friends? (wish you were sober 1)

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"Lan Zhan!" a familiar cheerful voice rang out, causing the Second Jade of Lan to spin around immediately, only to be met by a pair of dove-grey eyes that seemed to sparkle, even in the nondescript halls. Wangji could feel his heart beating faster, pounding harder against his chest, the way it always did when the younger stepped closer, his crimson ribbon fluttering behind him. As usual, his grey robes were in a disarray, creased and crinkled, nothing like the neatly pressed and folded robes Wangji wore, and his thoughts couldn't help but stretch back to the idea of Wei Wuxian in white robes, just like the ones he wore. Except, the robes in his imagination were embroidered with crimson threads instead of the blue that adorned his.

"Lan Zhan?" Wei Wuxian waved his hand before Wangji's eyes, snapping him out of his reverie. Unconsciously, he edged forward, eyes wide and open. For a moment, Lan Wangji could have sworn he almost swooned, but he quickly composed himself, safe for the heat that gushed to the back of his ears. "What do you want?"

He internally cringed at the sound of his voice, oddly harsh and jarring, even to his ears. Should I apologise? Internally, he stumbled over an apology, anxiety messing with his nerves, especially with Wei Wuxian in front of him. Oddly enough, he didn't seem to mind, beaming at the response. I swear, he looks so much like a bunny now, it hurts to think. And if the matter couldn't get worse, (or better, Wangji supposed) Wei Ying started bouncing on the heels of his feet. He was partially vibrating with energy, too much energy, that Wangji was half-worried he'd spontaneously combust.

"Wanted to ask Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian leaned closer, eyes open and earnest, "Would you want to be my friend?"

Wangji lost his ability to speak for a moment, staring blankly back at Wei Wuxian. His ears were flaming hot by now, and thoughts ran through his head at the speed of light, questioning and weighing. A friend? Wei Ying wants to be my friend? Why? Suddenly, memories trickled back in him, and he remembered his brother at Caiyi Town, eyes glittering with mischief. "You should make friends, Wangji. You need someone to talk to, to be with. I can't always be beside you, though I try my best."

His brother paused, giving a small, odd smile. He had a wistful look about his eyes, and Wangji couldn't help but wonder who the words were for. Who could have made his brother feel that way? But that was to remain a mystery, a secret hidden behind the ever-cheerful mask that made up his brother. Half of him wondered if they were both empty vessels, fracture porcelain vases, just like the delicate pieces of Jade they were named for. But his brother's smile quickly changed back to one of impishness, sending warning signs in Wangji's head.

"Wei Wuxian seems to be a good option, Wangji. Why don't you befriend him?"

Good question. But the word 'friends' brought back thoughts that Wangji didn't want to visit, other children who had long since turned against him, choosing instead to whisper things behind his back. His heart ached at the memory, a thin-lipped boy re-entering his memory. His eyes finely resembled a feline's, grinning happily up at him with crooked teeth. By now, the pair of slender eyes only simmered with envy, with hatred and resentment. The grin was replaced by a sneer. Joint laughter replaced with nothing but sly remarks. I don't want that to happen again, he thought. Never again.

But he couldn't deny the unmistakable pull Wei Ying had on him. He was drawn to him the same way the ocean was drawn to the moon, a work of gravity. It wasn't easy to explain, the way the bright boy pulled him in, like gravity. The way he unsettled him, like the waves and tides that lapped over, sending ripples through him.

He looked up at him, their gazes interlocked. For a moment, Wangji could have sworn there was nothing that mattered in the world except the two of them. I want you, he thought. I want you close. "Yes," he replied breathily, "I'd like that very much, Wei Ying."

Wei Ying lit up, a wight grin spreading across his face. He leapt up, clapping his hands in excitement. "Finally! You agreed to be my friend! I can finally teel Jiang Cheng- Thank you, Lan Zhan!"

He launched himself at him, engulfing the other boy in a warm hug. Somehow, Wangji felt safe in his arms, and he relaxed, letting the smell of apples and soap wash over him. I'm safe, he thought. I have him with me. I'm happy.

A small smile crawled over his face, a small ember of hope igniting in his heart. 

A/N: 815 words! Way shorter chapter, but I'm short on time, since I'm going to bed soon- NebulusCharlie  , here's the beginning to the oneshot you asked for, as well as ManuAndhale. Jie and DBDavenport8. Hopefully this is happier for you guys, the rest will come soon-
They're amazing writers, so do go check them out, and thank you guys so much for the responses in the polls- it really made my day! ❤️

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