I Support You (Trans Reader)

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( If you don't know, I'm trans. I'm bigender. My pronouns are he/her. So living here in American is scary for me. Especially since I'm in a minority.
What's also worse is that as of late a law is being passed to make accepting transgender children child abuse. Meaning, if you're a parent and you accept you trans child (who is under 18) and let them transition, your child is going to be taken away from you. That's a horrible and disgusting law. So...I'm making this. If your trans...you are loved, you are valid, and you deserve a happy and healthy life just as much as the next person. You are loved.)

Y/n's POV

My boyfriend Adam and I were preparing for an afternoon walk. We were planning to head to the park, play with our pups, then head to a diner to get some lunch. It was the perfect date. I picked out the outfit that made me feel the most comfortable.

I haven't told Adam yet but, I'm trans. I know I should of said that before we started dating but I wasn't sure at the time what I really was. Still I should of said something to him about that. Ever since then I've kinda just let me misgender me all the time. I would wear whatever was usual for my gender to wear, say whatever was expected, and I didn't correct or say anything. The reason? I didn't want Adam to break up with me because I was trans. Plus it's not too unbearable. At least he doesn't use my dead name.

Even though I was okay with how things were now I had to tell him at some point. I couldn't keep hiding myself from my boyfriend. I kept telling myself that Adam deserved the truth, no matter how scary that might of been.

I picked up my keys and wallet and walked into my car and began to drive. I drove all the way to the park and walked out of my car, feeling the hot sun shine down on my skin and felt a soft breeze in the hair. I found Adam sitting on a bench while playing with Thurnis and Chunkers.

"Hey Adumb" I said.

At first Adam didn't recognize me. As cute as it was to watch him try and figure out who he was talking to I was tired and I really wanted to talk to him about how I felt.

"You know you're boy/girlfriend/ partner. The one who you always meet up with.

"Holy crap that's you? Y/N you look fantastic! I love the new look! It look so...breathtaking!" Adam said happily.

"Thanks Adam! Actually this look is part of something I wanted to say to you."

Adam gave me his full attention, not saying a word. I felt the pressure building up in my chest as looked up at him. I took a deep breath as I stared into his beautiful sparkling eyes.

"A-Adam I'm...I'm trans." I said to him,
"I'm a (gender) and my pronouns are (pronouns). I know I should of told you earlier but I was still trying to find out who I as back then and I didn't know. But I'm telling you now because you're very important to me and I care about you a lot. I understand if you're mad and you don't wanna date anymore."

I looked down as I felt my nerves kicking in. Why did I say that? Why'd I tell him now? He's definitely gonna want to break up with me. I'm going to lose my only boyfriend. I feel so stupid.

I felt a warm hand slide under my chin which pulled me out of my self pity, then I fell into the arms of my boyfriend as he smiled comfortably.

"Y/N I love you. You're my sunshine and you mean the world to me. Honestly I wish you told me sooner so I could help more. I would of supported you from the beginning. I'm sorry I misgendered you all those times and I'm extra sorry you thought I would love you after you came out to me. You being trans doesn't give me a reason me a reason love you less, it's only another reason for me to love you more. I'm proud of you for telling me and I'm proud of you for living the life that makes you feel happy."

I felt tears in the corners of my eyes as I he held me close. I smiled brightly as he cupped my cheek, drying my tears away. "Thanks...you stupid dork. I don't know how I was able to find such an accepting, cute guy like you."

"Well I don't know how I was able to found an adorable (gender) like you."

I giggled as I leaned in to kiss him closeting the space between our faces. Adam wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on to his lap. I slid my hands around his neck pulling him deeper into the kiss as I slipped my tongue in. Our tongues wrapped around each other's as we made out for a couple of minutes. After that I pushed him away and smirked, "We can finish that when we stop by your place. Until then...we still owe Thurnis and Chunkers a walk."

"Guess your right. I can wait though." Adam chuckled. I got off his lap as he picked up the leashes. He took my hand in his as we walked through the park. I feel like the luckiest person in the whole world just because he's right next to me.

( Please protect trans kids. We focus a lot about LGB but sometimes we forget the T. Everyone deserves they're rights. Please support trans artists, writers, animators, workers, whatever! Be an ally :)
Thank you. Have a good idea.)

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