my home (happier than ever finale)

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When he woke up again, he was no longer on the cold hard floor. Instead, soft pillows cushioned his head, along with a feather-like mattress that made him feel like he was floating on clouds. This...this isn't my apartment, is it? His vision blurred before him, and his head felt like it had been cleaved open. Unfamiliar bluish-white walls filled his vision, and he felt his brain scatter over, a familiar scent sweeping over him. Hints of cream and wood infiltrated his senses, filling up the empty bits of his heart with some cotton, like water trickling through a sieve, that warmed his insides.

A vaguely familiar face appeared before the periphery of his vision, pale and drawn. For some reason, the face sent his heart racing, the blue ribbon tied around his forehead, almost like a god in old Wuxia novels he read. If he was a god, Wei Wuxian thought, he'd be the God of Light or the God of the Ocean.

Wei Wuxian ah, Wei Wuxian. Shouldn't you remember who he is? A voice in his mind taunted, sending shivers up his spine. He jerked up reflexively, almost forgetting that there was someone leaning above him. Luckily, the figure moved back quickly enough that Wei Wuxian's forehead barely grazed his, and there wasn't a scratch, instead of the nasty bruise that would have most likely occurred.

As his vision cleared, he saw a pair of familiar gilt eyes looking at him intently, brimming with concern and worry. Lan..." Lan Zhan," the words tumbled out of his lips instinctively, and the sudden realisation hit him.

Shit. His eyes widened, and he clapped his hand over this mouth, too afraid to speak, especially not to his estranged boyfriend. Guilt bubbled within him, overflowing him and drowning him. Dread pooled in his stomach and he barely dared to raise his head. Deliberately avoiding the other's eyes. He hadn't talked to him in a week, not since...their fight.

Memories flooded Wei Wuxian's already riddled mind, and he could see himself again. Rain thumped to the floor in small waves, soft whimpers in the background as he narrowed his eyes at Wangji, his heart throbbing. The tears in his eyes didn't help either, the salty taste intermingling with the sour taste of rainwater on his lips. I don't want to talk about it, Wangji. Please stop. But the determined look in his lover's eyes told him otherwise, the silent fury in his eyes speaking volumes. Please...I know what you're going to ask me to do. Please don't do it. I don't want to do it. I can't. You know that. He swallowed harshly, looking up at Lan Zhan from under drenched lashes. For some reason, Wangji looked ethereal, at odds with the bleak situation they were standing in. His silk shirt clung onto every dip and curve of his body, his long ebony hair damp. Hanging down the sides of his face like silk sheets. It framed his beautiful face, accentuating the molten gold of his eyes, along with the silent fury that raged on inside them, directed at a certain purple lotus."I want you to leave him, Wei Ying. He's not good for you."

Every word thudded into Wei Ying's heart like a dull arrow, putting into words the thoughts he'd had for a very long time, but never dared to voice out. He hated the way Jiang Cheng clung onto him like yellow dodder, draining the life out of him. His love for his brother was bittersweet and sweetly sickening, the same way a cage was a home and a prison to a bird. It sickened and infuriated him, the same way it brought him closer and further from his brother. He felt suffocated by it, but the voices in his head only grew louder as he protested. But you're worse, aren't you? A devious voice hissed harshly in the back of his mind. It's your fault he became like this. He's your responsibility. The voice brushed against his memories, sounding oddly like one Wei Wuxian hadn't heard in ages. One that belonged to a fierce woman, long gone and long-buried, six-feet under. You're worthless, the voices bristled, hissing and taunting. Pain shot through his mind, causing him to spasm and shake. Fear pounded through his veins the same way cold spread through his stomach. I want out, he thought. I want this to stop. As the voices grew louder, a scar on his back started throbbing, engraved with the motif of a serpent.

Mdzs OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora