conversations and hands (mirror mirror on the wall 2 END)

108 13 16

But the memory slipped out of Wangji's mind almost as quickly as it surfaced, leaving nothing but a trailing voice behind. "Don't be afraid to chase them..."

"Wei Ying?" But the figure barely stirred, eyes still lidded. Lan Zhan felt his heart race, every beat reverberating through him, like his pulse racing in his throat. It was unsettling, but for some reason, it made him feel alive. Without thinking, he started towards the mirror, wishing he could press his fingers into the glass, through it and grab his hands and pull him close, but he knew it was stupid.

"Wei Ying, can you hear me?" The voice barely made its way through the glass, but Wei Wuxian heard it all the same. What in the...I don't remember getting any visitors. Why is there a...

The last thing he remembered was standing in front of the mirror, trying to fix a talisman onto the mirror to create a mirror portal- only something went slightly wrong and he ended up stunning himself-

He furrowed his eyes in confusion, eyes narrowing before he finally recognized the voice. It can't be..."Lan Zhan?"

The moment the words left his lips, the mirror seemed to clear, and Wangji stood before him. Gilt eyes locked into his, and he felt his throat go dry. "How did you- what?"

Lan Zhan felt his voice disappear as quickly as it'd appeared. He swallowed hard, his hands digging into the sides of the basin.

"I...cast a spell."

At that, Wei Wuxian seemed even more astounded. "You're not supposed to do that, Wangji- it's against the rules! What if someone finds out? You can't get into trouble, what if-"

One thing Wangji knew was that if he'd been standing right in front of him at this moment, he'd have stepped forward and kissed him. But he wasn't, and the memory of that seemed to sober him slightly. He felt his nails digging into cold ceramic, but some part of him smiled inwardly. Typical Wei Ying, he thought. Always thinking of others, even if they're the ones supposed to be worried about him. "Don't worry," his voice cut through the other's worries," it's untraceable. Same spell that's been in my family for generations. I just...had to find a way to get to you. "

Wei Wuxian couldn't help himself. "Why?"

Gilt eyes flitted away from him, avoiding his gaze. Wangji felt the back of his ears heat up. You'll know when you feel it. Was this what he meant? "I don't know...It just felt..right, somehow." He paused looking back up at him.

"We haven't seen each other in a while and with everything that's happened...I missed you."

At this, Wei Ying's mouth fell open. "You...what?"

The words had slipped out of his mouth, and before he knew it, the words 'I miss you' hung in the air between them.

"I missed you." And there were the words again, simple and plain.

Wei Ying felt his heart stutter for a moment, shrinking back at the brevity of them. "You don' don't hate me?"

This time, Wangji was the one confused. "Why would I hate you? When have I ever hated you?"

The other simply blinked. "haven't you heard the rumours? Of what I did?"

What I'm still doing, is what he didn't mean to say.

"I did."

"And you still..."

"Still believe in Wei Ying."

For the first time in ages, Wei Wuxian really felt like crying. Not because he felt hopeless but because for once, someone truly believed him. And Lan Wangji, nonetheless. No one had done that since... Suddenly, the vision of his sister sped across his eyes, and he imagined himself next to her now, encouraging him. But as quickly as that image formed, it disappeared. His sister is married to Jin Zixuan now. She was one of the Jins, and it'd do her little good to come down here, where he'd only tarnish her reputation. That didn't mean he never missed her, of course, but pretending it never affected him was much easier.

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