler told me that he really likes you. You made him really happy the other day. Thanks for that." I said. I pecked Adam's cheek and hid my flushed up face in his sweater. Adam blushed and looked at me. "N-no problem..."

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