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Adam's POV

As you can probably imagine, being a popular YouTuber and all it can be hard to find that special someone. There's tons of fans watching you online, people who wanna use you for fame and money, and a bunch of other stuff that I may not even know. It's scary to open my heart up to someone I'm not even sure likes me back. But today I'm willing to do so.

I slide on a black jacket with a red long sleeved shirt under it, I then slid my pants on and took a look in the mirror. I looked down at my phone and scrolled through my gallery until I found a picture of the most beautiful girl in the world showed up.

Y/N, one of my best friends in the world and my longest crush. It took me a while to realize that I had feelings for her. I always felt the butterflies in my stomach and my heat in my face but I never really noticed my feelings for her till a couple of months ago once we hung out for the first time in ages. The way she smiles at me, her giggle, her sparkling eyes. That night just made me feel a wave of happy emotions that only meant one thing: love. A week ago, I worked up the nerve to ask her out to dinner as more than just a friend. She seemed into it being a date and agreed.

I've know Y/N for years now but the one thing I never told her was that I'm a YouTuber. I just lost so many friends through everything that's been going on in my life and I don't wanna lose her, especially now that I'm in love with her. Plus, she wasn't always asking to hang out. She was a busy women like I'm a busy man but we always made time to fit each other in our lives. There was never really I time where I had to tell her. I just told her once I worked on the computer and she just assumed it was some office job. I mean, technically yes but my house in my cubical.

I quickly finished brushing my hair and got in my car to drive to Y/N's house. I felt a little nervous as I arrived but I never let fear stop me. I took a deep breath and knocked on her door. Once I saw her, I could help but feel my breath leaving my lungs. She had wearing the most beautiful white blouse and (f/c) skirt with a beautiful hairdo.

"Hey Adam...!" She said to me.

"You're so beautiful," I accidentally blurted out. I bit my lip once I realized what I said. I notice her smile grow and her cheeks becomes dusted with pink. I took her hand and lead her to my car.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we were strayed at our table and looking at the menu. While we waited for our orders we just began to chat.

"So how's work and stuff been?" I asked.

"God it's been so tiring. My co-workers never do their jobs right so it always leaves me to pick up after them and fix whatever they did. It's so stressful. Anyways work is no fun to talk about. What about you? Anything new?"

"Well...I did move over here."

"Just to get closer to me huh?" she teased.

I felt my entire face feel warm as I chuckled nervously. I began to stutter and not make any sense which made her laugh. She's just so contagious how could I not laugh along with her. So far our date is turning out well.

We continued to talk while we ate, having a lovely time until I heard a voice from nearby. It was younger than Y/N's and wasn't far from our table. I looked around and saw a teenage girl wearing my "Common Sense" sweater along with her friends. I quickly turned around in panic. This can NOT be happening here and now!

"Uh Adam, is something wrong?" Y/N asked. She put her fork down and stared into my eyes.

"No! Why would you say that?"

Before she could respond, the girl's voice got louder. Filling the entire restaurant. "SomethingElseYT!! I'm a huge fan! I love your videos! Can I get a picture with you outside!?"

I slid into my seat a bit as I felt complete and total embarrassment. She's not gonna stop until she gets a picture with me. Now on one hand, I don't wanna leave the most amazing girl in the world alone with no explanation as to why. But on the other hand, I made a promise to all my fans that I would drop whatever it is to make sure their fan experience was the best ever.

"Adam, why is that girl calling your name?" My crush that once respected me asked.

"Excuse me Y/N...", I got up from my table and went over to say hi to the fan. She and her friends were really nice and even apologized for interrupting my conversation with Y/N. I told them not to worry about it and took a picture with the young girl and left.

Once I got back to my table, Y/N has ordered us dessert. We both were silent for a couple of minutes, just playing with our food. Finally she said something to me after our final meal,
"Why didn't you tell me you're a YouTuber? Why did you lie?"

"Y/N, I didn't lie I just-"

"Was this all a joke to you? Are you just playing with my feelings Adam?! Is this a game to you?"

"Of course not it's just-"

"Going off to entertain young girls? Leaving me here alone on a date? Are you trying to tell me something?"


"I wanna go home Adam."

Just then and there I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. It was over. I lost my chance with my most amazing women... I could only blame myself. Maybe I just should of told her from the get go. I sighed and paid for our dinner as she got up and waited in the car.


The drive home was just as quiet as the restaurant. Y/N was looking out the window with a very disappointed face and I was facing the road. As much as I knew I should just take her home, something deep inside told me no. That I had to stay with her. That I couldn't give up on my feelings for this beautiful women.

I pulled up towards a quiet park and got out of the car. She got out after me, soon realizing she wasn't home. "Adam I swear to God-"

"Please just let me explain." I pleaded.

She kept quiet and just nodded.

"I'm sorry I lied about my real job and I'm sorry I left you out at that table alone. The truth is, I'm a youtube animator and musician by the name of SomethingElseYT. I'm kinda popular in my own way. The reason I didn't wanna tell you is that being famous is hard. People use me for shout outs and views, constant manipulation, so much attention, people breaking down my neck. I just, really cared about what I do and my fans are very important. I promise to give every fan the best experience possible and I just wanted to keep that promise. And well...I was just worried that the smartest, most talented, gorgeous and incredible girl wouldn't like me if I told her the truth. You have every right to be mad. I'll still take you home if you want that."

I looked down as I poured my heart out for her. I closed my eyes as I hear footsteps coming close to me. So she's gonna punch me then...maybe a slap. Luckily, it wasn't ether. Y/N came close and pecked my cheek softly. My entire face felt warm and my heart began to flutter as my eyes popped open. I looked down at her with a surprised and shy smile.

"You're really sweet you know that...? I'm still upset that you left but, I understand why you did it. Keeping a promise like that? You're a great guy Adam."

I held her close and brushed her hair to the side, "Well I'm not leaving anytime soon so...may I have this dance?" I held my hand out for her and she took her hand in mine.

I placed my phone down and played some romantic music. We then held hands and began to dance together. Y/N has some moves! She could dance really fast but also really slow. The slow part was my favorite. She she wrapped her arms around my neck I felt like my heart skipped a beat. All the butterflies didn't have room in my stomach so they blew around my body up to my throat.

I rested my forehead on her's as I stared into her starlight like eyes, glimmering in the night. Her face was a little pink as her smile caused me to giggle. She giggled along with me as she leaned closer to my face. I leaned closer too.
Slowly she leaned in as we shared our first kiss. Her lips were soft and tasted like cherries. Everything felt so right in that moment, like all the stars aligned. Finally, I found the girl of my dreams.

Once we pulled away, I noticed her face was a dark crimson red. I probably mimicked the color.

"W-wanna ride ho-home?" I asked.

She just nodded shyly.

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