Doctor's note ( Unspoken Words 3)

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Before Wei Wuxian’s head could hit the ground with a splitting crack, Lan Wangji shot out of the carriage, holding his arms out just in time to catch him. His worry-filled eyes intensified with concern, intermingled with fear. Shit. Shit. Wei Ying’s skin was burning hot to the touch, and Wangji couldn’t be bothered with proprietary any longer. “He’s burning up!” he yelled, uncharacteristically snapping at Jiang Cheng.  “Where’s the closest healer? We need to get to them now!”

Jiang Cheng woke up from his reverie at that, his shock from getting yelled at subsiding quickly hearing his urgency. Jumping out of the carriage, he started giving the chariot driver directions, quickly leading them into the grounds of the Sect Hall.

Holding his beloved’s frail body, Lan Zhan couldn’t help but notice how light he’d become- even an eight-year-old was heavier than him! His skin was pallid, too white. His breathing grew more and more shallow, and fear ran through Lan Wangji’s veins. Unable to stop himself from whispering under his breath, his heartbeat quickened, all while he murmured the same line over and over again along to the beat of his heart. “Wei Ying, please be fine.” 

So engrossed was he in his fear, that he failed to notice they were already here. In his haste, he softly kissed the forehead of the boy he loved most before setting him down gently. If Jiang Wanyin found it odd, he didn’t show it. The Lotus’ face was full of panic, infused with uncharacteristic anxiety. But before either of them could say a word, they were quickly ushered out by Wen Qing. Jiang Cheng had employed the skilled healer after his brother’s disappearance.

Looking at the shattered boy on the bed, Wen Qing hurried to work.
Hours slipped past like days the whole time Wei Wuxian was in the room with Wen Qing. Lan Wangji and Jiang Wanyin soon found themselves joined by Jiang Yanli, who was beside herself knowing A-Ying’s condition. Even the Peacock came down, albeit slightly begrudgingly to ask after him. While Jiang Cheng resented him slightly, his presence helped Yanli slightly, appeasing her. Nonetheless, Jiang Wanyin offered their guest a tour of Lotus Pier out of politeness, only to be turned down by a slight shake of the head. So the four simply spent their time outside the door, pacing up and down the corridors. Oddly enough, no one questioned the presence of Lan Wangji.


Behind the wooden frame of the door, Wen Qing was on the brink of panicking. Wei Wuxian! Seeing his mangled body, she found it a miracle that he was still alive. Gingerly, she removed his robes to better survey his body, though not before throwing a towel over him to protect his decency. The fabric parted with a sickening rip, unleashing a whole other inferno. Any muscles he once had were now put on display, collapsed.

Protruding ribs met her line of vision, a good number of them broken. But his skin- there were gashes of all sorts on his skin, some mere scratches deep cuts. The putrifying smell of rotting flesh hit her senses, stinging her eyes. Amidst the sea of crimson, curling bruises of red and purple lingered, and pus oozed out, trickling down freely. He was almost skeletal. Looking over at his ashen face, she couldn’t help but sigh, something knotting in her stomach. Wei Wuxian ah, Wei Wuxian. Just what have you done to yourself this time? In all truth, she was better off not knowing.

Just as she was about to send a diagnostic spell over him, he started thrashing. Beads of perspiration clung to the side of his burning forehead. I can’t work like this. But looking at the pained expression on his face, she couldn’t help but wonder what he was dreaming of. Seeing him hurt, her heart stung. Gently, she put a finger on the left side of his hot forehead, sending a wave of cultivation energy to put him out of his misery. No response. How the hell was that possible? It was virtually unheard of for a cultivator to be non-responsive to cultivation, much less one of his calibre. Not unless- don’t think about it first. Instinctively, she pressed on the centre of his forehead, the Yin Tang, until he stilled.

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