Broken beyond Words(Yizhan)

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"Zhan ge....come back to me..." Yibo's eyes glittered with tears. In front of him was a sole silhouette, one traced with elegance and bitterness, even when turned away. One he'd once known well, that was as familiar as the person who stared back at him in the mirror. At this, the other stopped in his tracks. "What do you want?" 

Yibo bristled at the sound of his voice. It was almost snappish, but he could hear the tiredness and wariness seeping through gnawing away at his insides. His heart swelled, but with what he wasn't sure of. There were so many words, after all, that he wanted to say, but so little time he had. Instead, all he could stutter as his courage left think, was "I-I don't know." 

He could see Xiao Zhan's shoulders slope further down. His face, shrouded by shadows, could only be revealed by the bitter twist of his mouth. 

"You don't know, and yet you ask me to stay?" His voice was barbed and angry, something Yibo had hoped wouldn't happen, had hoped never to hear. And it was all because of him. He gulped, feeling a lump form in his throat. But he couldn't speak. Not properly, anyway. It hurt so much to be around him, yet all he'd ever wanted was to be with him. Who are you? The voice in Yibo's mind whispered, beckoning him closer. But the words were always the same when it came down to him, came down to him. The words "I don't know" seared his mind, making their gaping entrance, as always. In the end, what did he know? He was a worthless as the gravel on the streets, as far away as a muffled cry. He didn't know himself. All he knew, all he had known was him. That's the way he'd always lived. How he still did. With his words, his emotions stuffed into his throat. muffled by a rag that had been shoved there ages ago, while he was drenched in gasoline. It was cold, but the only way he'd gain warmth was if he set himself on fire and bring himself into ruins. And that he couldn't do. "Ge..." 

The shadows momentarily dropped, giving him a glimpse of deep ebony eyes, glittering with tears and pain. Then the shadows went up again, and all Yibo could see was the faint silhouette of wings- that resembled angel wings, those he yearned to touch, to play with. But the chasm between them was too far for him to cross, and it hurt. It always did. 

He looked tired, his face grim. " Yibo, stop playing, okay? What is it, that you want?" Xiao Zhan asked, his voice strained. He was tired, too. Tired of this. Of the flurry of emotions that seemed to encircle him. Circle them. That bound them like a thread, but there was nothing to be bound. He was exhausted chasing him, chasing the beautiful, ice-cold prince he'd fallen for, knowing he'd never have a chance. And even if he did, he wouldn't be able to act on it, especially now. It was next to forbidden to fall in love with a human, wasn't it? 

No. There was truly nothing either of them could do. 

But the lines of fate and love ran deeper than the binds of logic, testing its limits. Logic would prevail, but love was invisible. It wasn't as simple and as straightforward as a thread or ribbon binding two people together. If it was, it would have been so much easier to fall in and out of love. Simply tie a thread and cut it. But love was a messy, intricate knot. It was more and less than that, more complex and straightforward, showing different people different things. The only one thing love shared, was the fact it tied- that the bonds, however weak, still echoed after a long time. Love wasn't a simple thread. It was a plethora of them bound one to another, in a myriad of different ways. Each bond was special, and the sum of its parts was greater than the part itself. That's what made love so special. It was an equation, only it could amount to almost anything- there was no definite answer, the most beautiful and most terrifying rule of love. 

Love had no bounds. It could cut and it could heal. Destroy and create. 

But most forgot it could do both at the same time. 

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