Caves and Wounds(Lovers of Light and Darkness 3)

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Yanli chuckled and intoned,

" Before time ends, two will entwine in an empty cavern,

a shower of red and black, white and blue will ensue and blossom,

As well as a lifetime of woe and pain, but lastly and mostly joy.

Communion unites, and the romance of heaven and hell commences,

Never easy but always worth it.
For their love fights, endures and supports.

The love that will unite the worlds and shatter the realms,
Forever present, always blossoming."

Inwardly, she sighed and swelled with envy and thankfulness. Envy, wishing her love would be as strong as the Fated Pair's. Thankful that she'd already found hers, and wouldn't be tested the way those two would. Then her mind wandered back to two familiar silhouettes. One in a splash of inky black dashed with red, the other a pure, pristine white, with embroidered blue clouds. A splash of red and black, white and blue...sounds about right. She thought, secretly matchmaking.

There was no way she hadn't seen the way the Second Jade of Lan looked at her younger brother. No, her younger brother and child. The lingering glances they gave each other when they thought no one else was looking, the way Wei Ying always had a plethora of reasons to touch Lan Er Gong-zi. Unlike her blood brother, she'd known long ago. Always strove to leave them alone. So did Xichen. Remembering the glint in his eyes when he saw them together and their joint leadership of the 'Wangxian' club, she giggled fondly. Leaving Jiang Cheng to stare at her blankly.

"Jie, why are you laughing?" Dumbfounded, he could only stare on. Jiang Yanli seemed to be in another world completely, so caught up in her ideas that he simply sat in silence. Finally giving up, he stepped out of the kitchen and headed back to his room to clear his head. Back there, he was flooded by the smell of carved wood and lotuses, yet all he could think of was Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian- and it hurt to think. Rubbing his temples, Jiang Wanyin closed his eyes, dropping back to bed. Slowly, he let sleep overwhelm him, ebbing away at his consciousness.

With Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian...

"Lan Er Gege, did you miss me?" Wei Ying asked teasingly, basking in his undivided attention. Still clutching onto his hand, he rubbed circles into it softly. Wangji melted into his touch. Touch that brought him warmth, even on the coldest of days.

"Mn, Lan Zhan missed Wei Ying." Hot blood rushed to the back of Lan Zhan's ears. Wei Wuxian noted this with amusement. It was like blushing, only Lan Zhan's version of it. He smirked, even though he could feel the heat rising at the back of his neck.

"Lan Er- Gege, I wasn't absent for that long," He pouted, pretending to be annoyed. Truthfully, he loved when Lan Zhan was protective and didn't mind it much. He didn't restrict him, in the end. And Lan Zhan's protectiveness was caused by worrying for him, and worrying meant he cared. Wei Ying would have it no other way, especially not with him.

"Long. Nine hours, thirty-one minutes and 51 seconds." The Lan replied seriously, a small smile playing at the edge of his lips. Wei Wuxian burst into fits of laughter. Seeing his lover chortling, Lan Wangji smiled smugly to himself, proud that he made him laugh.

"Lan Zhan, you're truly something," Wei Wuxian bent down, catching his breath and clutching his poor stomach, "But that's exactly why I love you."

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