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Adam was in his room playing his guitar working on a new song while Y/N was editing. It was mostly quiet around the house as of late. Both of them have been working a lot right now. No visits from friends, no special events, just long days of work with small cuddles as they went to bed. It's been a year since Adam and Y/N started going out and Adam wanted to do something special.

"Y/N. We've been working a lot lately and I was wondering if maybe we could hang out tonight." Adam asked.

"I don't know..." Y/N pondered. "We have been pretty sperated lately and we do deserve a break. Sure, we can spend time together." she said. Adam excitedly went downstairs to plan the night.

Later that day, Y/N was watching TV while Adam waited. "We're not staying inside tonight. We do that all the time." Adam said.

"Well where are we going?" Y/N asked turning off the TV. "You'll see, now get in the car." Adam said walking outside. Y/N followed behind him as they got in the car.

They arrived at an empty space near the park. It was peaceful and quiet. "This is really nice. What are we doing here through?" Y/N asked. Suddenly, she heard some music come on. She turned around and saw Adam extended his hand. "May I have this dance?" Y/N giggled and looked up at Adam shyly. "But I don't know how." "That's alright, neither do I. So let's learn together." Adam said. Y/N shyly took his hand as the two started to dance.

They had a few mistakes but it turned out to be fun for the both of them. Y/N leaned into Adam's chest as he wrapped his arms his arms around her waist and she wrapped her's around his neck. "You know you're eyes sparkle in the moon light." Adam said. Y/N blushed lightly and looked away. "No they don't..."

After some silence Y/N spoke again. "This was really nice Adam, I forgot you could take something seriously."

"What?" Adam cried, "I can totally take stuff seriously. I take our relationship to heart. Being your's is very important to me." The two started to laugh as they say down on a near by bench.

Adam pulled out his guitar and started to play a small song.

"The twinkle in you're eyes
Like stars in the sky

You're laugh's beyond compare.
As it fills up the air

Whenever we're apart
You're always gonna be in my heart.

Whenever you're next to me
It makes me feel so free.

No matter what we do.
It's so much better when I'm with you.

You're better than any art.
That I can draw because you're in my heart.

Y/N there's nothing better than being with you!
I know it sounds cheesy but it's just true.

You're talented, beautiful, and smart.
Nothing could tear us apart because you're always in my heart."

(Don't try looking that up. I made that myself. Sorry if it's cringy....)

Y/N was completely flushed at this point. The smile on her face said it all. "I love you.." Adam word vomited. It didn't sound like one but Y/N could tell because as soon as he said it he but his lip and looked embarrassed.

After a while year, the two never really exchanged an I love you. Y/N said it for a video and Adam word vomited it at her door step but they never said I love you to each other. The only time they really did was when they confessed to each other but after that they never said it again. It was just implied at that point. Did Y/N really love Adam? After all that time they spent together was she really feeling that way about him?

"I-I love you too, Adam." she said as she leaned over to Adam. Yes, she knew that she loved him with all her heart. No word vomit, no cameras, no first time confessions. They both knew they loved each other with their whole hearts. Adam leaned over to her too.

Adam lightly brushed his lips against Y/N's but then passionately kissed her. She wasn't really expecting it from Adam but she melted into his loving embrace. The two pulled away for air and looked at each other. Adam leaned over again and did the same thing.

When they go home they we're practically making out. Y/N pushed away. "Alright, let's stop before this turns into something else." she said. Adam agreed as he sat normally on the couch.

"Can't believe it's been a year..." Adam said looking back. "Feels like mostly work."

"I mean that's what it's like being an animator and editor in a relationship. This year was really great Adam. I didn't expect you to say you loved me again tonight..."

"I should say it more often."


"So you believe it."

Y/N smiled. "I do believe and I love you too.

Adam couldn't help but smile with her and kissed her forehead. "For more years to come." Adam said. Y/N nodded and kissed Adam.

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