trade drinks but you don't even know her (Wish you were sober 3)

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Wei Ying let out a shaky sigh of satisfaction, pulling the cup away from his lips. He grinned widely, eyes darting over to Lan Zhan. Eyes glittering, he raised his glass to Wangji, proclaiming "To us!"

A smile snaked over Wangji's face too quickly for him to process, but he raised his glass, clinking it with his. He stared intently at the other, golden eyes deep with unspoken yearning, brimming with affection. "To us," he whispered fervently, though he was sure the other could hear him, the same way he heard his inner music. "To whatever comes and whatever may be, we'll stand together."

The last three words sent something dizzying down Wei Ying's spine, and his silver eyes met Wangji's golden ones with the same intensity, an ember of hope burning in them, as well as unfulfilled desires. I want you, he wanted to whisper into Lan Zhan's ear. I love you. I need you. But fear only grow in his stomach, spinning it fine threads around him, cutting into him. You're so close, but so far. The intensity of their gazes felt like lightning, electrifying and terrifying. A confession played at Wei Wuxian's lips, but something held him back, restraining him. I won't ever be enough, will I? Who'd want a shattered boy, a flawed boy? Someone like you deserves more...

I adore you so much it hurts. I love you so much, Lan Zhan. But you'll never know. Never hear my thoughts, my ideas, the way I'm so completely myself when I'm with you, the way I can't when I'm with anyone else. I love that about you.

That's the one thing you can't take away from me.

Finally, he resurfaced from the bleakness of his thoughts, shakily answering "Together. We'll be together through thick and thin. I promise."

But Wangji could sense the shift in his eyes, the darkness that had almost taken over. Hesitantly, he brushed his fingers over the other's softly massaging his. A soft gasp of surprise ripped past his lips, but he relaxed at the touch. Lan Zhan rarely touched anyone voluntarily, but when he did, it was always comforting. Wei Ying savoured his soft butterfly touches, especially when he knew Wei Ying was anxious. He looked at him in concern now, and Wei Ying could only muster a weak smile. His heart fluttered desperately in his chest. As desperately as he tried to pull away, telling him not to love Lan Zhan was like telling him not to breathe, only worse. It was as futile as trying to catch the petals of cherry blossom with a container without a base.

It was as stupid as some characters were dense. Dense to a point you could throw a brick at them, have their love interest murder the culprit and confess their undying love for them, and they would not realise.

Instead, Wei Wuxian smiled sappily, leaning into his touch. Some days he wanted nothing more than to entwine their hands. He craved the feeling of warm hands on his, callused from the meticulous swordplay the other did, as well as the beautiful melodies he played on the guqin, callused yet soft fingers slipping over supple strings. Wei Ying wondered what it'd be like to have those fingers tracing over his skin, brushing his lips. But that wasn't for now, and he pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind. Though it was never truly gone, just sitting in the shadows, waiting. Wangji squeezed his hand reassuringly, and his fears dissipated. I have him here, he thought. I have him here with me.

And that's enough for now because I can't call him mine.


Suddenly, a maiden brushed past, winking flirtatiously at Wei Wuxian. The hand on Wei Ying's hand stiffened for a moment, before silently withdrawing. Wei Wuxian hated the loss of warmth on his skin, the way his touch lingered without actually being there, not when Lan Zhan was so close. Still, he forced a smile, looking up at the lady. Not that it would have taken him much effort if he was into anyone other than the Second Jade of Lan.

Still, she was an object of art. Her hair was delicately piled up, drawn into an elegant bun. It showcased her pale neck, and the numerous pears dangling off it. Her hair was a stunning chestnut brown. But her eyes- her eyes were like opals, a beautiful mosaic of iridescent colours, that seemed to glitter and glow under the neon lights. But Wei Wuxian found her as attractive as he found a painting attractive, and Lan Zhan... He shot daggers at her, And Wei Wuxian could feel the force of his glare slicing the side of his face. To his utter surprise, the lady did not react Wangji's glares, giggling softly. She stepped forward, leaning out. Power pulsed from her, intoxicating and suffocating, just like her strong jasmine perfume was. There was something elusive about her, something that sent shivers running down Wei Wuxian's spine. It was almost as if she were otherworldly, with unnaturally smooth skin, and cheeks so pale they looked drained. Wei Wuxian felt cold sweat trickling down his spine. Quickly, he glanced back to Wangji for help, but the other was too preoccupied battling the back of her head to notice. 蓝湛,救我吧。。。

But fingernails tapped against the rim of his glass, causing him to flinch slightly. "What do you want?" the words pushed past his lips reflexively, and he quickly covered his mouth. Shit, that was rude. Will she murder me?

But the macabre smile on her lips remained, her energy shifting to one of excitement. "I wanted to swap drinks," she replied boldly, throwing a winning grin, "If you're open to it, that is. I got sick of drinking wine."

Wei Wuxian let out a mental sigh of relief, and he felt his shoulders relax slightly. He leaned back onto the back of his seat, smiling when he felt gilt eyes following him. "Sure, I guess. Just put your drink down, you can take my other one."

She moved languidly, swapping the drinks with efficiency, though not before leaning down to whisper in his ear. "You found a good soulmate, young man. Don't let him go."

"There's something in the drink, for the both of you. Take it when you think you'll use it."

With that, she slipped away, leaving Wei Wuxian gaping. Warmth pooled in his stomach as he turned his attention back to his best friend. Soulmate, soulmate, soulmate. The word reverberated in his mind like a broken mantra, and everything came rushing to him. It hit him like a ton of bricks, a stunning realisation against the brilliance and bleakness of night, his heart became clearer than ever.

After all, it was only with the heart one could see clearly.

Wangji opened his mouth to speak but paused when he saw the two things that thudded into Wei Wuxian's open palm. A glint of the silver band met his eyes, along with another of carved onyx. The silver ring had golden beryl embedded in it, as well as an odd stone that seemed to change colour under the neon lights, going from crimson to icy blue, painted with dashes of lilac. A similar stone embedded the onyx ring, only it was accompanied by a ruby instead. Wangji's saliva dried in his throat as he stared at the rings. They looked oddly familiar. Too familiar, especially when the last time those rings had been seen were centuries ago.

Belonging a pair of lovers who'd been separated harshly, fated only to reunite once every year, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

Legend had it that the rings would reappear again, once they found a couple worthy enough to bear the rings. But each ring held a different power. One with the ability to create, the other with the ability to destroy. 

A/N: 1319 words! This is definitely longer than I wanted, but I'm an idiot through and through- bear with me- I hope you guys enjoy this update! I'll get to the other stories soon-  thank you guys so much for reading! 
Feel free to comment, I look forward to reading them!

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