real life update

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                             exams are coming soon, and I really have to focus on school, so I might not be able to update on time. I'll still try to, but no promises, other than the few for different stories I might have made... You guys can remind me of them here, too!

Oh,'s a random excerpt of a new idea I had... ( Sorry, I know stories are best without spoilers, but I couldn't help myself...)

"I'd sell my own bones, for sapphire stones, cause blue is your favourite colour..."

"Wei-Ge! What are you writing?" Almost immediately, Nie Huaisang ran up, snatching the book out of his hands.

"Oi!" Wei Wuxian reached out, trying to grab the book back, a stubborn pink flush creeping up his cheeks- "Return me the book!"

Nie Huaisang grinned, eyes gleaming in amusement. "No, Wei- Ge. We said no promises, right? Well, this is just one of them..." Cheekily, he glanced back to the page, ignoring the exasperated gremlin, holding him back in place with odd arm strength.


As Nie Huaisang's keen emerald eyes danced across the page, they widened in shock. Every page was written in Wei Wuxian's messy, ornate script, but he could see the effort put into it. Almost as if he were practicing calligraphy, but every page was crammed with love poems. Some Nie Huaisang recognized, and the rest could only have been those of Wei Ying's creation. His throat went dry. "Who is this...for?"

Wei Wuxian gulped, turning his head away to avoid making eye contact with the devious friend of his. "Flip to the next page…"

End of it! Does anyone want this in full? 

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