unknown and unspoken

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There were many bindings in life, many threads that bound one to another. Some were bound for all eternity while others were eternal bounds. Some spanned through ventures, others through a short lifetime, some in life, while others were only discovered in death. But it was a secret, a common and large one that only a soul of the purest or the most tainted, would be able to come back once a year, every year, to meet its beloved. The story of two long lost lovers who had been ripped apart by the shadowy sinews of death, that kept both of them captive. One would die at the hands of a brother, while the other would live on only to die from a joyful heart.

And he stood from afar, watching as the other stepped past, clothed in a stunning suit. Licking his lips, Wei Ying swallowed looking at the white silk that encompassed his flawless skin, his eyes tracing over every line and crevice until he met a pair of golden eyes. They were oddly solemn, devoid of anything but sorrow. His eyes were the same gaping abyss Wei Wuxian remembered falling for, only this time, it was truly empty, with nothing in them to catch him.

He wanted nothing more than to run up to him, to grab him by the shoulders and crash his lips onto his, the way he'd done so many times before. But as he looked down at himself, all he could see was a translucent silhouette, as clear and as pretty as the name that danced on his lips, the name of the flawless Jade Prince...

Lan Zhan, can you hear me? His heart quickened again, and for a moment, it was as if he were alive again. But the impermeable barrier that separated them terrified him, causing him to freeze in between. Do you still remember me?

The Ice Prince pause perceptibly in his steps, turning around as if he sensed a presence. His gilt eyes swept over the pillars Wei Wuxian hid behind, as hollow as the world that he'd lost at his fingertips. A feeling of hope surged within Wei Wuxian as Lan Zhan's eyes widened but quickly fell as the other turned around and continued walking.

Still, he held onto the thread that bound him to Lan Zhan, feeling it under his papery white fingers. The ribbon was oddly silky, like that of the Lan forehead ribbon, but it was iridescent with odd edges of red in the corners, the same crimson as the ribbon that bound his hair, like the mauve that once stained his clothes.

Suddenly, he heard familiar footsteps shuffling behind him, as loud and as brash as their owner. Purple robes came into view, one with an angsty teenager that had since grown into a brash young man, his actions and words as tough as his heart were. If you asked Wei Wuxian years ago, he'd have told you that his mean demeanour was only a mask to the softness that lay within.

Now, though, he didn't know what to think of it, to make of the brother he'd once loved so dearly. But that face only brought back nightmares, the bitter taste of ashes fresh on his lips, bitter bile churning in his stomach the same way it had done years ago. He bit down on his tongue, swallowing the liquid metal that scorched through his throat, burning it from within. Greek fire.

He hadn't been the first one to poison the infamous Yiling Laozu. There were brazenly daring ones who'd attempted to poison him in the few years he'd lived as Yiling Laozu and many more who'd cursed his name, who awaited his downfall with the same sickly sweet poison in which Orpheus awaited Eurydice, tantalizing sweet and refreshingly bitter.

I knew I'd die someday, I just didn't know it'll be him. Still, his heart clung onto the poison ivy vines he'd set up in the Garden of Eden, waiting with renewed breath.

"Lan Zhan!" A sonorous, angry voice rang out. For some reason, the voice was jarring to Wei Wuxian's ears, and something about the way Jiang Cheng said Lan Wangji's name irked him, a sharp shard of anger making it's way to his heart. Don't call him that. Only I get to do that.

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