Sisters and Soulmates (Unspoken Words 5)

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Back in the room, Jiang Yanli had taken up Wei Wuxian's other side. She was currently stroking his matted hair under Lan Wangji's watchful gaze, which dipped and traced over the patient. His golden eyes were full of fear and relief, both of which ran through his veins as he grabbed onto Wei Wuxian's bony hands, giving it a tight squeeze. Wei Ying, please come back soon. I'll stay here by your side until you do. But the boy on the bed didn't stir, not moving an inch. Please? I will do anything to get you back.

In another world, those words were whispered in trepidation and caution. Caution that was thrown to the wind, especially with young lovers caught up in romance. Though for now, it did not matter to Wangji how long it took or how different he might be when he woke up. No, he just wanted his soulmate back, awake and happy. Wanted the shattered boy in front of him mended, no matter how long it took or how much effort it would take. The Second Jade of Lan would have moved the oceans and challenged the gods if it made the battered boy happy. However, Wangji was stubborn, and self-deprecating thoughts started trickling in, nibbling at the edges of his control.

Jiang Yanli sensed this in the unnatural silence that enveloped them, drawing her attention away from her brother. Wangji felt her eyes on him like a soft embrace. Wangji stiffened slightly, unused to the gentleness. "Second Childe Lan," Her voice was calm and soothing, "May I call you Wangji?"

He momentarily froze, drawn out of his reverie. His head snapped up, only to find her smiling back at him fondly. Kindness encompassed her features. Something about her soothed him, even as the familiar, odd name danced on her lips. Something about the way she said it put him at ease. No one had called him that, not for a very long time.No one other than Brother, and even then, he tended to use his title." Sure," he breathed out, "Can I call you Shijie, then?"

The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. This time, it was Yanli's turn to look shocked. " Sure."

Her look of surprise quickly turned into one of mischief, not unlike the one Wei Wuxian carried around. He turned his attention back to Wei Ying, his paperwhite fingers threading and combing through his hair. He could feel his heart becoming warmer by the minute, though his stomach clenched with worry.

Yanli grinned, looking at the loving scene before her. Why not prod him? She thought to herself, an impish idea taking root within her. "You like him, don't you?"

Her question caught him off-guard. He almost dropped Wei Wuxian's hand. Heat crept up behind his ears, slowly building up. Was it that obvious?

She chuckled, her fingers stopping in their tracks, where she massaged her brother's face. He cupped his mouth with his hand, embarrassed. Did I say that out loud? Seeing his frantic expression, Yanli ceased laughing. Though mischief sparked in her eyes, along with a sly glint of amusement. "Don't worry, Wangji. I can't read minds, but it's obvious in your expression."

My expressions? Next to no one seems to be able to read them. It almost scared him how easily she read him, at least when it came to his true feelings for the other. Almost. But not really, since he wasn't making much of an effort to hide them. Did she know earlier? He wondered. She's barely surprised at all. Why not give her a surprise? He mentally grinned, careful not to let any emotions seep through his face.

"I wasn't aware I had any." He responded seriously, his face ever-so-stoic. Yanli burst out laughing, and Wangji felt the corners of his lip turn up, even if it was just for a while. Pride bloomed in his chest. He had finally made someone smile. But...How I wish that wasn't true, he thought. After all, it had been drummed into him never to show any expressions, to show any outward signs of struggle or joy. It was better to hide, he remembered, the voice in his mind sounding acutely like Lan Qiren's dry, wheezy drone than to show and be destroyed.

Familiar words etched into his mind danced into the periphery of his vision, haunting. Black words jumped off the page in his mind, soaking into his brain.

To love is to destroy, and to be loved is to be the one destroyed.

Was it not? Words never lied, did they?

Did they?

Suddenly, it was almost as if the world crashed on him, tipping their scales. Was...Anything he had learnt ever true? The 3000 rules of Gusu Lan flew to his mind like second nature. But this time, as he combed through them, he could no longer find any meaning beyond them. Instead, all that sprung to his mind was the old goat and his beard. The constant beratings forced him into silence. There had been no point fighting, he recalled, as tears streamed down his face, a numb pain making its way up to his back. That one fateful night in Gusu replaying over and over again.

But as he did, silence fell upon them. It was odd to see the Second Jade of Lan space out completely, oblivious to his surroundings. "Wangji, are you okay?"

Her voice dragged him out of his thoughts. Had he been Wei Wuxian, he would have forced a smile down his throat, given out a scandalous laugh, before free-spiritedly saying, "I'm fine."

But he wasn't, and he could only click his mask into place. "Yeah, I'm fine."

Jiang Yanli raised an eyebrow but decided it would be better not to press further with his obvious discomfort. Instead, she switched gears. Thinking it was over Wei Wuxian, she spoke gently. "It's not that obvious. It's just the way you look at him. It reminds me of the way I used to look at Zixuan."

Do I look? Wangji wondered as his eyes strayed back to him. But Wei Ying is so pretty. Do I look happy, adoring? Do I look happy?

"You look wistful," She continued thoughtfully, her voice lilting, "As if you want him but can't reach him. You look torn sometimes. Like you want to be someone else but you're too afraid." Her words thudded numbly like arrows into his heart.

"At least, that's what I know from Wei Ying," She jerked her head towards where her brother lay on the bed, smiling sadly."I can't tell you everything, but I can tell you this."

"Trust your instincts, your emotions. It may seem like they cloud your vision, but it's the only way you'll get through. You don't have to hide, not when you are around people you trust."

"Pretending is an exhausting thing, and it weighs down on you as heavily as it does my brothers. The three of you always think people don't notice, but I can tell you're collapsing, all three of you."

Looking at him straight in the eye, she muttered words he never thought he'd hear. " I want you to save yourselves before it's too late."


A/N:1202 words! This is an early update meant for next week- Take it as an early Chinese New Year gift! What do you guys think about this chapter? Feel free to comment!

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