i dont care anymore

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"You-" Jiang Cheng's temper flared up, along with his nostrils. Zidian crackled to life behind him, sending Wei Wuxian flinching.
"I what?" He retorted on pure reflex, voice soft but firm, though tired. Eyebags lined his eyes, his silver eyes starting to dim. Not that his brother could see it. No, Jiang Cheng only saw what he wanted to. Unable to help himself, Wangji hid behind the door, hoping to eavesdrop on the conversation. Wei Ying hadn't seemed like himself lately, and Wangji couldn't help but think that the Jiang Heir had something to do with it. Jiang Wanyin was getting on his nerves, and he wasn't particularly nice to his brother at strategic meetings, either. Always dismissing his ideas and throwing him to the wolves, even though Lan Zhan was convinced and impressed by Wei Wuxian's strategies and plans. And that wasn't easy, considering Wangji had been strategizing since the age of seven.

"You what?"
"Yes, that's what I said," Wei Ying's voice was barely a whisper, exhausted and heavy. Wangji imagined he could see the weight on his shoulders, though there was nothing on them, only a slouch of back that bore the heavy burden hoisted on Wei Wuxian's shoulders.
"You still dare to ask me? You prance into the meeting, spouting your nonsense, and you still dare ask me why I'm mad at you?"
Wei Ying rubbed his temples and eyes tiredly. "It wasn't nonsense, Wanyin. It was strategy. Even Lan Zhan approved of them."

Jiang Chen scoffed, rolling hi eyes. Wangji bristled at the blatant disrespect but couldn't help but notice the change of term he used. Jiang Cheng became Jiang Wanyin...

"That fool? He's only a child prodigy because of that esteemed uncle of his," Jiang Wanyin rolled his eyes, as if to prove a point. Lan Zhan hoped they rolled out of his head someday. Maybe then he'd  be useful as an experiment.

"And we haven't even got to you. Always so reckless, so carefree, showing off as if you own the place- you're only alive because of my father, you know? You're a son of a bitch. So don't think you can ever replaceme, because I am and always have been better than you." At this, Lan Zhan's temper started to flare up. What gibberish was he speaking? Wei Ying was better than him by  MILES. His own plans were flawed, fatally so, and atrocious, the sheer AUDACITY he had trying to tell Wei Ying that, when he was inferior to him in the ways that mattered, that counted. Lan Zhan’s heart hurt for Wei Ying, and the sullen, lost expression in his eyes irked him, disturbing the depths of his soul.

"Don't call me that, Jiang Wanyin. I've had enough of this. I don't care what you think anymore. You can try to kill me as many times as you want, but just remember,"

"It doesn't matter to me anymore."

A/N: no proper update this time, but here's a drabble to fill the gap while you guys wait- I have a few in my head, but exams and a few arguments with my good buddies procrastination, anxiety and insomnia will mean you guys have to wait. Again, sorry for the delay!

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