Lotus Pier (Lovers of Light and Darkness 1)

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"Wei Wuxian! What are you doing!"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Wei Wuxian challenged. Jiang Wanyin blinked in disbelief. His brother's black and purple robes were loose, his hair clumsily tied and disheveled. Frankly, he looked like a wreck. Not to mention his lips...swollen, and bleeding. The younger one could feel heat creeping up his cheeks. "You-" Jiang Cheng broke off, unable to continue.

"I-I what?" Wei Wuxian mocked, clearly irritated. Noticing his shidi's flush, he looked down at himself, perplexed. Then. Oh. Oh. The previous night's events ran through his head, and the color of his cheeks could rival the color of roses.

"Jiang Wanyin! What the hell are you thinking?" The other idiot just stood there, blinking stupidly. Wei Wuxian inwardly groaned. Deities, no! Not this again.

"Jiang Cheng. My dear brother. Quit eyeing me, will you? I know I'm handsome, but with you staring like that... And for Heaven's sake, I was practicing my SWORDSMANSHIP." True enough, Wei Ying's fingers were wrapped securely around the pommel of a familiar, plain looking . The grip of the sword was a metallic, vivid black, adorned with a clear jade ornament, and a crimson tassel. It gleamed under the light of the moon, almost luminous. On it, two words were carved. "随便"。

But Jiang Cheng's eyes travelled to his other hand. A blade he'd rarely to never seen before lay in it. The blade seemed to be carved out of ice, almost transparent. Unlike the other sword, this one was ornate, and glowed under the moon's loving gaze, adorned with something else. A black jade pendant, as well as pristine white tassels. Craved into it were two words. "避尘"。This time, Jiang Wanyin almost choked.

"That..."he managed, "Is Lan Wangji's sword. How. The. Hell. Did you get it?!"his brains slowly trickled out of his head. "WEI WUXIAN! DON'T TELL ME YOU STOLE THAT! How are we going to explain this to the Lans? Wei Wuxian, you-" and he rambled on and on, cursing Wei Wuxian's name. Wei Ying didn't know if he should be annoyed, insulted or amused by his brother's colorful language and rather unflattering lack of trust.

"Jiang Cheng, calm down! "he yelled, chuckling, "I didn't steal it! Lan Zhan personally loaned it to me!" Jiang Cheng.exe. has. stopped. working.

Instead of being appeased, Jiang Cheng's face was drained of all color. "He...What? Just what did you do to him, Wei Ying?" in his haste, his tongue slipped, calling Wei Wuxian by his birth name instead of his courtesy name. Still, his voice held worry, and concern. Before he continued rambling, Wei Wuxian cut him off. "Nothing, just whipped him with Zidian, tied him to a tree and set the whole damn tree on fire. "

"YOU DID WHAT?" losing control of his beloved sanity, Jiang Cheng's hands hovered above his scabbard "Wei Wuxian!"
Chortling in laughter, Wei Wuxian raised his hands "I'm here, I'm here!" upon seeing his brother's seething and petrified glare, he finally relented. "For Deities' sake, I borrowed it from Lan Zhan, OK? I asked for it, and he lent it to me."

Jabbing his finger behind Jiang Cheng, he continued. "You can ask him yourself if you don't believe me. " True enough, the second Jade of Lan could be identified by the swish of blue and white robes behind the Jiang Heir.

"Lan Zhan! " turning around, Jiang Cheng met with Lan Wangji, who was focusing on a wildly-waving Wei Wuxian behind him. "Didn't I lend your sword?"


At this, Jiang Wanyin almost choked to death. Taking opportunity of this, Wei Wuxian slipped past him, snaking his hands around Lan Zhan. "Wei Wuxian, what did you do to him?"

This time, he didn't even bother to look up , replying, "Nothing. You can ask Lan Zhan and Xichen-Ge. "

"You-you..."For the umpteenth time today, the grumpy purple cat found himself at a loss for words, his eyebrows twerking in disbelief and denial. When the hell did Wei Wuxian start calling Lan Xichen Xichen-Ge? Thinking back to his brother's earlier words, half of them were nonsense. He couldn't have laid his hands on Zidian, Yu Ziyuan had been quite clear of that,much less burn the highly esteemed Second Jade of Lan, considering the very obvious fact he was right in front of him.

For the I-have-no-idea-what-time it was that day, Wei Wuxian's name scared all the birds within Lotus pier, and within a hundred-metre radius of Yunmeng off. Jiang Cheng's eyebrows kept quirking, and a vein, (or perhaps three), popped at his temple, while he did the infamous facepalm again, shooting daggers at his brother, before the faint sound of metal scraping against scabbard could be heard. But as Jiang Wanyin charged forth, ready, he was sent reeling back by a unknown force, a warning. As he looked to those two, he saw Wei Ying's sky-grey eyes simmer red, like stars sparking. Lan Zhan's silver eyes flashed gold, and his guqin was before him. A shrill note sang out, and Jiang Wanying was sent spiraling back by the sheer power. Those two. His eyes dilated in mild pain, and widened in surprise.

"Don't hurt Wei Ying."


A/N: 853 words! Hey guys! Here's the start of another story. I've had this idea in my head for awhile, but I hadn't had the courage to post it yet, so here it is! 

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