i'm an "anti"-romantic (and I'm hopelessly in love with you) 2

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Wangji took that back.

It wasn't a long day, but a long week. Weeks, perhaps. No matter what, Wei Wuxian would not leave him alone. He wasn't even sure how the younger boy had found him, but ever since that fateful day in the pavilion, Wangji could have sworn he rarely left his side for more than five minutes, unless it was bedtime.

Maybe not even bedtime.

Somehow, the younger boy managed to sneak back into the Lan Family's dorms and spent most of his evenings serenading Lan Zhan. Wangji wasn't even sure what he was babbling on and on about now, though he was fairly certain he could hear a line of: " If you feel alone, you don't have to feel that way anymore~" he wasn't sure if he wanted to blush or bash his head into the nearest table.

It was honestly a miracle that neither his brother nor uncle had caught onto Wei Wuxian yet, with how loud he was being. At least, to Wangji. But maybe his ears were simply attuned to Wei Ying. To the quiet timbre of his voice, to the breathy laughs and full-on chuckles. To his horrible attempts at puns, and his endless flirting. And despite trying as he might to resist the younger boy, Wangji found himself smiling every night. "Wei Wuxian!" He whisper-yelled, almost chuckling as the younger boy stared up at him with confused, almost shocked eyes. Honestly, he looked a little too much like a puppy, and Wangji found himself suppressing a giggle. "Come in," his voice dropped by an octave.

If his uncle found them, they were dead meat. Wei Wuxian simply gaped at him, his mouth forming a little 'o'. It was pretty clear the other boy hadn't thought very far, with his arms falling to his sides.

But his mouth remained open.

"If you leave your mouth open any longer, flies will go in," Wangji commented drily, and Wei Wuxian finally started moving. He closed his mouth nearly immediately, his brain finally registering what Wangji said.

"Quickly now, if not, we'll be caught."

At this, Wei Wuxian's footsteps quickened, as Wangji ran to open the door to the Jingshi. Imagine how many rules you're breaking now, a voice flashed past Wangji's mind unbidden, sounding suspiciously like his uncle. And Wangji would never admit it, but with Wei Ying, he couldn't help but think some rules were better off broken. And though there was a rule, there were none that said Lan Wangji couldn't invite someone into his dorm, right?

Before he knew it, Wei Ying was already through his door. Quickly, he locked it, nearly fumbling with the lock as the other boy glanced around. His place wasn't the nicest, that much he knew, but most of the things were simple and useful, made perfectly to carry out the exact tasks they were designed for. But as the younger boy looked around with a look of awe, Wangji couldn't help but feel anxious. Despite Wei Wuxian's usual short attention span, his eyes seemed to scan every item in the room carefully, nearly painstakingly slowly. Wangji felt something twist in his stomach as his gaze fell on the massive bookshelf in the corner of the room, full of countless romance novels he'd read repeatedly. The book that started this late on top of the pile, sitting precariously on the edge. "Wow," Wei Wuxian breathed out, "this is amazing,"

At this, Wangji froze momentarily. "It is?" His voice wavered slightly, a mixture of confusion and relief intermingled in his eyes. He'd heard many things from the 'friends' that used to come here, but amazing was not a word he'd ever heard that was used to describe his room. Most commonly, the words used were "plain", "boring" and "awful".

But Wei Ying simply beamed, nodding happily. "Definitely. I haven't seen a room with so many things! Everything looks neat and simple, and it's pretty obvious all the items are the kind that can last for lifetimes. It suits you well, Lan Zhan."

Mdzs Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें