False Impressions (Unspoken Words 4)

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That'd have to do for now.

Finally, she opened the door, preparing for the barricade of questions she'd get from the people who swarmed in. Wei Wuxian, I love you like a brother, but couldn't you make this job any easier for me? She thought tiredly before turning to the three worried and tired faces before her. 


The moment the door creaked open, all three of them stood up in unison. You could see the creases of worry in their eyes, and their lack of sleep from the dishevelled robes, the bags under their puffy eyes. They'd looked weary over the past few months, but it was like they'd aged in a matter of hours. Wen Qing couldn't imagine she looked any better, but the full brilliance of the day burned her eyes.

"How is he?" The words tumbled out of Jiang Cheng's mouth before he could even stop them, his worry leaking through. Wen Qing rubbed at the bridge of her nose. He's fine. He's still delicate, but his condition is more stable now. He's currently sleeping, but don't expect him to wake up so soon- he'll wake up in a day or two if he's lucky. But given his state, it might be longer, maybe a week or so. If he wakes up, call me. I'll send you the prescription later. Check his temperature every half an hour and report it to me at the end of three hours. If you can't find me, sponge him."

"And be careful." Even in her sleepiness, her gaze was sharp, unyielding. " Don't do anything stupid, he has to stay in bed for a few days after he wakes up, and I strongly suggest against emotionally upsetting him."

Her last words were sharp, uncharacteristically directed at a certain purple lotus. Who took her words in stride, to her surprise. He couldn't imagine saying anything of that sort to his brother in this state, though only gods know what he'd have done in another lifetime.

Not waiting another minute, The Second Jade brushed past the other three, rushing to Wei Ying's side. The two siblings looked in partial surprise, but the two sisters were internally fangirling, a small smile appearing on both their tired faces. Jiang Cheng, too, smiled. But he couldn't help the feeling of jealousy that sparked, annoyed at Wangji for taking up the only place beside his brother. But this was no time to be petty, and he simply turned to Wen Qing, saying "Thank you," before looking back at the other two. "Take care of him. I'll come back later."

With that, he left along with Wen Qing, leaving Wangji there with his sister. They'd take good care of him, they love him more than enough to last through infinite lifetimes. But the worried look on the healer's face gnawed away at his insides as if consuming his intestines. There was something she kept from them, he was sure of it. And the idea of it didn't sit well with him, even though he'd had an inkling of what it was. As he followed her, his worry grew, seeing her slump her shoulders.

"Wen Qing?" She moved in a flash of red and purple. Jiang Cheng quickly found himself scorched with a scathing glare. Seeing who it was, he stern flook receded slightly. "What do you want?"

"What are you keeping from us?" She sighed, rubbing her temples. Closer up, he could see more clearly what the war did to her. Despite being a healer, grey pooled beneath her eyes, her face creased with worry. What it had done to all of them, he wondered, the face of his brother flashing before him again. "There's nothing I'm hiding, Clan Leader Jiang."

The title felt like a slap to his face, stoking anger. "What did I ever do to you?" he snapped, annoyed. Big mistake. She simply stared at him, as if weighing him."All I want to know is how my brother is."

The arrogance. Wen Qing could feel Wei Wuxian's power radiating off him, and she felt repulsed by it. Her stomach churned, livid. If only she knew what he knew. What he guessed. "Don't ask me, Sect Leader Jiang. I've already told you. Now if you will, please let me go."

Brushing past him, she move five steps forward before being dragged back forcefully by him. Wanyin's fingers dug into her flesh, and she couldn't control the anger that sparked. Glaring daggers at him, she couldn't help but remember the barbs he threw at her adopted younger brother back at Cloud Recesses. He might have been a skilled actor, but Wei Wuxian seldom thought to hide when he thought no one was watching. They were. "Unhand me this instant!" She was livid.

"No." His expression was dark, as volatile as the weapon he wielded. Well, too can play this game. And Wen Qing was accustomed to playing games like this, even with her lack of interest. Years of working, of living in the Wen Clan trained her well. She feigned disgust, which was easy since her stomach already dropped out at the sight of him. "How improper, Sect Leader Jiang! Please don't give me false impressions." she simpered, though her eyes were steely. Let. Me. Go.

Jiang Wanyin dropped her arm as if it were made of Fiendfyre, glaring at her. Brushing his hands on his robes, he glared daggers at Wen Qing. "I apologise, Mistress Wen," he apologised stoutly, though there wasn't an inch of regret in his voice. "It was never my intention to do so. But I need to know about my brother's specific conditions."

Explicit. To her credit, Wen Qing didn't back down, holding her head up high.
I'm afraid I cannot tell you anything more, Sect Leader Jiang," her words were stiff."Or I'll be violating my patient's privacy."

Unable to keep his temper in check, he yelled."I'm his brother! I deserve to know!" A few heads swerved around to look at them, wide and open gazes attacking them. Irritation brushed Wen Qing, and she raised her eyebrows, folding her arms. How entitled. And how convenient, she supposed, for him to only care when it involved himself.

"It is not under my jurisdiction to judge whether or not you are worthy, Jiang Wanyin. It is not my decision to make to tell you or not. But I respect Wei Wuxian's privacy, and you should too."

His mouth twisted back uglily, but before any bombs fell out of his mouth, Wen Qing inched forward, taking him by surprise. She leaned down to whisper into his ear. "And I would suggest you look deep inside yourself for the answer before questioning him. You're not that big of an idiot, Sect Leader Jiang. Don't let your anger take over you, the way it did today."

With that, she turned on her heel and walked away. This time, he made no attempt to stop her, looking at her with renewed respect. She stood tall and proud, even as a splash of crimson in a sea of violet, with the weight on her back heavy enough to break those of wise. His hands shook violently as he thought of the answer. Just what had he done? Scrambling to find an answer, to find peace, his legs dragged him away, pacing and running away from the only thing he should care about now. Wei Wuxian.

Cowardice took over, and he found the truth easier than facing his Shi-xiong now, the brevity of what he'd done flashing before him in small slips.

But the truth isn't easy to find, and even those who try their hand and it, crumble and break at the bulk of its weight. 


A/N: 1226 Words! Thank you guys so much for 13.4K reads! It means a lot to me! In this chapter, Jiang Cheng is a bit of an asshole, (as always) to highlight his flaws, and also because this is in Wen Qing's POV, and she doesn't like him much, she's still protective of Wei Wuxian. How have you guys been lately? Btw, the next update may take a week longer, since I've other things to do....unless I somehow managed to type my drafts out for a short chapter- either ways, thank you guys so much, and I wish you an amazing day ahead! 

Feel free to vote and comment, I hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did writing it! 
Oh, and the image does not belong to me!

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