Drunk Lan Zhan

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"He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not..."

"Lan Zhan, that's a GODDAMN CHICKEN YOU'RE PLUCKING. Put it DOWN." Wei Wuxian sighed exasperatedly. How is he like this? The Second Jade of Lan was acting like a child now, something that Wei Ying found both annoying and endearing. This was NOT how getting the Second Jade of Lan drunk was supposed to go. He was meant to be teasing Lan Zhan, not babysitting him. Because some idiot had the idea of giving him wine. Wait. That had been him. He groaned.

Wei Ying turned around, half-expecting Lan Zhan to run off. Instead, he bumped into Lan Zhan's firm, broad chest.

"Lan Zhan... Stop running around. Let's go back to the Inn."


"Lan Zhan?"

"Mnn. "

"Let's go back."

Lan Zhan shook his head vehemently. His gilt eyes were half-lidded, and his full lips almost formed a pout. He was mesmerizing in the moonlight and the sight of him took Wei Ying's breath away. He's so pretty

His fingertips brushed those full, red lips of Lan Zhan's. Wei Wuxian felt heady, looking at him. He seemed to glow under the moonlight, and something about the night sent his heart racing, spiralling beyond control. The corners of Wangji's mouth quirked up, curving into a breathtaking smile. Dazedly, Wei Wuxian stroked the side of his mouth, fixating on his lips.  Had he been sober, he'd have stopped Wei Ying. But his eyes were glazed over, and the former Head Disciple of Yunmeng Jiang was not renowned for his self-control.  His breath caught as he leaned forward, barely inches away from The Jade of Lan's mouth. 

Just as he was about to lean up, Wangji dived down, swiftly capturing his lips. A warm arm wrapped around his waist, while the other snaked up, loose hand embedding itself in his hair, stroking and caressing it. Lan Zhan's lips moved sinuously against his, feverishly hot. Gods, gods, he was so screwed. Tingles of pleasure ran through him, and he was running out of breath.

Gods, that kissing, gods.

He moaned, unwilling to break it off. The way his lips slid over his, large hands roaming over him freely, making him feel loved and wanted. 

Just as abruptly as the kiss started, it ended. Lan Zhan moved away from Wei Ying.

"I-Wha?" Wei Wuxian blinked in confusion, disappointment set in his features. The Second Jade simply stared back at him, his face as stoic as ever. Did I imagine things? Wei Wuxian started to question himself, but his messed up robes and mussed hair stood out starkly. Huh. How does he still look amazing? Gusu Lan Finesse, he supposed.

"Ah-Never mind. Let's just get back."

As soon as he finished, the stunning man beside him started nodding off.

" Are you fucking kidding me right now? Lan Zhan..." The smaller man groaned.

Awkwardly, he hoisted him onto his shoulders. Grunting under his weight, he muttered fond curses under his breath, silently cursing himself. Somehow, he managed to drag his beloved back to the Inn, albeit with much effort. Gods, he could imagine Jiang Cheng's smirk if he could see this right now. Annoying brat. He ignored the shocked look the Innkeeper gave him, thankful that there wasn't anyone else awake at this hour. That'd leave him with a lot of explanations to do, something he had no energy for. He plodded up the stairs, finally reaching the room. 

Gently placing Lan Zhan on the bed, he couldn't help but take the opportunity to stare at Second Master Lan. His long lashes cast shadows on his face, his nose slightly upturned, and his lips... Wei Ying almost took a double-take just looking at him.  Wangji looked so tranquil in his sleep, the way one would imagine the God of the Sea to look like. His face was adorably flushed, something new as compared to his pale face when he was awake.  

Unconsciously,  Wei Ying's paperwhite, long fingers brushed against vermillion, rosy red lips. Jolting back in shock, he hastily withdrew his hand. Leaving his sleeping Jade Prince on the bed. He felt exhaustion sweep over him. Without too much thinking, he lay back on the ground. 


A/N: Edited! After a year, I've finally edited my work- *sobs* It's been so long since I last looked at this- I can't believe I didn't think of editing earlier- Hopefully it's better now! 

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