crying kisses

303 21 45

This day couldn't be more of a disaster.
Not to Lan Wangji, at least.
Why, you may ask?

Because his boyfriend was crying.
Wei Ying was crying. And Wei Ying never cried.
At least, not when he could help it.

Or not in front of others. Usually, Lan Wangji would be able to cheer him up or coax him to tell him what was wrong, but they'd been standing apart in this room for what felt like hours, and Wangji still couldn't get the younger boy to talk.

The younger boy was curled up into a ball, his body heaving with sobs, and Lan Zhan wanted nothing more than to run up to him and hug him, but the younger boy simply shook his head whenever he stepped close, refusing to let Wangji touch him.

No matter what he said or how he pleaded, the boy stayed curled up in the corner, his hands curled protectively over his phone as he continued sobbing. Lan Wangji sighed, exasperated. It hurt him to see the younger boy like this, especially when it felt like there was nothing else he could do but stand there and try to support him. He hated feeling this useless, hated the pain the younger one was going through.

"Wei Ying," he pleaded softly, for what must have been the fifteenth time today, "What's wrong?"

Unlike the last fifteen times, the boy actually stirred. "Nothing," he choked out as if the words would erase the tear tracks on his face.

"It's not nothing, baby. What's wrong?"

Wei Wuxian finally looked up at him, silver eyes glittering. There was a mix of anguish in his eyes, dashed with that of anxiety and mild...embarrassment. Wangji wanted nothing more than to cross the grand chasm between them, to wipe his tears dry and hug him.

"Promise me you won't get mad at me?" He snuffled, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Promise," Wangji answered immediately. Anything to help him.

Grey eyes slanted down. "I looked at some of the comments on our old livestream today, and...there were some comments..."



Fuck. Lan Wangji had almost forgotten all about the Livestream. He'd seen some of the mean comments earlier, but he tried to keep them away from Wei Ying. He knew how much his fans meant to him, and how much the words stung.

He'd been tempted to reply back to some of them at first but ultimately decided against it. It wouldn't help either of them if he lost his temper at some uncouth idiots on the Internet. Unsure whether or not to press on, Wangji simply opened his arms, waiting.

Unlike the last few times, the younger boy instantly launched onto him, wrapping his arms around him tightly, while burrowing his face into the crook of his neck and his shoulder. Quietly, Wangji wrapped his arms around him protectively, as if he'd be able to protect him from their words. If he could somehow transfer the cruel comments, and flashing threats from the younger boy's brain, he would do it in a heartbeat.

He didn't deserve this. In the past, he'd have said that Wei Wuxian deserved the world, but the world wasn't painted only in shades of white and black but in areas of grey. There were so many things they wished to do, but would never dare to out of fear, and the world, for all of its strength and eloquence, was sometimes an awful place. The brash words, the mindless threats, and the endless tailing. As much as Wangji enjoyed the relationship he had with his fans, he couldn't help but resent the people who made their lives more difficult. Who made it terrifying. These weren't fans, though. Not at all. They could hide under that guise or facade, but Wangji knew otherwise.

On the internet, it was as easy to forget as it was to remember. Forget yourself, forget that real people lay behind the screen, listening and feeling. Forget to put on a disguise, be someone else for a moment. But he found that it was especially at these times, when no one knew who they were when people showed the most of themselves. The truth would always come back to haunt, in the end.

Mdzs OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora