Apology(Drunk Lan Zhan 10)

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 As the world around them dissolved back into the temple, Wei Wuxian continued trembling, snuggling closer to the his soulmate's chest. For a while, even if they were surrounded by many, it was as if the world was nothing but a little orb around them.  The world was pure oblivion, but nothing mattered more to them than the person next to them.  It had never been the first time, and would never be their last. " To the last of our breaths,"

But while those two were lost in themselves, the rest of the cultivational was in upheaval. Wei Wuxian's hold on Jin Guangyao finally broke- broke the moment they came back in fact. The temple was thrust into chaos, and the juniors set off immediately, attempting to arrest the wayward Chief Cultivator, who bolted out the instant he was released. Still, it didn't matter to the pair, and as for Grandmaster Qiren-he stood there as still as a statue, and it was obvious to almost any Lan there he was having a mental breakdown, which was, well, most of the people there. 

His mind couldn't help but wander back to a certain woman, who'd shared so many similarities to the boy, no, man standing before him, beside his nephew now. Couldn't help but remember the days he'd spent in his youth rule-breaking, just like the once-youth before him. But with every one law he broke, he himself was broken further. He still heard the harsh, jarring voice of his overbearing father yelling at him, the unforgiving whips that crossed his skin. Then came Cangse- she was lovely, beautiful indeed-but she'd loved breaking rules.

As he grew to know her, he'd considered her as a younger sister, but her particular disregard for rules would lead her to trouble, and all he'd wished to do was save her. He hadn't meant for things to turn out this way.

And now...he could see that somewhat broken, shattered boy in front of him, who was oppressed in almost every way possible. And he'd been one of them. I'm sorry, he thought-I was afraid, but...I had no right to imprint it onto you.  He'd gotten so many things wrong about Wei Wuxian, he'd maligned him blindly, bullied him so much, so painfully that he had no idea if anything he could do in this life would make up for his wrongdoings- there were more than he could count, and he loathed himself for that. But he knew none of his "I'm sorry" s  would. Still, the first thing he had to do, was one of the things he'd hated the most: I'm sorry. 

So he gulped down a breath of fresh air, before dragging his feet forward to meet with the couple. Dropping before his nephew and his lover, onto his knees, He bowed his head. 

"Wei-Gongzi, Wei Wuxian- I...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for wronging you in the past. I acknowledge that I've had some prejudices against you in the past that has affected my behavior towards you. My behavior towards you, I know, has adversely impacted you, and I apologize for my wrongdoings. I hope you're able to forgive me."  

He kept his head hanging low, not daring to look up. He shut his eyes desperately. 

Unbeknownst to him, his nephew and the one addressed shared a look of surprise. Wei Wuxian looked to the kneeling man before him, smiling widely before pulling him up. Lan Qiren looked to him with widened eyes. 

"You...You forgive me?" his tone mirrored his shock, and Wuxian couldn't help but chuckle at the  old man before him. Everything seemed so exhausting. The regret and sorrow behind his apology was genuine, but at the same time he understood that this man had hurt him, hurt his Lan Zhan before. Yet he could tell that Lan Qiren was somewhat haunted by his past. The old man may never have noticed, but Wei Wuxian found him outside Gentian house on more than one occasion, kotowing in silence, as if in apology. He remembered hearing him sobbing, talking to a grave on some nights he'd snuck out. There was no way he'd continue adding onto his pain. Not when he'd felt the same. But for what he'd done to Lan Zhan...

"I forgive you for all the things you've done to me. You've a heavy past, and I don't wish to add to the burden. On one condition-" his eyes sparked, "I get to drink as much Emperor's smile whenever I'm in Cloud Recesses!" 

Hearing that, the old master smiled. "I agree to your terms, Wei- Gongzi. The rules of CLoud Recesses never applied to you anyway. I, Lan Qiren, waive the application of Gusu Lan Sect rules on Wei Wuxian." 

"I forgive you, but you've forgotten to apologize to one person." This time, Wei Wuxian's voice wavered with solemnity.  His grey eyes turned steely, edging to the protective Jade beside him, softening a fraction when it met his beloved's.

My nephew. " Wangji, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done what I did. My drastic actions...were uncalled for, and I hurt both you and Wei Wuxian. For that I apologize, and... I grant you permission to marry Wei Wuxian,  " he took another deep, steadying breath, before his knees hit the ground again.

"I'm sorry for the pain I've inflicted on you, both of you, and Xichen. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I promise you that I will try to change. And in all my power, I won't let any harm be befall the both of you."

"Mn. Uncle, get up." For the second time today, Old Master Lan found himself at another loss for words. He dared not ask his nephew, but he looked to his younger nephew, meeting his gilt eyes, and in them-

He somehow found understanding. The gold eyes that resembled his late brother's so dearly, that had glared at him in hatred and contempt, in them was odd affection, cold and varied, but still.

"Uncle, get up." Drawing his robes hastily up, the Grandmaster got up. A weight had finally been lifted from his shoulders, and although he' d still been reeling back from the truth, some part of him had guessed and ignored, shifting the blame to Wuxian.  He deserved worst. But the couple before him, were nothing if not kind. Their love, chemistry, was unmistakable, and was one that would create a legacy, last longer than  a lifetime. No, it would last for countless lifetimes after.

So he smiled to himself quietly, as the lovebirds in front of him entwined hands again, in pure bliss, too mesmerized with one another to care about the rest of the chaos around them.  But they'd done so much, anyway. They deserved a break, and Qiren knew he'd do whatever he could to make it true. 


A/N: 1141 words! Gods, this chapter was long! Hey guys, I know I said we're reaching the end, and I honestly thought I'd write just one chapter, but somehow this took over ( I got too excited to write and publish this), and here we are! I finally got to characterize Lan Qiren, and I'm not sure how this will play out, but I can promise you guys that the ending to Drunk Lan Zhan will be happy-which will be a relief to some of you who've seen me writing dark endings.  Anyways, thank you so much for reading and voting! I see some of you here more now! Take care and thank you! <3

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