lucid dreams (living ghosts part 2)

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Exhaustion seeped into his bones, consciousness ebbing away from him slowly. Long before he knew it, he was fast asleep.

That night, random visions plagued his mind. Images of two men, entangled in a fierce embrace. One of them resembled the neighbour slightly, but his eyes. They were a silvery crimson concoction, and something in Nie Huaisang stirred. He knew, somehow. That was him. He had high cheekbones, his cheeks flushed, a dash of colour to his otherwise black outfit. But that outfit- it was a mute grey hanfu, and Huaisang spied a glimpse of white inner robes. A crimson sash was tied at his waist, bringing the outfit together. His arms were slung over another boy, no, another man. They were men. Not boys. Not anymore.

The other man's inky black hair tumbled down to his waist. He looked like something out of an illustration, eyes gilt and glittering, akin to those of a dragon. There was something about his gaze that seemed to dare whoever came too close. White, silky robes adorned him, almost every inch woven with a cloud motif. He wore an outer robe of blue that Nie Huaisang could have sworn looked like the sky. It shimmered its shades of azure and blue, shifting from the deepest navy to the most gorgeous sky blue. But there was a hint of crimson when it hit the light just so. As if the robe couldn't quite decide on a colour. But there was an energy to him, power that radiated off him. It was quiet, almost untraceable, but Nie Huaisang knew sometimes the gentlest things were the most deadly.

"Lan Zhan, isn't the sky so pretty?" Hearing those words, Nie Huaisang's head snapped up, his eyes grazing the sky. The sky was a kaleidoscope of colours, not unlike the man's outer robe. It was a deep blue-black, glittering as darkly as onyx as if it were alive. He could have sworn it rippled, but the swathes were large and unforgiving, but breathtaking. An odd reminder of how small they were or seemed, against the world. The stars shone brightly, small mercies against the harshness of the night, but Huaisang couldn't have found it any more beautiful.

"Mm. But Wei Ying is prettier." The flush on Wei Ying's cheeks became more vibrant, rivalling the shade of the crimson ribbon in his hair. "Aish, Lan Zhan! Don't say stuff like that so freely...I can't ever compare to the sky,"

There was a shift in Lan Zhan's face as he turned towards him, gilt eyes darkening slightly, filled with something and so, so much desire. "But you're my world. Doesn't that count for something?"

Wei Wuxian felt his throat go dry. The other man simply grinned, and there was something brilliant about his smile. Huaisang would have said he looked stunning, but there was something about the unbridled joy in his eyes, the openness, the way the edges of his eyes creased ever so slightly seeing him as if he were trying to capture him in his memory.

Only he'd done it a million times before and would do it all over again.

For as long as he could.

Nie Huaisang felt like an intruder sitting there, but he knew something in his heart ached for them. Where was the other man now? He wondered, a sad smile creeping across his face. But the two of them seemed blissfully oblivious to his presence, simply basking in one another's undivided attention. Warm smiles crossed their faces as if they were boys ten years younger than they were now. Love had that effect, he thought. Love was timeless, no matter where you went. Because its traces followed you, no matter how far you'd gone, no matter how long you'd lived.

"And you're mine," the other boy whispered, his voice hoarse. He wrapped His arms around the other man, pulling him closer. His fingers slipped through the other man's hands, his lips hovering right above Lan Zhan's cheek with a hint of a smile. "I love you, Lan Er-Gege. I'll love you in each and every lifetime of mine. I promise."

All it took was a slight turn of the head for their lips to meet, but Lan Zhan had impeccable self-control. " I swear to love you with every inch of my soul. Take whatever you want from me. I belong to you."

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