Back to Nothing (Insanity 5)

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Time came to a halting stop, for what felt like hours, and both surrendered themselves to each other, tasting every moment. But love doesn't heal all wounds, simply closes them, numbs them, until something rips it open...And pain is an eternal thing, always there, lurking, readying itself for the pounce...

"Yiling Laozu! How DARE YOU?" a voice that Wei Wuxian both dreaded and wanted to hear jarred his ears. Wincing, he shrunk back. Sensing his discomfort, Lan Zhan put a hand on his shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze. I'm here, he seemed to say, I'll be here no matter what.  Smiling softly, Wei Wuxian turned around, seeking golden eyes. Upon finding them, his clenched heart relaxed a bit. This time, he wouldn't be alone.
"Wei Wuxian, what have you done to Lan Wangji?" Jiang Wanyin growled, glaring. Lan Wangji's head snapped up, and he shot venomous daggers at Jiang Cheng. "Wei Ying did nothing to me." His eyes were seething, and scathing. Don't you dare blindly accuse Wei Ying. Jiang Cheng suppressed a shudder at Lan Wangji's unspoken threat, but as always, his pride overtook him. 

"Wei Wuxian, truly, what have you done to him this time? Was making him despise you not enough for you? What more do you wish to do after manipulating him?"

Every word was like a slap to Wei Ying, on a long festering wound, it burned, it hurt, but if there was one thing he was used to, it would be pain. After all I've done for you. Have you ever noticed, ever cared ? Why do you keep hurting me? Each word of yours feels like a stab, numerous and countless, but somehow, I never die. You've hurt me over and over, I'm so used to this by now, I've no idea how to react.  Every one of your taunts, your insults, your mockery, feels like an ant bite, painful but tiny, over and over again. You are- no, were, my brother. But now? Even you despise me. How much more does this world want from me? How much more does it want to take, snatch and devour from me? How is it- has anyone, in this life ever truly loved me? Why is it, that in this life, next to everyone who loved me, cared for me, accepted me, was ripped away from me? The only one left is Lan Zhan. 

Subconsciously, Wei Ying's hand crept up, seeking his soulmate's, tightly squeezing it. Sensing his distress, Lan Zhan lightly squeezed it back, moving ever so slightly closer. " I've never done anything to Lan Zhan. And if you're looking for someone to vent your anger on, please go away." his voice was mere whisper, but the words were anything but.  I've had enough, his words hung unspoken, Let me go.  But the bonds of previous brotherhood still stained, lingering, the way cobwebs would, long after their spinners had left. 

"You killed my family, and you expect me to forgive you? Exactly how monstrous are you, Wei Wuxian? You took to the twisted path. YOU KILLED SHI-JIE, MA AND PA AND YOU EXPECT ME TO FORGIVE YOU AND LEAVE? "  his feature contorted in rage, his eyes burning with fury, all directed at one person. Wei. Wu. Xian. Incensed, he raised his hand, and- 

A simmer of purple fury slashed through the air, cutting- The acrid smoke filled the cavern, smelling of burnt robes and seared flesh. To Lan Zhan's horror, Wei Wuxian doubled over, clutching his chest. "Jiang...Wanyin..."he slurred through gasping breaths," You'll... regret... This... One day.... You'll see... Why... "  his voice was laced with ice, and poison. Glaring at his former Shi-di one more time, and casting a soft look at his soulmate, Wei Ying closed his eyes, letting the cave swirl into nothingness, going limp, before falling down, down and down. 

-----Lan Zhan----

Rushing forward to catch Wei Ying, terror swirled within me, bottling and flexing, when I saw Wei Ying fall. Not again. Why is it- How DARE he? Wei Ying has never done anything to him, all he'd ever given him was his love and loyalty, and yet- He DID this?  All Wei Ying had ever done was give himself up for him, this ungrateful fucking bastard. My blood simmered, and all I could say were two words. "Get lost."  

 Angered by my words, the bastard started wielding his whip, directing it at me. Using the few bits of spiritual energy left, back to Yiling. Where this mess began. Where he should be safe, at least for now. Enraged, the bastard lunged towards me with his with simmering with coiled energy. Idiot. Who does he think he is? Bichen unsheathes, deflecting his blows. Left-up, right-down, left-down, right-up. His whips keep coming, and I keep fending them off. Adrenaline burns within me, warring with logic. But he uses the same pattern, and my guard should work. Lunging forward at him, I aim for his arm, he ducks, but he is no match for Bichen. Silver slices through flesh, and I endow Bichen with spiritual energy, making sure that this hurts. Purple flashes forward, narrowly missing its mark on my face. Glaring at him, I find his eyes darkened. He looks furious, and a small , proud smile creeps up my face. That's what you get for hurting Wei Ying. His eyes are manic, frantic. His movements are getting sloppier by the seconds, while mine grow more and more aggressive. A jolt of energy jolts though my blood, and I continue this odd dance. My bones settle into familiarity, and fix my pace to his. My eyes instinctively search for his unprotected side. Bingo. moving under, I thrust my blade forward, painting it in blood , before wrenching it out of his guts. 

As Jiang Wanyin crumpled to the ground, his pupils dilated, frenzied, continuously darting to and from Lan Wangji. His hatred emanated from him in waves, but Lan Zhan couldn't care less. A macabre grin made its way up his face, twisting with loathing. "Mark my words, Lan Wangji. You may have won this time, but I'll seek Wei Wuxian out. Seek you both out, and burn your little mounds to the ground. I'll make sure you hurt, and I'll ensure that...You both go back to nothing...."


A/N: 1049 words! Again, sorry for not updating for awhile, and thank you so much for 2K reads! You've no idea how much that means to me, both this story, and those of you who took the time to read this. Meet you again next chapter ! 

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