Maybe (Insanity Part 7)

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"Wei Ying?" 

at the sound of that voice, Wei Ying's eyes widened as his turned around.
"Lan Zhan." Was all he could manage , but the other understood. After all, he'd spent a lifetime with few words, listening to the anguish behind his words, his raw emotions were enough. Silently, he stepped towards him, bringing him closer. The other shivered under his embrace, subconsciously burrowing into him, into his warmth. As Lan Zhan's warm, secure arms surrounded him, Wei Ying subconsciously untensed, relaxed as he let himself go, only to find his heart tensing at the thought of the little bundle in his fingers, wrapping his arms tightly over him- his son, even if he wasn't officially so. A-Yuan

"I...I failed him, Lan Zhan..." He hiccupped, gulping down his sobs, "I promised him...that-that I wouldn't let him go, would protect him-but I had to, and now," pausing, he swallowed visibly, "He's gone." 

Visibly stiffening, his whole body wad now wrecked with sobs, "I hid him under the tree when I went, scared that something bad would happen- I told them to hide, but they wouldn't listen, but when I came back, he was gone. They were gone, and it's all my fault." Too simple, the way he put it. Not when they'd been massacred in cold blood- All of them, Granny Wen, Uncle Five, and right after killing A-Ning and Wen Qing too. And it was all his fault. He'd failed to protect them, he'd left them, he'd done such a poor job- 

The tears continued flowing out of Wei Ying like a river, and the sight of him like this broke Lan Zhan's heart. The Wens...those they killed hadn't deserved to die, and even in the short time he'd been with them, their sincerity, their familial love and concern washed off Lan Zhan in waves, and his heart soured, his pain mixed with bitterness and anger. But, his bitterness and anger slowly reclined, and all he could manage was to pat his soulmate, in hopes of reassuring him. Wordlessly, he coaxed Wei Ying, trying to hand A-Yuan over, so he could take one last look at the kid he'd often dreamed of as his son, that he may not have vocalized but loved, that both of them loved. 

Needless to say, he failed. All he succeeded in doing, was making Wei Ying clutch him closer to his chest, eyes swollen and puffy, mouth set into a grim line as tears dripped onto the cloth that held him. He grasped onto the child in his hands as if there was no tomorrow, and his grief was indescribable, if the tremors on the ground were any proof of his anger. "Pass him to me, Wei Ying," he pleaded, his voice oddly raw, "please." His voice scraped pass his throat, filled with rare emotion. He looked deep into his soulmate's ebony eyes, searching and explaining. No words were needed.  Not when it came to him. Not when it came to them. 

Finally, Wei Wuxian relented, handing him into his arms with so much care, Lan Zhan could feel something shattering within him. It reminded him of a house decorated buy purple and blue blossoms again, but this was not the time to reminisce.  Not in that way, anyways. 

As the little bundle that held both their hearts passed his hands, Lan Wangji couldn't hide or help the indescribable sorrow that shot through him, that partially numbed him. It was overwhelming, and only made him more and more afraid. Not just for Wei U=Ying, or for A-Yuan, but also for the rest of the people. 

If they can do this, he thought, under the false name of justice, what else could they do?  How many, bitterness rose within him, would believe this foolishness, and lose everything to it?  He couldn't fathom the thought of losing any more than he already did. With A-Yuan gone, he only had two things left to lose. Two people. His worldly possessions never mattered much to him anyway, exactly like his name predicted. Staring blankly at the child in his arms, he parted the cloth, putting his tiny body closer to his face. Thump, thump. It was very faint, but he could have sworn he heard something. Could it be?  In disbelief, he put his ear to A-Yuan's chest, above his heart. Yes. There it was. Thump, thump, thump. He could feel the faintness of his heartbeat, but still- relief and joy soared through him, but the boy's cold, limp body terrified him beyond words. 

"Wei Ying....He's alive."  

At this, the former's eyes flew open. "Lan Zhan! Don't joke at this ti-" But his words fell away looking at his deadly serious face, in which shone nothing but sincerity. No, it couldn't be- but maybe? 


A/N: 796 words! He guys, I'm not sure how many sorrys I'm going to say, but I'm sorry for not updating lately. I'm currently working on a original story, so some of you know from my message board and profile I won't be updating that often. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and TYSM for 5K! It's been so long since I got to do this- anyways, I wish you guys all the best, and I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read. Oh, and happy birthday to WANGangelXIAN  I'll take my leave now- *bows* 

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