Drunk Lan Zhan 3

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Lan Wangji woke up wincing. His head felt like it'd been cracked open with a rock, and the pain was barely endurable. Where was he? Inn, he was back at the inn. But what happened last night? He dragged up the dregs of his memory, but nothing jumped out. He blinked warily, and realized something. 

Wei Wuxian was not there.
Shit, shit. Where the hell could he be? Lan Zhan didn't normally curse, but he didn't give a fuck about it now.
Panic rose within him, and while the logical part of his mind told him to calm down, Wei Ying would be there soon, nothing would happen, he felt hysterical. He hadn't woken up without Wei Ying by his side for a long time now, and gods forbid if he had to sleep alone again.
"Wei Ying?" his voice rang out, unsure and uncertain.
"Wei Ying? WEI YING!" by now, Lan Zhan was losing his shit. Where in the name of living hell was Wei Ying?
Lan Zhan ripped off the covers, and jumped to his feet.
Abandoning all proprietary, Lan Zhan dashed down the stairs, and upon seeing the innkeeper, yelled," Have you seen my partner?"
The innkeeper's eyes widened, and the cup she was grasping almost slipped out of her fingers. 

"The man wearing a red ribbon, about half a ruler shorter than me, with a mole under his mouth," Lan Zhan further clarified, still panicking. 

Oh. Oh. She got it now. 

"I last saw him running in the direction of the Guanyin Temple. He left about 15 minutes ago. " Not sparing her a glance, Lan Wangji curtly nodded, threw her two silvers and became the wind. 

Wei Ying, wait for me. Wei Ying, stay safe. The words echoed through Lan Zhan as he flew past the streets. 

Wei Ying, 我来了。

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok, let's stop here for awhile. Heads up, the next scene is going to be the scene at Guanyin Temple, with Jin Guangyao, Lan Xichen, Jin Ling etc, etc, just like from the original novel, but slightly altered to go with this story. Again, I don't own anything here.


Wei Ying winced as he saw the guqin string slipping over his throat. Crap, crap. Did he really have to deal with this now

"Don't move. Wei gongzi, this string is very sharp. Were it to sink into your throat..."
Wei Wuxian almost rolled his eyes. This guy... Really... His literal companion was Han-Guangjun, did this moron really think he didn't know the string was sharp? Was he that much of an idiot to move in this vulnerable position? But still... Shit. Shit. Why the hell was he such an idiot? Just how badly did I hurt Lan Zhan? But I didn't know. I really didn't. But no matter what I did, he still stayed by my side. He didn't leave me, didn't even flinch. Just stayed with me. Wei Wuxian ah, Wei Wuxian, you really-

But his train of thoughts were cut off by a swish of blue and white robes. Lan Zhan.  Lan Wangji's honey colored eyes cast a freezing glare at Jin Guangyao, who seemed to wither slightly under his glare, but quickly regained his composure.
"As I was saying, Yiling Patriarch, you need not be so worried. Your Lan Zhan, is already here." hearing the mocking tone in the bastard's tone, Wei Wuxian wanted nothing more than to throw caution to the wind and  give him a swift kick in the balls. How dare he speak of Lan Zhan like that? He has ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO USE LAN ZHAN'S BIRTH NAME. AND WHEN IN HELL WAS DID I SAY I WAS WORRIED?
But looking at Lan Zhan, his thoughts went silent. The man before him was clutching his sword tightly, to the point where his knuckles looked white. His eyes were mixed with disbelief and fury, as well as an overlooking worry that cast shadows over his normally light eyes, which were abnormally dark.
"Don't. Touch. Him." Lan Zhan ground out, each syllable rang out as a threat. But Wei Ying could hear the hidden words behind them. Don't hurt him. Or you'll face my wrath. And you'll break me.
The words hung heavily in the air, unspoken.

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