butterfly? (Insanity 9)

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Wei Wuxian woke up to a pair of small hands shaking him up. Groggily, he sat up, mentally prising his eyes open. "What do you..."

"Wei Gege, it's time to wake up! A-Yuan is hungry..." At this, Wei Wuxian darted up. Not daring to believe his eyes, he held his hand out to touch the younger's cheek. To his surprise, the Lan beside him was still asleep, though he was certain it was past five in the morning. Suddenly, he grew aware of the strong fingers that threaded through his right hand, as if trying to pull him back. "Don't leave me..." came the sleepy murmur. Wangji tugged lightly at his hand, lips curving into a pout. What the..when did he get so bold? But Wei Ying couldn't deny he looked adorable, a small smile growing across his face.

A-Yuan seemed to sense this, and scurried onto the other man's side. "Rich Gege...it's time to wake up! Yuan Yuan is hungry..." This time, it was A-Yuan's turn to pout. Upon hearing that, Wangji shot up, wide awake. Without speaking, he engulfed the young boy with his arms, savoring the warmth. He could feel the rise and fall of I can feel him breathe, he realised. He's really alive. He'd been the one to find him that way, of course.

But there was a difference between hoping for something, and knowing something.

And Wangji couldn't explain the link between him and the tiny bundle of hope in his arms, the odd affinity he felt to him. He felt linked to him, in ways he couldn't explain. A fondness that could have stemmed from Wei Ying, but felt nothing like the way he felt for Wei Ying. "Rich Gege?"

The confused voice was muffled through his robes, and Lan Zhan couldn't help but give out a relieved chuckle. He let his hands fall, certain that he was there this time. Silver eyes followed him the whole time, and he felt himself smile truly, in a long, long while. One thing he'd come to realise, was that he rarely ever smiled, but he did when Wei Ying was around, when A-Yuan was. If there was anything that could make him light up in a heartbeat, it'd be those two. Nothing brought a smile to his face faster, or set his heart on fire the same way they did.

"Gege, are you okay?" A pair of wide violet-grey eyes stared back at him, with an innocence that reminded Wangji of a little boy, a long long time ago. But behind this pair, there was a hint of knowledge, of ash, even as Wangji hoped that he'd never let the light in his eyes fade away. A surge of feeling rushed through him, and he felt the need to protect him more than anything.

"I'm okay, A-Yuan. I'm okay, mm? Now, let's go and get some breakfast, okay?"

"Mm, Baba, Gege, let's go!" With that, A-Yuan threaded his tiny hands through both their fingers, dragging them out of the cave. Silently, Wangji winked at Wei Ying, eyes pleading. Disguise, he seemed to say. We need disguises. Wei Wuxian nodded, a blanket of magic sweeping over the three of them. For a moment, Lan Wangji lost track of who they were, an older man standing where Wei Ying was. He was sterner, somehow. More solemn. Still, grey eyes glanced back at him, dancing with adoration, and the facade faded away.

Still, warmth trickled through him, the threads of Fate winding themselves around him, threading past and through them, binding them together. For once, he felt like he was finally home.

A-Yuan brought them into a small inn, just like the one they'd been to a few months ago. It made Wangji smile just looking at them. The way Wei Ying cared for him, dribbling porridge into his mouth as gently as he could, while playing airplane with him. There was something so familial to it that Wangji couldn't quite put his finger on it. Instead, he leaned forward, smiling at the boy. He felt his soulmate's eyes glitter with amusement, but there was something that flickered to life behind them, a spark that Lan Zhan was glad to see. I haven't seen that spark in a while, he thought. Not since...

Gusu Lan. When things were happier maybe. Simpler. But if things had turned out this way, Wangji could only suppose that some things had been in the background for a long time. Though half of him wondered if they'd ever look back at things the same way now. And even if the war was far from over yet, he was glad to be back. Glad to have him back. Noth of them. Quietly he took out a paper butterfly he'd kept in his pocket for A-Yuan a long time ago, and started waving it around. Almost immediately, purplish grey eyes riveted to him, following the dancing butterfly. Tiny feet scrambled up from where they were on the seat, and A-Yuan leaned forward, making grabby-hands at the toy.

"Catch the butterfly...can A-Yuan catch the butterfly?" Lan Zhan waved the purple butterfly in front of A-Yuan's face teasingly before moving it away. "Gege, A-Yuan wants the butterfly,"

"What's the magic word?"

A-Yuan's eyes widened, forming puppy eyes at Lan Zhan. "Please?"

"Mm," wordlessly, Lan Zhan passed the butterfly over to the little boy. "Good."

Wei Wuxian shook his head fondly, ruffling the boy's silky hair. "And?"

A-Yuan beamed up, clutching the butterfly tightly to his heart. "Thank you, Rich Gege!"

Wangji nodded, before going back to his food.

Out of nowhere, he heard a little voice pop up. "Rich Gege, can you be my Mama?"

Wei Wuxian almost choked on his soup, though Wangji's hand stopped mid-air as he reached out for a platter of vegetables. You...what? What did he just ask? The wooden chopsticks clattered to the table, even as the words swirled around his mind.

He looked to his other half, as the words clicked into place, his mind swirling, while the other...


A/N: 1000 words! Finally, an update to Insanity! This is for bhava_siri , who requested for this! Hopefully this...wasn't so bad- and yes, cliffhanger again- *evil chuckle* but I'll be back again soon...(I hope- ) it's been so long since I've written this...hope fully this will live up to your expectations...
Thank you so much for reading, and have an amazing day ahead! ❤️

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