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"You're gonna love it here! It's super fun, had lots of room, and it has the bar next to it." Adam said as he drive us to a rollerskating rink. Personally, I've never tried it before but Adam seemed really excited so I just went along with him. When we walked in I saw a few people already skating around. It wasn't too full but it wasn't to empty either. We rented out skates and went into the rink.

Adam slid in first, already having fun. "Come on Y/N!" he yelled out to me. I joined in bit almost fell because of the unexpected acceleration of the wheels. I quickly grabbed onto the railing and held onto it for dear life.

"You alright over there?" Adam asked.

"Yeah, never better. Just a little trouble getting started." I told him.

Adam observed me for a second. "No wonder you're having trouble. Your skates aren't on right." he told me. He helped me into the side and fixed up my skates.

"Still holding onto the railing, I tried to move around a bit. I used the railing to pull myself up and around the rink, almost like a rope. As I was doing so, I heard a few snickers. It was a few moms with their kids. Also, looking around I could see some people staring at me with confused expressions. Out of embarrassment I let go of the railing and fall on my ass

The people around me started laughing or whispering about me. I sighed and tried to skate away without falling again. It was like everyone in the room was judging me. I could hear them laughing at every corner.

"Does she even know how to skate?"

"Kids younger than you can skate but you can't even do that. Pathetic!"

"Why is she still even here? She's not good enough to be here."

I started hyperventilating and soon it was a full on panic attack. I fell again but someone caught me : It was Adam. "Hey, Y/N. I know we're dating and stuff but you don't need to fall for me." he laughed. I looked up at him as I felt small tears in the corner of my eyes. His normal humorous face turned into a more concerned expression as he skated up off to the side.

"What's wrong?" he asked me as I tried to calm down.

"I don't know. I kinda had a panic attack. I fell and everyone was looking at me and making fun of me..I'm just not good at this like you are." I confessed.

"Well, we can just go if you aren't happy." he said.

"But, this is you're favorite place."

"Yeah, but it's not fair you're upset. I won't be happy if you're miserable. I can come here anytime with another friend. We don't have to do everything together."

"But-" Adam put a finger to my lip. "My favorite place is with you Y/n. So we can both have fun."

He was trying to be nice and give up something for me but deep down I knew he loved it here. It was really sweet of him. "Adam, I wanna try again. Maybe you could teach me?" I asked. He smiled and nodded.

As we got back in the rink I was quick to hold onto Adam's torso. "Don't worry, I got you." he said as he held me close. We began simple and started skating fast. Adam was right : This was fun!

An hour later we left laughing about the fun we had. "You picked it up really fast, you're a great student." Adam told me. "Well you're a great teacher." I completed back.

Adam started at me when we got into the car. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. You're just really cute when you smile." Adam said messing around with my hair. I shyly looked away from him and buckle up. "So what do you wanna do Strawberry?"

"I'm not a strawberry."

"You're face says otherwise. You're still blushing."

"Whatever. I don't care what we do as long as it's relaxing."

"Alright then."

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