remember (the name engraved in the bottom of my heart 1)

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Forget. The words seared through Wangji's mind, resounding over and over again like an empty vessel. Forget him. The words haunted him in his dreams, his mind, the same way a familiar face did, gracing his thoughts.

"Oublie-le. Please," he pleaded softly, and for a moment, Wangji was back on the battlefield again. His vision fluttered in front of him, tipping unsteadily. Instinctively, he looked down, growing more aware of the fingers intertwined with his, slipping away millimetre by millimetre as he did so. His arm seemed to throb again, but he felt numb to the pain.

But no matter how many times he looked down, no matter how many times he relived this memory, it still took his breath away.

Familiar silver eyes were now replaced by ones of crimson, but Wangji knew all the same. Wei Ying. The name came out as a ragged whisper against his tongue. His eyes were bloodshot and red, and looking up at Wangji with so many emotions he could combust. Regret crossed his features in a bitter dance across the lovely planes of his face, his pink lips twisted into a soft grimace, with a gentle trace of a smile. I'm sorry, his eyes seemed to whisper, his body pulling down.

Lan Zhan could feel himself losing him slowly, bit by bit, as his body tipped further and further downwards, threatening to pull both of them into free fall. He dig his knees even more tightly into the ground, ignoring the protests of his own body as stone sliced through his skin. Warm blood trickled out of him, but at that moment, nothing else seemed to matter.

"Let me go, Lan Zhan," Wei Ying's voice came out in stilted breaths as if he were half gasping for air. He was, Wangji realised. A little too far, a little too late. Blood spilt out of the wound in Wei Wuxian's stomach in infrequent streams, blood staining his robes that were already caked in grime and dried blood. Monster, Wangji could hear Lan Qiren's voice as well as he could hear his own, but for the first time in a while, he pushed back against it, trying to get the words out of his head.

"Let me go,"

But Lan Wangji held on stubbornly, willing his grasp to stay strong.

They were close enough for Wangji to hear his heartbeat, growing mildly fainter by the minute.


A look that crossed between fondness and anguish crossed Wei Wuxian's features, his lips pulled into a painful half-smile. "Stubborn as always, Lan Er-Gege. You can let me go now. I mean it this time."

But Lan Zhan's reply remained steadfast. "No. Won't let go of Wei Ying."

"Lan Zhan," this time, his name was a quiet reproach. "If you don't let go now, we'll both fall."

"Wherever you go, I'll follow."

And he meant it. He could feel the strength in his arm slipping away second by second, the rock scraping across his skin, but hell if he wouldn't try. To pull him over, even if it was foolish to think they could run away. Maybe it'd be better to fall with him, to let go.

"Don't do this now, Lan Zhan." This time, desperation seeped into Wei Wuxian's voice, tinged with despair and a mild hint of...wistfulness. "Please,"

Don't make this harder for me, Lan Zhan. I don't want to leave you. But we can't.

I can't.

There was no chance of Wangji pulling him up, that much Wei Wuxian was certain of. His arm was already wounded, and he was exerting himself just to keep them up.

Just a few stolen minutes, a few stolen moments.

"I love you, Lan Wangji. But the more you try to catch up with the shadows, the harder it is to pull away. That's all." The crimson in his eyes seemed to fade for a moment, turning from crimson to grey, back to Wei Ying again.

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