The Dreams Of Mine (Drunk Lan Zhan 2)

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Unconsciously, Wei Ying's paperwhite, long fingers brushed against vermillion, rosy red lips. Jolting back in shock, he hastily withdrew his hand. Leaving his sleeping Jade Prince on the bed. He felt exhaustion sweep over him. Without too much thinking, he lay back on the ground. As the cold of the floor seeped into his bones, he closed his eyes and shifted into an uneasy slumber.


Where was he? This looked nothing like where he'd last been. He could discern a familiar building, but this looked nothing like it. Then he realized. That this was Lotus Pier. Before the war, before the Cave of Xuan wu. Before everything went to hell.


That voice... It can't be... Grey eyes widened in surprise. It'd been years since he'd last heard that excited murmur. Not even in the afterworld had he been able to hear her like this, not with how quickly she'd moved to reincarnation, a shell of the sister he'd loved.

"Shi..Shijie? "

Wei Ying turned in the direction of the voice. In front of him stood Jiang Yanli. Her dark hair was in an infinity braid, intertwined with flowers. She wore pale lilac robes tinged with gold, for the two clans she'd been in. The sight of her sent him reeling back and images of her in his arms, limp and pale flashed before him. He could almost feel the sickening crimson liquid trickling through his hands again. His senses were filled by the sweet, tangy smell of jasmine perfume and sulfur. You're not real, he thought. You can't be real, can you? But his disbelief and fear must have crossed his features, and Yanli got worried.

"A-Xian, are you alright? Do you have a fever, or?"Yanli asked worriedly and raised her hand to check A-Xian's temperature.

"Shijie, I'm fi-"

But before he could finish, the light blinded him, blurring the edges of his vision. When he finally opened his eyes again, another woman stood before him. Unlike the previous one, she wore the crimson robes of the Wen Sect, and her hair was primly twisted into a bun. Her eyes were dark and severe. Her gaze looked like it could cut, but Wei Wuxian knew that beyond her cold composure, she had a heart of gold. She was truly caring, truly loving, just like the woman she took the place of. Wen Qing. Her name was Wen Qing. Memories flooded his mind, and he realised one thing- he hadn't been able to see her in the Afterworld, either. Hadn't seen her in ages. Silently, he wondered if he'd ever get to thank her, to tell her all the things that were embroidered in the fabric of his heart, thoughts that never managed to get past his throat.

Tears threatened to roll down Wei Ying's cheeks, and he wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. The two women he'd loved like sisters, that'd died for him had appeared in front of him tonight.

Wei Ying's voice cracked. "Wen Qing, I-"


But all that vanished as he was thrown back to reality, drawn by another's voice.

"Wei Ying! Wei Ying, please don't leave me! Wei Ying..." Lan Wangji's voice was broken and cracked, as he spasmed against the bed, sending reverberations through the floor. What the...

Wei Wuxian got up in a jolt and rushed to Lan Zhan's side. On impulse, he grabbed Lan Zhan's hand and gripped it tightly.

"Lan Zhan, I'm here. Calm down, I'm here. Wei Ying is here."

Lan Wangji seemed to relax for a moment, before tensing up once again. Beads of perspiration rolled down his forehead, his voice hoariest Wei Ying ever heard. He was trembling, his teeth clamped on his lips so tightly that Wi Ying feared they'd bleed.

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