Update Polls (possible new story)

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Yup, the dreaded update Polls again....my final exams are coming up in a few weeks, and I've been sort of stuck in writing for a while so....I'm wondering if it's best to stick to one or two stories and carry on from there... I'll let you guys choose them, seeing as I'm not good at choosing, but there might be something new coming up- *wink wink* and let's see how that goes...

Polls work the same way as before, comment what story you guys want me to update, and if you guys want it to go a certain way, you can comment it as well and we'll see how it goes....

(Those in italics are maybes, if you guys want)

For reference, here's the list:

Lovers of Light and Darkness

Unspoken Words

Happier than ever 2

Wish you were sober

Hearts Behind Walls

Illusions and Mysteries of the Past

Mizpah Asylum

Ink and Tears

Soulmates and Dreams

And finally...


This is the new story I'll be starting on soon, and I'm not sure if you guys want to see it here or on another story...

Either ways, take your pick, and thank you so much for your support. I'll update as soon as I can! Hugs to all of you! ❤️

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