19 but you talk 25 now (wish you were sober 2)

256 19 20

But that was years ago, and both of them had long since grown up. The light in Wei Wuxian's eyes had long since dimmed, safe for the sparks that only came to life when Lan Zhan stepped close. His smiles grew scarce. Well, his true smiles did, becoming less and less apparent. They were something of a mystery now, something that was only solved when Wangji or Yanli was around, but sometimes even his dear Shijie couldn't bring a smile out of him. Wangji knew something had changed within his beloved Wei Ying too. He could see it in the way Wei Wuxian flinched whenever his brother came close, whenever the spawn of the Devil named Wen Chao stepped close. He wanted nothing more than to wipe the self-serving smile off the bastard's face, especially when his crimson eyes roamed all over the younger with a hunger that would have sent anyone running. Something about the way he looked at his Wei Ying unsettled Wangji, who shot daggers at him.

Oddly enough, Wei Wuxian never bothered to confront him. He simply ignored him, letting the words tumble on him. And Wangji loathed it. Hated the sexual innuendos that fell out of the Wen Heir's lips, that quickly turned into veiled threats. Hated the way he talked to Wei Ying like he had a claim on him. Hated the bestiality in his eyes, his teeth drawn back to form a gruesome smile, one that closely resembles a wolf's snare, drools spilling out of the corners of his lips. He was lucky Lan Wangji kept his temper on a very tight leash, or else his face would be acquainted with a fist that would leave his face throbbing and bleeding for days.

So when Wei Ying asked him to join him at a party where he knew Wen Chao would be there, his first answer was a sharp "No. You're not going."

But damn, his knees went weak when the other pleaded with him, something about the way his eyes widened to the size of open saucers, lips curved into a pout. Wei Ying's pull was irresistible to him, and he adored the way the other drew him in, like a moth drawn to a flame. Of course, there were also moments he deliberated, oscillating between going with what he wanted and what he knew was safe.

But Wei Ying was safe. Wei Ying was home, even if he didn't know it yet.

And that was how he found himself here, accompanying the other to a party.

Loud music drowned his senses, and he felt his ears throbbing. Internally, he cringed at how loud it was, music blaring and raucous laughter ringing in his ears, until he heard a soft chuckle. Unlike the others, this one sent warmth up his stomach. A paper-light touch lingered over his arms, pulling him closer to him. "Lan Zhan! You came!"

Wei Ying chirped happily, his eyes glittering with excitement, something that Wangji hadn't seen in a while. He felt the corners of his lips threaten to turn up, his heartbeat quickening as it always near him, the crimson on the back of his ears only intensifying as the younger linked his arms with his. He looks so amazing, he thought. And he did. The other was dressed in a pair of faded blue ripped jeans, along with a red ribbed shirt that clung onto him, fraying the edges of Wangji's self-control. To top it off, the younger one threw on a black leather jacket over it, full of sleek silver zippers that suited him well, matching his eyes handsomely. His grey eyes had long since turned silver, just like the silver blades and daggers he carried.

On the other hand, Wangji was wearing a half-buttoned short sleeve shirt over a plain blue t-shirt, paired with a pair of navy slacks. A golden ring adorned his right ear, a crimson ruby dangling down. For a moment, Wei Wuxian lost his ability to speak, saliva drying in his throat. Is he even human? He could pass as a god like this- he shook his head mentally. Lan Wangji ah, Lan Wangji- why don't you wear casual clothes more often? But half of his mind told him to shut up and just enjoy the sight, reveling in the way he looked, the flush in his ears growing ever so prominent.

Looking at his response, Wei Wuxian broke out into a grin, dragging the older along with him. "C'mon, let's get something to drink!"

Flashing lights blinded Wangji as Wei Wuxian made his way through the crowd, unwashed bodies dancing against one another, sending goosebumps up Wangji with every brush of skin that wasn't Wei Ying's. Let me get away from them as soon as possible, please. The familiar scent of alcohol filled the air, along with the salty smell of sweat creating a sickening concoction that Wangji was certain would give him a headache later, diffused only by the familiar scent of apples and pomegranates, mixed with the heady hint of sandalwood. Wei Ying turned for a moment, and their gazes interlocked for a moment. Wangji thought he'd lost his ability to breathe. For some reason, his feelings seemed to accelerate tonight, his heart pounding hard enough against his ribcage, that he feared it would come open with a shudder. He's so gorgeous, he thought. At some point, he knew someone would whack him for calling Wei Ying gorgeous. He was meant to be called handsome. But he was, the way pink splayed over his cheeks like a tender hand, spilling over his freckles, even under neon lights.

This party's shit, wish we could dip. Go anywhere but here-

I love him, Wangji realised. His heartbeat seemed to thrum in his ears. Suddenly, the party seemed oddly stupid, not when he realised what truly mattered to him, more than anything else. Everything around him seemed to dim as compared to Wei Ying, and his breath rapidly caught up. But of course, nothing lasts forever, and Wei Wuxian had to drag him to a bar. Almost immediately, a bartender popped up in front of him. Random lyrics started to play through his mind, oddly familiar yet foreign.

"What can I get you?" the bartender bantered, a wide grin plastered over his face. Wei Wuxian smiled, settling down in one of the seats. Wangji warily eyed them before settling down, cautiously crossing his legs. He silently glared at the bartender, hoping he didn't make a move on Wei Ying. It made him feel bad, but he couldn't help it. It explained the jealousy bubbling in his stomach every time someone came too close to Wei Ying, which he tried and failed to press down on. Don't take a hit, please kiss my lips.

"I'll have a single malt whisky, please." Wei Wuxian jerked his head towards Lan Zhan, smirking. "Any non-alcoholic drink suggestions for him?"

Wangji swore his heart fluttered at that, the way he remembered, without trying to convince him to drink. The bartender barely looked his way, raising his eyebrows at Wangji. "For him?"

He jerked his thumb towards Wangji, causing him to bristle. Sullenly, he glared at him. Wei Ying seemed to notice the tension since he quickly dissolved into laughter. "Yes, him. He's the one here with me. Who else could it be?"

The bartender seemed to stiffen, before letting out loose laughter. He smiled falsely, at Lan Wangji. "I'm so sorry, Sir. I'll get the vanilla milkshake for you then."

Wei Wuxian smiled back with false friendliness, draping his arm around Lan Zhan. "Thanks, dude. I'll get two of that." The words tumbled out of his mouth so naturally, it was almost as if he belonged here. Oddly enough, he sounded older. The bartender seemed to get the odd hint in his voice, fumbling immediately to get the drinks. Lan Zhan simply took the opportunity to look at the other, the way pink painted his cheeks a pretty coral.

A pair of cups clinked against the glass table, whisky sloshing over the edges of the cup. Wei Wuxian rubbed his hands hungrily, grabbing the glass and downing it. Froth clung onto the corners of his lips, and golden liquid sloshed sloppily at the sides. Lan Zhan simply stared on, enamoured, his drink forgotten and the song in his mind seemed to pause and replay...

Nineteen, but you act twenty-five now
Knees weak, but you talk pretty fly, wow
Ripped jeans and a cup that you just downed


A/N: as you can tell, this Oneshots series is based on the song, Wish You Were Sober-  NebulusCharlie ,here's the update you wanted! Hopefully it's long enough for you- AnnaFlotildaDesales ManuAndhale chocolatewithtea CynthiaBorrego , here's the update for all of you! *Sending hugs*  And to all my dear readers and Jies, hopefully this is enough to quench your thirst for now- feel free to comment! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter! ❤️

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