Stuck Together

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Vidcon: my favorite convention. I've always adored going during the summer. Every year I save up enough money so I can head over and hang out. Going to meet and greets, buying merch, seeing creators preform, it's just such a wonderful sight to see. I especially love to get autographs. I have a collection of them in a book. I always at least ask if a creator has time to sign it and add there name into my book. Most of the time they say yes and are more than happy to be added into my book.

This year, there was only one person I wanted to meet and his name was SomethingElseYT! I've loved his content for a couple of months now and he's definitely made his way into my heart. He's super funny, kind, and talented. There's nothing more I could want this year than to at least say hello to him, maybe get his autograph in my book if I feel confident. Who knows, he might notice me from my channel! Well...that's a bit of a stretch but it would be pretty cool.

I make my way around crowds as I head up to the second floor. There's supposed to be a large meet and greet and I want to make sure I'm early for it. Animator lines usually are some of the longest in the convention. The earlier I am the better chance I have to be inside.

I walk into the elevator and press the button for the second floor. As the doors began to close I heard a loud yell. "Wait!!!"
I stand between the doors as a man with sunglasses, a long beard, and a baseball cap made his way inside the elevator after me. I then let the doors close locking us inside.

"Thanks..." he said a little out of breath.

"Don't mention it." I responded kindly.

The elevator started to go up. Everything was normal until it started to shake. I felt extremely nervous as I looked at the elevator screen. It showed the number one almost as if we were still on the first floor. I pressed the button to open the door but the door refused to open. The number on the screen changed to floor 5, then dropped down to 3, then back to 5. Right after, the lights of the elevator turned off.

"Shit." the guy mumbled.

"Oh no...oh no oh no oh no we're stuck!" I panicked. I didn't like being stuck in small spaces.

"I'm gonna miss my meet and greet...God damn it. Look let's just call for help." The man said a little angry but keeping himself calm, pressing the call button on the elevator.

"'re a creator?" I asked.

"Heh yeah. This is just a disguise I got so no one would notice me. Guess I could tell you since we might be stuck here for a while, plus this beard is super itchy." The man said. He slowly took off his large fluffy beard and his sunglasses. My heart skipped a beat as our eyes met. It was Adam!

"'re SomethingElseYT!"

"Oh! So you know me...!" he said with a little worry. I noticed his cheeks were a little pink.

I think mine might just be redder than his. "Don't worry, I won't fangirl too much."


Adam's POV

I can't believe I got stuck in an elevator with this beautiful women. Her eyes sparkled and her face lit up when she noticed me. She's really cute and she seems to be around my age. I can't help but shake off the thought that she looked familiar.

"Well um...We should probably keep trying to call for help right?" she asked.

"Y-yeah! Yeah we should!" I replied. I picked up my phone and called for the fire department to help us out. While I was doing that she was trying to reach someone through the call button in the elevator.

Eventually, she did get someone. "Hello? Hello is anyone there?"

"Um yes! I'm here with a featured creator, SomethingElseYT. We're stuck in an elevator on the east side of the building near the merch center. We need some help." she said.

"Alright help is on the way! Just stay calm."

As we waited for help we both went silent. Silence makes me feel kinda anxious so I decided to start up a conversation. "So is this your first time?"

"Heh no. I come to Vidcon every year! It's my favorite vacation spot. I love to meet new creators!" she said.

"Well I love to meet my fans. Sadly you might be the only fan I meet this year. So what do you wanna know? Do you have any questions?"

"Well...every year I usually have people sign my autograph book. I was hoping that you would like you join my collection. Would you mind signing?"

"Oh sure! It would be an honor!" I said. She handed me a pen and her book. I signed my name on the page and did a small doodle of my character vibing on the page. I handed her stuff back to her and I noticed her giggle, it was adorable.

Soon the conversation just went to is talking about random stuff. From animation, to video games, to just anything. It was pretty random for the most part. We shared some of our favorite Youtube videos and watched them together. We we're probably there for about an hour yet it was one of the best hours of my life.

After a while I realized that I never even got that girl's name. "Hey, random question that I probably should do asked earlier. What's your name?"

She giggled a bit and leaned on my shoulder. "I'm Y/N!"

Everything clicked. That was why she was so familiar. I knew her. "Y/N from Y/C!? Oh my gosh I love your videos! I can't believe I was hanging out with you this whole time and never noticed!

"Wait you know me?"

"Yeah of course. I listen to your videos while I work. You're really funny. You do an amazing job with your animations." I told her.

"Wow thank you...!"

"I'm surprised no one reached out to invite you to this year's animator party. You should come with me! You can be my special guest. I know everyone else would be super excited to see you!"

Her face lit up again which made my heart melt. I think I like her. "That sounds amazing! Thank you."

"Hey can I have that book back?" I asked. She gave me her book and a pen. I wrote my number down next to my autograph and gave it to her, "If you want to call me, I'd be super excited to hear from you."

"I can't wait Adam!"

Finally the elevator door opened. We jumped from the loud noise. I felt her grab my torso, I wrapped my arm around her back. It was the fire fighters and Vidcon security. We both got up and walked out of the elevator, feelings free from what trapped us.

"Well, I gotta head over to preform on stage. I'll see around Y/N!" I said waving at her.

"See you soon Adam!"

I was rushed off to a different part of the building to enjoy the rest of Vidcon. Deep down I felt as if that was the best memory I've ever made at the convention.

SomethingElseYT x Reader [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now