Yes or No? (Insanity 8)

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Wei Ying....He's alive."

At this, the former's eyes flew open. "Lan Zhan! Don't joke at this ti-" But his words fell away looking at his deadly serious face, in which shone nothing but sincerity. No, it couldn't be- but maybe?


Silently, Lan Zhan handed A- Yuan back to Wei Ying, putting the boy's chest closer to his ear. "His heart is beating. " A surge of hope gushed through Wei Wuxian. Gingerly pressing his ear down, he waited in fervor. The rise and fall of the boy's chest pressed against his ear, yet, he waited, his heart impatient. Thump, thump, thump. Once again, for a while in a long time, his heart soared in hope.

Unable to help himself, he burst into tears again. Only this time, it was tears of relief, unlike that of sorrow. "He's really alive!" Lan Zhan's affectionate gilt eyes cut straight to his silvery grey ones, lined with worry intermingled with hope. "Yes, he is. But we have to get a healer, or some medicine soon. I'm afraid he might be suffering from hypothermia."

At that, the other's eyes dimmed. But what he said was true. But there was no healer nearby for miles, and the only healer they ever had was Wen Qing...images of her flashed through his mind, and a sad smile graced his lips. If only she were still here. Instead, she sacrificed herself for him. Was it worth it? He wanted to ask, was he worth it? They threw their lives for him, but he couldn't help but feel it might have been better if he'd been the one that died. Still, he braced himself. A-Yuan was their first priority. "Right- but Lan Zhan, do you have enough energy to teleport us out? I would, but..." Wei Ying gestured to his haggard form, "I'm all out of energy." "No."

Wuxian blinked a few times before regaining himself, trying to puzzle it out- if there was no way to get out, they could only take care of A-Yuan by themselves until they regained their energy. "Then I suppose we'll have to stay here for the night." the other nodded.

"But A-Yuan..." holding the child closer to him, Wei Ying tucked him securely in the cloth, "There must be some herbs somewhere here, under the trapdoor. Wen Jie put some there the last time. I'll get them. Lan Zhan, can you light a fire?" "Mm."

Wangji turned towards the fireplace impassively, sending a weak flare of energy to light the wood up, while the other went searching for the herbs. Moving down the darkened and damp cave, his eyesight adjusted instinctively to the dark. Choosing instead to focus on A-Yuan, he let his body guide him as he hugged the boy closer, trying to give him as much warmth as possible, such that he didn't feel as much as an icicle. Despite the cold that seeped into his bones, he showed no reaction. Instead, he let his feet trace over familiar stones, skating over until he felt the familiar dip. Distantly, he could make out the trapdoor. Bending down cautiously, he gently lifted the trapdoor, reaching down such that his fingers searched and fumbled upon nothingness before he hit something. He pulled it up, putting it down as quietly as he could so as not to stir the child in his arms up, Mentally re-adjusting his focus, he could finally make out the box clearly.

Unclasping the lid of the box, he started searching for the right herbs. The box was ornate, set in plain jet, but decorated with small, shiny garnets, along with moonstones, all fashioned into the shape of a phoenix, reminiscent of a betrothal jewelry box- it almost was, in fact, should things have happened a little differently. At this, Wei Ying suppressed an odd smile. Memories of a certain hunt, a flash of blue ribbon, cloudy skies, rushed hands and retreating footsteps coursed through his mind. But maybe now wasn't the best time to think of such things. Instead, he focused on the herbs, wrecking his mind for the right herbs- for all Wen Qing had tried training him in medicine, he was terrible at remembering the names and uses of each and every herb- half the time, they gave him a massive headache, and Wen Qing's tests, peppered with threats, were far from pleasant. However, he silently thanked her. Sifting through the neatly compartmentalised and meticulously packaged herbs, he couldn't help but admire Wen Qing's work, and mentally checked the herbs. Herbs for warmth....tulsi leaves, some black peppercorns, maybe rosemary...his mind trailed off, even as he attempted to wreck his mind for them, quickly finding the bags of herbs. Remembering the slight wounds he'd seen on Lan Zhan, he took other herbs, too. Herbs to help him, as well as some bandages tucked away.

Snapping the lid shut, he put everything back in place before walking back. By the time he came back, the fireplace was already up and running, a pot with water simmering over it. He remembered. Wei Ying smiled tiredly at him, ignoring the aches that seared through his chest as he inched forward. "Lan Zhan, hold him."

Nonetheless, he continued on. Wangji took over, holding the child as closely as he could, using little bits of spiritual energy to keep him warm. Wei Wuxian took the tulsi, rosemary and a handful of peppercorns, putting them into a bowl before using pestle and mortar to ground them into powder. Using a ladle to take hot water, he mixed the powder, making soup. Taking him from Wangji's arms, he settled A-Yuan into his lap, softly blowing the soup before slowly dribbling it into the boy's partly opened mouth. For a moment, his heart tensed, clenched in fear-luckily, he swallowed, the slight movement of his throat visible. Heaving a sigh of relief, he continued.

Lan han stood by, enamoured by the warm sight before him, reminding him of nights spent in a house surrounded by blue flowers, that bloomed no matter what season it was, of odd nights spent curled up beside a fireplace, with graceful fingers running through his hair, petting him to sleep. While he lost himself to memories, the other finished feeding A-Yuan, getting up to get a rag. Softly wetting it with cooled water he'd set aside earlier, he gestured for Wangji to come closer. He did.

Wordlessly, Wei Ying wiped the grime off his face and neck, as well as his collarbone. Parting his robes slightly, he cleaned the wound he'd gotten earlier in the fighting, getting rid of the grime and dirt, as well as dried, encrusted blood before grabbing a handful of herbs and bandaging them in place. The two stayed in silence for a while. "Lan Zhan," Wei Ying's voice was soft, his dove-grey eyes losing the mania they'd shown a few hours ago, "Are you okay?"

Lan Zhan didn't know what to say to him. Instad, he nodded, his gilt eyes surveying his soulmate. Wei Ying winced every few seconds, when he was moving- His chest! Wasting no time on words, the other grabbed the herbs, parting the other's robes before slathering it onto the angry lash mark Jiang Wanyin had left on him. The whip mark was an angry purple and blue, leaving little blood in its wake, but the blood peered up beneath his skin. Looking at it, he could feel his anger simmering. How he wanted to make that bastard suffer- more than he already did- Gods, he could come up with a whole torture plan, one that would have put Xue Yang's murders to shame.

Sensing the other's rage, Wei Ying put a hand to the other's chest, trying to get him to calm down. After taking a few deep breaths, Lan Wangji's rage finally boiled down, and he'd taken to internally sulking and pouting- it was quite hilarious, really, and Wei Ying stifled a chuckle. Who knew Lan Zhan could be so protective and cute?

"Sleep." In the light of the dancing fire, Wei Ying's eyebags had become more apparent, heavier than they should have been for anyone, even an adult, much less a 17 year old. But they were tired, they both were, seeing the ways of the world, the harsh cruelty and realities, before anyone else. The other might have looked more tired, but his silver eyes still reflected beautiful skies, and he was nonetheless beautiful.

He huffed. "Lan Zhan, you're really no fun, you know?" he pouted, sticking his tongue out before saying, "I don't care! I'm not going to sleep!"

Unable to help himself,Wangji burst out laughing. He's still did anyone think of him as a monster? Still, he looked at him, as if willing him to sleep.

Finally giving up, the other surrendered "Fine! But you're hugging me!"


Warm arms wrapped around Wei Ying, pulling him closer. Ignoring the biting cold of the floor, he lay down, his arm draped protectively over A-Yuan as he snuggled into the other, a hand draped over his waist. A slight flush sprinkled across his cheeks. Warm arms engulfed him, the last thing he knew before comfort and exhaustion took over, and he shifted into an easy slumber, as did the other.

It was the first time either of them had slept so well in ages.


A/N: 1520 words! I believe this is my highest word count for this story! I'm sorry for not updating this sooner, and not updating for so long, but I was busy updating my other book, and I had exams to get to. Anyways, thank you guys so much for  over 9K reads! It's actually nearing the anniversary of the start of this book- Drunk Lan Zhan was written a year ago on Wei Ying's birthday. 

Thank you guys so much for your patience and understanding!  I wish you all the best, take care, and remember that if you ever need to talk, you can do it here or in my MB. 

Until next time!<3

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