tickling chaos

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Some days went well.
Some days did not.
And some days were a little chaotic, but some went like this:

"Jiang Ge, what do you think of this guy?" Nie Huaisang asked, shoving the phone into the purple Lotus' face. Jiang Cheng glared at the younger boy out of the corner of his eye, before begrudgingly taking the phone.

"He's adorable, right?" Huaisang batted his eyelashes at the older boy, suppressing a giggle at the look of utter disbelief on his face.

"That's....not even a human..."

"What do you mean, of course it is!" Nie Huaisang said gleefully, his eyes twinkling. Jiang Cheng sent him a gaze that could have shot glaciers to the moon. Finally, Wei Wuxian, who witnessed the whole thing from the sidelines, gave up and popped in. "What is it?" He muttered impatiently, grabbing the phone from his brother, only to see...

Yes. It was in no way human.

"Huaisang," Wei Wuxian muttered weakly. "What is this?"

" A cactus, of course," Huaisang sent the other two boys a blinding smile. "Isn't it cute?"

Both brothers found themselves at a loss for words. Whatever they wanted to say, dissipated the moment it reached their throats. "If you look a certain way, technically, don't the spikes look like bushy eyebrows? And a mini-face?"

Jiang Cheng's right eye twitched. The left corner of his lips quirked up, and Wei Wuxian decided it might be best to pull away.

"Do you think we'll be able to find one for you, Jiang Cheng?" He muttered offhandedly,  quietly retrieving his phone.

"I told you to introduce me to a guy, Nie Huaisang. Not show me plants..."

His fingers curled around at the sides. "I give you 3 seconds."

Nie Huaisang started backing up.

"Two..." Nie Huaisang broke into a sprint.

"Three!" Nie Huaisang swerved wildly, like a deer caught in headlights, but Jiang Cheng was too quick for him. Almost immediately, he caught up to him, his fingers finding their ways to his sides, and he began attacking...

Nie Huaisang doubled over into peals of laughter, tears streaming slowly down his face. "Jiang Ge...please...spare me!"

"Never!" The older boy roared. He paused only for a moment, before attacking again, this time tickling behind his ear. Nie Huaisang moved his hands up, trying to push Jiang Cheng away, but he was persistent. "Wei Ge, help me!"

But Wei Wuxian was too busy giggling at the sidelines to help. Nie Huaisang sent him a glare of mock displeasure, but Wei Wuxian simply laughed, grinning ear to ear before he joined. This time, he launched an attack on Jiang Cheng, tickling him from behind.

Seeing the tides change, Nie Huaisang joined in. His hands darted quickly and relentlessly, attacking Jiang Cheng at his most vulnerable - tickling the side of his neck, near the sides of his stomach, all over- Jiang Cheng couldn't tell where or when the next attack would come, but everytime it did, he burst into loud laughter, in mild frustration. But….they couldn't tickle him forever, right? With that, a small smile made its way onto Jiang Cheng's face.

The other two continued tickling him, until Nie Huaisang looked down at him. "Uhm…Wei Ge?"

He paused for a moment, momentarily stunned by the winning smile on the other boy's face. Wei Wuxian paused, before going back immediately to tickling.
But it was too late-

Jiang Cheng quickly slipped out of their grasp, before wriggling away. "Oh, you'll pay for this!"

Somehow, a fan materialized in Huaisang's hand quickly. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," the younger boy muttered, the pink edges of his fan fluttering along with him as he ran away, fanning himself as he did so. He tried running out of the doorway, but Jiang Wanyin was wiser. He'd already blocked the entrance, a manic grin plastered on his face. "You can run, but you can't hide…"

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