The Slaughter Of Lotus Cove

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Her whole world erupted into flames before her, flickering and dancing, taunting her as she threw one last look at her son. Then she shoved him away, however much her heart ached at the thought of doing so, it had to be done, so that this sect- hers, would live on. Even if she never did. Some crazed, little-girl part of her yearned to follow her son, but years of ingrained pride and habit told her otherwise, as well as the voice that reverberated through her mind. 

"Go back. Go back to him." 

The voice grew louder with each passing second, and Yu Ziyuan found herself racing back to the pier she'd unwittingly called home years ago. Abandoning all propriety, she tore through the streets of Yunmeng, fingering the blade that had become almost a stranger to her, yet familiar. Edging closer, she wrapped her fingers around its lilac hilt, fingering the intricate mosaic of lotuses. Nearing her home, the coils of heat rose and danced to kiss her skin, and wisps of smoke stung her eyes. Still, she pushed on relentlessly her heart yelling, yearning for one thing. One person. Her heart raced faster than its owner did, recklessly running through burning frames, desperate, seeking. Countless Wens met her, ran through by her blade, an extension of her arm, sliced down in cold blood. 

Adrenaline pulsed through her cold veins, blinding her, and all her body could do were two things. Slice. Withdraw. Repeat. Slice. Withdraw. Repeat. Unknowingly, tears trailed their way down her face, glistening, as if trying to soothe her aching heart. Her body moved in its own accord, running to god knows where, never stopping, until she saw him

Ignoring the trailing blazes behind her, Yu Ziyuan's eyes fell upon a figure, slumped onto the ground, covered in crimson. The metallic tang of blood hit her senses, and all she saw was blood. Too much of it. Something, she didn't care to see what, clattered to the ground. Her world halted, and she stumbled. 

"Zi...Yuan..." a soft voice dragged out, whispering her name so dearly. "You... You're here... I must.... Be dreaming..." 

Jiang Fengmian's eyes glazed over, and he whispered the words in between pants, seeking the eyes of the wife he'd loved for so long, yet she'd never been able to feel, to see. Exactly how much he loved her, but her heart had been in some sort of gilded cage, maiming and torturing them both. As his gaze fell upon his wife, his love, all he could see were the tears staining her face, one he'd always found endearing even after their squabbles, one engraved in his heart, one that he would seek even if she'd never reciprocate. But her beautiful, fierce eyes told him otherwise. Their eyes spoke volumes, words that hung unspoken between them, and he raised his hand to wipe away her tears.

"Don't cry."
I love you.
I'm sorry.
Don't leave me.
I have to. Go.
I love you.
I love you.
I'm not leaving you.
"Leave. There's nothing you can do here."

I'm not leaving, and I'm sorry. Throwing caution to the wind, Yu Ziyuan interlaced her fingers with her husband one last time. For once, this strong, independent woman found herself rendered speechless. All she could do was force herself, as life trickled out of her husband's eyes, flashing before them. And all Jiang Fengmian saw was a woman, one that brought warmth to his heart, clothed in red on their wedding day, then in purple- the color of his sect. His heart swelled in pride, glimpsing the woman he so yearned spun in his colors. Then he saw his children, the ever-grumpy cat face of his son, the sweet, naïve face of his daughter, and the gremlin yet somehow angelic face of his adopted son. But the last thing he saw, before the world turned dark, was his wife. He saw her, as she had been all those years ago. A waif of a girl, with eyes that shone to him like diamonds, as dark as coal, burning with so much life. With hair like silk, soft ebony, but one thing was sure. Discomfort radiated of her in waves, as well as distrust, and behind her façade lay a girl so shrouded by her fears, her insecurities, that his heart felt, clenched. That he'd sworn, that very day, to make her feel as loved as possible, to give her warmth and comfort, to share with her all he owned.
If only things were so simple.

They never were.

But in the very least...He'd loved her. He knew her. He'd tried.

And she'd loved him.

That was the last thought Jiang Fengmian clung on to before the world around him truly disappeared, and he became nothing but a shadow in this realm.
And Ziyuan... As the last of warmth left her husband, and his eyes turned blank and glossy, it was as if a hurricane ripped through her from the inside, but her heart was satisfied with one thing before she surrendered to the flames, letting them engulf her as she too, slipped away, just like her love.
He loved me.


A/N: 864 words! Another surprise update...Ik it's probably not the one you guys wanted, but here it is anyway.  @worrystone here's the Fengyuan oneshot you asked for, I'm not sure if you'll like it or even read it, but here it is. @niriyas and @themysticalqueen, thank you guys for your support, as well as the rest of you reading this! 

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